Yanka potatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

In Belarus, on the basis of the National Academy of Sciences, a new potato variety Yanka was created. The priority in hybridization was the breeding of a high-yielding crop with good frost resistance. Zoned potatoes in Central Our Country, in 2012, after experimental cultivation, entered in the State Register. Relatively recently created, the hybrid has not yet earned wide recognition. Description of the Yana potato variety, photos and reviews of vegetable growers will help you better know the varietal characteristics of the crop and make a choice in favor of the novelty.

Yanka potatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

Description of the Yanka potato variety

The mid-late variety Yanka gives young shoots 2 weeks after laying the seeds, after 3,5 months the potatoes are ready for harvest. After 1,5 months, the culture reaches conditional ripeness. Young potatoes are not inferior to fully ripe ones in taste and weight. Differs in a thin skin due to the low level of starch, a watery consistence of tubers. In the process of culinary processing, it completely retains its shape.

Variety Yanka – potatoes with a high rate of frost resistance. In case of spring damage to sprouts by night frosts, the culture completely forms replacement shoots. The loss of the first growth does not affect the timing of fruiting and the return of the crop.

Yanka potato is a drought-resistant plant that responds well to excess ultraviolet radiation. Vegetation in open areas is much faster than in the shade. In the shaded area, the tops become thin, lose their color brightness, flowering is rare, the yield is much lower, the fruits are small. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil; in the case of a rainy summer, rotting of the root and lower part of the stems is possible.

External description of Yanka potatoes:

  1. The bush is sprawling, tall, consists of 5-7 stems, growing up to 70 cm and above. The shoots are thick, dark green, the structure is elastic, with an excess of moisture, the stems become brittle and break easily.
  2. The plant is densely leafy, the leaf plate is medium in size, dark green, even along the edge. The surface is corrugated, pubescent, with pronounced veins of dark yellow color. Leaves lanceolate, opposite.
  3. The root system is developed, overgrown, forms up to 12 tubers.
  4. The flowers are large, pale lilac with an orange core, collected in 8 pcs. in inflorescence. After flowering, they quickly fall off.

According to the photo of the Yanka potato variety, you can compare the external characteristics of the tubers with their description:

  • oval-round shape, average weight – 90 g;
  • location is compact;
  • the surface is smooth, the eyes are small, deepened;
  • the peel is thin, dense, yellow with small brown dots – this is a varietal feature;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy, creamy, friable within the normal range.

Janka variety potatoes form tubers of the same shape and mass, small fruits – within 5%. The leveled size of medium-sized root crops is convenient for mechanized harvesting. The plant of the variety is suitable for growing on a personal farmstead and on the territories of agro-complexes.

Important! Yanka potatoes are stored for a long time, at a temperature of +40 C and air humidity of 85% does not sprout until spring, retains its marketable appearance and taste.

Yanka potatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

Taste qualities of Yanka potatoes

Yanka is a table variety of potatoes, the concentration of solids is within 22% of which 65% is starch. In the process of culinary processing, potatoes do not oxidize after peeling. Fried and boiled tubers do not lose their shape, the color of the pulp does not change.

The tasting commission, when entering the culture into the State Register, gave a taste rating of 4,8 points out of 5 possible. Janka potatoes are universally applicable, suitable for first courses, as a side dish, and are part of vegetable salads. Root vegetables are baked, boiled and fried.

Pros and cons of the variety

According to the description given by the copyright holder, the Yana potato variety has the following advantages:

  • stable fruiting;
  • high yield;
  • good taste of ripe fruits;
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • agricultural technology common to culture;
  • adapted to temperate climates;
  • does not require watering;
  • during cooking does not darken, does not boil;
  • stored for a long time, losses – within 4%;
  • not damaged during transportation;
  • suitable for industrial cultivation;
  • fruits are leveled, universal in application.

The disadvantages of the Yanka variety include intolerance to waterlogging of the soil. Potatoes do not resist Rhizoctonia well.

Planting and caring for Yanka potatoes

The culture belongs to the medium-late, breeding with germinated seeds is recommended. Potatoes are planted in the middle lane in early May. By this time, the seeds should sprout. The optimal size of sprouts is no more than 3 cm; long ones break off when planted. The tuber needs time to form new ones, the maturation time increases.

Seeds are harvested in autumn or taken in spring from the total mass. Placed in boxes or laid out in a thin layer on a flat surface. Germination time – from March 15 to May 1, they take out the seeds from the basement, place them in a lighted place at a temperature of +80 C, the room is ventilated every day.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Potatoes are grown only in a well-lit area, in the shade of Janka it will give a small crop, it will decrease by half. The variety is drought-resistant, does not tolerate even slight waterlogging of the soil. To determine the beds, lowlands and areas with close groundwater are not considered.

