This plant with pink or white flowers grows in fields and meadows, along roadsides and in ravines. The hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties of yarrow make it an ideal handy remedy for cuts and burns.

The healing properties of yarrow have been known since ancient times. With the help of it, the mythical hero Achilles and the legendary commander Alexander the Great stopped the blood of wounded soldiers, so the plant was planted near military camps and was called cut grass. Among the people, it is also known as goulyavitsa, bloodwort and snake or soldier’s grass. The yarrow got its current name due to its elongated and dissected into small leaves leaves.

In botany, yarrow is defined as a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family less than a meter high with elongated leaves and white or pink flowers. It grows in all regions of the European part of Russia, as well as in Siberia, the Caucasus and the Far East. The plant has several varieties and blooms throughout the summer. For medicinal purposes, its most common type is used – common yarrow.

The plant is also used in cooking. Fresh flowers, shoots, and leaves are used in salads, vinaigrettes, and side dishes. Dried flowers and leaves are added to drinks, kvass, jellies and mousses for flavor. Due to its bright appearance, this plant is also popular with landscape designers.

You can buy yarrow in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The grass is cut during the flowering period until mid-August. At the same time, it is important not to confuse it with a similar noble yarrow. The main difference between the common yarrow is a higher stem and rare pubescence. Dry the grass in thin layers in a place closed from the sun at an air temperature of at least 35 degrees until the stems are brittle.

Healing properties of yarrow

The chemical composition of yarrow is rich in unique substances and compounds. Yarrow owes its main hemostatic property to the alkaloid – achillein. The mechanism of action of this organic compound is similar to the process of blood clotting with an increase in calcium ions, but does not cause the formation of blood clots. Therefore, the effectiveness of yarrow is much higher than that of other hemostatic plants.

In addition, the grass contains organic compounds – sesquiterpenes, which reduce high blood pressure, stimulate the immune system, relieve inflammation and pain, and also neutralize bacteria, fungi and viruses that are harmful to humans. The vitamin complex in yarrow is represented by vitamin K, which is important for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. The essential oil in the composition of the plant accelerates intestinal motility. Yarrow also contains polysaccharides, tannins, flavonoids, formic, acetic and isovaleric acids.

In a pharmacy, you can purchase the following forms of yarrow:

  • crushed yarrow grass in packs and filter bags;
  • yarrow oil extract;
  • yarrow extract in capsules;
  • yarrow oil.

On the basis of yarrow, the drug Achillan is produced for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and the water-alcohol extract Rotokan for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity with chamomile and calendula.

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that yarrow can act on a bioenergetic level on the spleen, liver, kidneys and bladder. For medicinal purposes, the plant is also used in Europe and Scandinavia.

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Contraindications of yarrow

Dosage forms of the plant partly have a slight toxic effect, so it is necessary to take its preparations inside with caution. Phytotherapists strongly recommend not to exceed the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

Yarrow is contraindicated:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with individual intolerance to plant components;
  • patients with low blood pressure.

Despite the lack of objective data, yarrow preparations are prescribed with caution for thrombophlebitis and increased secretion of the gastric glands. An overdose of yarrow preparations can be manifested by dizziness and skin rash. In such cases, therapy should be discontinued.

The use of yarrow

Yarrow herb is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, bactericidal and wound healing properties. It tones the muscles of the uterus and is part of the collection for appetite and treatment of hemorrhoids. Decoctions and juices from yarrow stop bleeding, and the infusion normalizes heart contractions. When used externally, yarrow preparations have anti-burn properties.

Today, yarrow is well studied, so its beneficial properties are used both in traditional medicine and official pharmacology.

Yarrow preparations are used for:

  • stop bleeding;
  • improve digestion;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • healing of small burns and wounds;
  • relieve heat;
  • as a natural antiseptic;
  • stimulation of menstruation;
  • expectoration when coughing;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • relieving pain and spasms.

