Yasenets: description, care

Yasenets: description, care

Yasenets is a beautiful but dangerous plant used to decorate a summer cottage, as well as for medical purposes. This flower was written in the Bible, and its features can turn into sad consequences for a person. Take extra care when growing it.

Its scientific name is “dictamnus”. It is a perennial plant. There are about 6-8 species. It can be up to one meter in length. Flowers with a diameter of about 2,5 centimeters are formed on the stem. Blooms in mid-summer for a month. Usually the first flowering occurs in the 4th year after planting. Has a specific smell of lemon or orange peel.

Ash is a dangerous perennial plant that grows up to one meter in height with a lemon or orange scent

When growing dictamnus, you need to be aware of its dangerous properties. The plant secretes special essential oils that, if they come into contact with human skin, can cause sunburn. Such burns are dangerous, as they then develop into ulcers, but even after they are treated, spots and scars can remain. Therefore, when gardening, be extra careful and wear gloves. Also watch out for children who can touch the flower inadvertently.

If the essential oils of this plant infect a large area of ​​the skin, it can be life-threatening. Remember that the danger of this flower manifests itself only in hot and sunny weather, but not in cloudy

In hot weather, the plant can ignite, while the ash tree itself will not be damaged. If you bring a match to it in the heat, then a small fire will arise.

Planting and caring for an ash tree

Burning bush is very unpretentious and resistant to cold. You need to plant it in the ground after the seeds germinate. Before this, the seedlings are grown for 3 years in a greenhouse, and then planted in a permanent place. It can grow in the same place for 10 years.

When planting in a greenhouse, planting seeds is recommended at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other

It can grow both in the sun and in the shade. Remember that this plant does not like excess moisture, so watch the amount of water when watering.

Caring for him is simple. Water the plant sparingly, weed and loosen the soil, and get rid of weeds.

The ash-tree blooms for a month, and sometimes for 45 days. The most common types: white ash and Caucasian

When growing dictamnus, you need to be careful, especially if you have children. Accidentally touching the plant in hot weather will result in burns. But otherwise, this flower looks beautiful at the summer cottage and is unpretentious.

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