Yeast hair mask

Thick and shiny hair, a voluminous ponytail or braid is a real decoration of a woman. The rhythm of life of a modern person does not affect the hair in the best way, they become dull and brittle, they can fall out and grow poorly. Most often, these signs indicate that the hair lacks vitamins and minerals, they need complex care. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase a special line of restorative products. Natural remedies will do this just as well as patented products. At home, it is easy to make various hair masks, the main component of which is yeast.

About the benefits of yeast

Yeast hair mask

Yeast contains a lot of vitamin B, this is their main advantage as a remedy. In addition, they have other useful properties.

Valuable properties of yeast:

  • Strengthen hair follicles;

  • Heals hair, accelerates their growth;

  • Used to prevent hair loss;

  • Get rid of dandruff, if it is not based on a fungal disease;

  • They are a source of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium), protein, vitamins, amino acids;

  • Do not overdry, but moisturize the scalp;

  • Hair becomes shiny and silky.

Yeast can be used for both treatment and prevention. A wide range of medicinal properties is more dependent on a rich vitamin composition, where each vitamin plays a role.

Valuable properties of vitamins contained in yeast:

  • B1 (thiamine) – has a positive effect on microvascular blood circulation, which stimulates the transport of oxygen and nutrition to the hair follicles;

  • B2 (riboflavin) – consumed by the body in large quantities, maintaining the shine and healthy appearance of the hair, prevents the loss of volume and salting of the roots;

  • B5 (pantothenic acid) – strengthens the roots, regulates fat metabolism;

  • B6 (folic acid) – stimulates the renewal of cells and hair, as well as the production of melanin, which counteracts early graying;

  • D – stimulates blood circulation and the absorption of minerals;

  • PP (nicotinic acid) – actively counteracts hair loss, improves blood circulation in the capillaries of the scalp.

Acting in combination with minerals and amino acids, vitamins provide nutrition and healthy hair shine.

General rules for the preparation of yeast masks

Yeast hair mask

For the preparation of masks, all types of yeast are used: raw, granulated, dry, in the form of capsules (beer). Raw yeast is the most useful, because it has a higher concentration of nutrients. To comply with the exact proportions, it must be borne in mind that 1 tsp. dry yeast is equal to 10 g of raw product.

Yeast must be fresh, “live”. To check their freshness, a pinch of yeast is mixed with water, kefir and placed in heat for 10-15 minutes. If foam appears on the surface of the liquid, then the main component of the mask is fresh.

To prepare the mask, a container is taken, the volume of which is several times greater than the initial volume of the prepared product, since the yeast retains the ability to increase the volume of liquid.

To increase the therapeutic effect, water in mask recipes is replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs. For blondes and fair-haired girls, a decoction of chamomile is perfect, for brunettes and brown-haired women – a decoction of nettle.

The general rule for all masks is that first the yeast, diluted with a liquid, must stand for 40-60 minutes, “come up”, and then the rest of the mask components are added to this mass. If a mask with such ingredients is made for the first time, an allergy test should be done – apply 2-3 drops of the solution to the elbow bend, monitor the skin reaction for an hour. If there is no redness or swelling, the mask can be safely applied to the hair.

How to properly apply a yeast mask?

Yeast hair mask

For best results, hair must be clean and freshly washed. Even better if they are slightly damp, not completely dried.

The procedure for applying and washing off the therapeutic agent:

  • Wash your hair, dry your hair, apply a mask and coat each area of ​​​​the scalp with massaging finger movements.

  • Distribute the whole mass through the hair with a comb with rare teeth, trying to do it evenly. It is advisable to avoid wetting the ends of the hair to avoid drying them out.

  • To create a thermal effect and complete fermentation of the mask components, cover the hair with plastic wrap, additionally cover with a towel.

  • Keep the mask on your head for no longer than 20-40 minutes so that it does not turn into a dried crust.

  • Rinse off the mixture applied to the hair with plain water with the addition of shampoo. You can acidify the rinsing water with lemon juice (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Masks are used in courses for at least 2 months, the frequency of procedures is weekly.

The best recipes for yeast masks

Yeast hair mask

When choosing components for a yeast mask, you need to rely on the problems that you would like to solve with its help. The proportions in the recipes are given for medium length hair. If they are longer or shorter, the volume of the ingredients decreases or increases proportionally.

  • For hydration. At 6 st. l. water add 4 tbsp. l. brewer’s yeast, egg yolk, leave warm for an hour. Within half an hour from the start of mixing the main components, add 3 drops of rosemary oil, apply for 30-40 minutes on wet hair.

  • For growth. At 6 st. l. warm yogurt add 4 tbsp. l. yeast, leave for an hour in a warm place. Apply a mask, leave on the hair for several hours, you can overnight.

  • Against hair loss. Mix 6 tbsp. l. warm water with 4 tbsp. l. dry yeast, leave warm for an hour. Add 1/2 cup kefir and 4 tbsp. l. honey, previously dissolved to a liquid state in a water bath. Water can be replaced with milk.

  • For oily hair. Mix 6 tbsp. l. warm water with 4 tbsp. l. dry yeast, leave warm for an hour. Then add 2 egg whites, after mixing, apply to the scalp.

  • Peeling of the scalp. Mix 4 tbsp. l. warm water with 4 tbsp. l. dry yeast, leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. Add to this mass 2 tbsp. l. onion juice, a pinch of salt, 2 tsp. castor oil heated in a water bath, 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil, apply to the skin. When rinsing your hair, add lemon juice and a few drops of essential oil to the water to remove the onion smell.

  • To strengthen the roots. In 4 tbsp. l. warm milk stir 4 tbsp. l. dry yeast, leave for an hour, then add 4 tbsp. l. warm olive oil, 3-4 beaten homemade chicken eggs. Instead of olive oil, you can take peach or almond, vegetable oil.

  • To stimulate hair follicles. Mix 4 tbsp. l. warm water with 4 tbsp. l. dry yeast, leave warm for an hour, add 4 tbsp. l. tinctures “Pepper”, apply to the scalp for a period of not more than 20 minutes. After this procedure, the hair begins to grow faster.

  • For hair care of any type. Dilute in 4 tbsp. l. warm decoction of chamomile 4 tbsp. l. yeast, leave in a warm place until the yeast rises. Add 2-3 raw egg yolks, 3-5 drops of any essential oil to the solution. A decoction of chamomile can be replaced with a decoction of sage and nettle. To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, you need 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, let stand for infusion for about an hour, strain.

  • For cleansing, strengthening, creating additional volume. Mix 4 tbsp. l. warm kefir or water with 20 g of baker’s yeast, add 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, apply on hair for 20-30 minutes. If the hair is dry, add 2 tsp to the mask. olive or any cosmetic oil.

Using yeast as the main ingredient for a hair care mask, you can heal, strengthen your hair, and prevent hair loss and thinning.

Author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, specially for the site

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