For women

Thanks to the essential oil with a small amount of alkaloid hallucinogen with abortive properties of thujone, yarrow has been used in obstetrics and gynecology since ancient times. The herb has a beneficial effect on the female genital organs. Increasing the tone of the uterus, yarrow preparations normalize menstrual blood flow, with its irregularity and reduce uterine spasms.

It is useful to take therapeutic baths and drink tea with yarrow for uterine prolapse, menstrual irregularities, menopause, postpartum hemorrhage and bleeding against the background of erosions and fibromas. At the same time, phytotherapists warn that it is necessary to take breaks during the treatment, as yarrow preparations can cause a delay in menstruation.

Healing bath

Boil 25 g of dried herb for 15 minutes in 0,5 l of water, leave for an hour, strain and pour into a bath of water. Such baths can also be taken for eczema, psoriasis and scabies and alternated with taking medicinal yarrow tea.


1 teaspoon of chopped herbs with a slide, brew 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew.


1 st. Spoon mixed leaves of yarrow and nettle pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Drink as tea half a cup up to 3 times a day. When cold, the infusion can be drunk with nosebleeds and hemoptysis with pulmonary tuberculosis.


Yarrow herb is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially in adulthood. Rinsing and compresses with a decoction will help men with baldness, as they stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss.

For digestion

The bitter taste of yarrow infusions activates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, which is especially important in case of intolerance to synthetic drugs. The plant relieves spasms in the stomach, intestines, bile ducts, urinary tract, therefore it is used to treat gastritis, ulcers and colitis. Free-flowing bile improves digestion and prevents the formation of gallstones.

To ease the bitterness of yarrow, herbalists recommend mixing its infusions with parsley. For this purpose, you can also take the juice of the leaves of the plant 3 teaspoons a day, mixing it with honey.

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With hemorrhoids

Preparations based on yarrow reduce the inflammatory process, eliminate constipation, reduce burning and itching, and promote healing of anal ulcers. This makes the plant an effective adjuvant in combination with drug treatment, both in acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

For the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to drink tea with yarrow 30 minutes before meals for a month and the juice of the plant in a teaspoon diluted in water in the morning on an empty stomach. Also effective are gauze or fabric lotions with a decoction of yarrow, as well as baths with herbs.

For Children

Pediatricians recommend giving yarrow preparations to children at least 6 years old in reduced dosages – no more than one third of the daily dose of adults.

Decoctions, infusions and tea from the plant for external use and priming inside help:

  • increase sweating, relieve chills, fever and remove toxins;
  • restore the body after SARS and influenza;
  • reduce itching of the skin with measles and rubella;
  • disinfect the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth with tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis;
  • relieve inflammation in conjunctivitis;
  • cure childhood enuresis.

For healing wounds and bruises


Grind a handful of crushed fresh leaves and flowers in a mortar, mix half with melted lard. An ointment can also be made from ready-made yarrow tincture by mixing one part of it with four parts of vaseline.

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Universal decoction

1 st. soak a spoonful of dry leaves and inflorescences in a glass of cold boiled water for 3 hours. Then heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Napkins moistened with this decoction can be used externally for cuts and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Reviews of doctors about yarrow

Svetlana Barnaulova, candidate of medical sciences, cardiologist of the highest category, phytotherapist:

– Anti-inflammatory, desensitizing properties of yarrow allow it to be used in preparations for the treatment of many inflammatory, allergic diseases, both in children and adults. This plant stops bleeding of various localization, therefore it is used both externally and internally, including for uterine bleeding in gynecology and is considered menstrual. As bitterness, it can be used to treat asthenic and debilitated patients.

Elena Korsun, Ph.D. head Department of Phytotherapy, ICM RUDN University, Head of the Educational and Health Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

– Yarrow is prescribed for internal bleeding – intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, uterine, as well as local bleeding – nasal, dental, from minor wounds, abrasions, scratches and others. As a bitter-spicy raw material, it is prescribed to stimulate appetite and is used for colitis, peptic ulcer, hypoacid gastritis, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases.

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