The composition of the soil for the Yankee should be light, fertile, neutral. A bed for a variety is prepared in the fall:

  1. Digging up the area.
  2. Remove dry tops, roots and stems of weeds.
  3. Neutralize the composition (if the soil is acidic) with dolomite flour.
  4. Scatter compost on top.

In the spring, a week before planting, the site is dug up again, saltpeter is added.

Yanka potatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

Attention! Highly fertilized soil, enriched with nitrogen, an excess of the substance will give powerful tops, but small tubers.

Preparation of planting material

Sprouted potatoes are hardened for 10 days before being placed on the site, the temperature is gradually lowered. They open the windows in the room where the potatoes are, or take them outside for 3 hours. Before planting carry out preventive treatment from the fungus. Potatoes are placed in a solution of manganese and boric acid or poured over with preparations containing copper. Large fruits are cut into several parts, taking into account that each fragment has 2 sprouts. The procedure is carried out 14 days before landing on the garden.

Rules of landing

A hybrid of the Yanka variety is planted in single holes or in furrows. The layout of potatoes does not change from the method of planting:

  1. Row spacing – 50 cm, spacing between holes – 35 cm, depth – 20 cm.
  2. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 7 cm, 2 pcs. into one hole.
  3. From above they are covered with a mixture of peat and ash with a layer of 5 cm.
  4. Cover with soil, no need to water.

The seed material is laid out carefully so as not to damage the sprouts.

Watering and top dressing

The Yanka variety does not require additional watering; seasonal precipitation is sufficient for potatoes. The first feeding is carried out a month after planting. Make urea and phosphate. The next fertilizer is given during flowering, potassium sulfate is used. You can make bird droppings diluted in water. At the time of the formation of tubers, the bushes are treated with superphosphate.

Loosening and weeding

The first loosening is shown when the rows are well defined so as not to weed the young shoots. Weeding is carried out as weeds grow, weeds should not be allowed to develop at the expense of potatoes. The cut grass is removed from the garden, the roots are removed. Loosening will allow oxygen to flow to the root. Weeding will remove weeds, which are a breeding ground for fungal spores.


The first procedure is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 20-25 cm. The potatoes planted in the furrows are covered from both sides to the crown with a solid comb. Single holes spud from all sides, it turns out a small hill. After 21 days, the event is repeated, the embankment is trimmed, weeds are removed. When the potato has faded completely, weeds are no longer afraid of it.

Yanka potatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

Diseases and pests

Breeding variety at the genetic level resistant to most of the diseases that affect the culture. An infection develops if the growing conditions do not meet the requirements of the potato. Variety Janka affects late blight in case of high humidity and low air temperature. The fungus infects the entire plant from tubers to tops. It appears in the second half of July as dark spots on leaves and stems. For preventive purposes, planting material is treated, if the measure turned out to be ineffective, branded preparations are used.

Rhizoctonia is a fungal infection that affects the plant at any stage of growth. It appears as dark spots on the surface of the tuber, leaves. Without action taken, the disease can destroy most of the crop. To prevent infection, crop rotation is observed, diseased plants are removed from the site, potatoes are not planted in one place for more than 3 years. They stop the spread of fungal spores by means of “Baktofil”, “Maxim”, “Agat-25K”.

The larvae of the Colorado potato beetle parasitize on Janka potatoes. If there are few of them, then they are harvested by hand, a large number of pests are destroyed by the contact preparation “Decis” or “Aktellik”.

Potato yield

The characteristics of the Yanka potato variety and the reviews of vegetable growers indicate the high productivity of the crop. The plant is recently on the seed market, but has managed to establish itself as a high-yielding species. Variety Yanka – potatoes are unpretentious in care and undemanding to the composition of the soil. On average, 2 kg of potatoes are harvested from one bush, per 1 m2 have 6 plants, yield per 1 m2 is about 12 kg.

Harvesting and storage

The biological ripeness of the fruit of the Yanka variety reaches the end of August, at which time they start harvesting. If weather conditions prevent work, Janka potatoes can be in the ground for a long time without losing their shape and taste. Dug up potatoes should not be left in the sun for a long time. Ultraviolet promotes the breakdown of enzymes, solanine is produced, the substance turns the tubers green. Potatoes lose their taste, become toxic, and should not be eaten.

The harvested crop is poured in a thin layer to dry in a room or in a shaded area. If the tubers are prepared for sale, they are pre-washed and dried well. For storage, vegetables are not washed. The crop is sorted, small fruits are selected, some are left for planting.

Advice! Potato planting material is selected weighing no more than 60 g.

Planting material completely retains varietal characteristics for 3 years; after the expiration of the period, it is advisable to replace the Yanka potato with a new one. The crop is stored in the basement or in special piles. Optimum temperature regime – + 2-40 C, humidity – 80-85%. The room must be ventilated and not let in light.


The description of the Yana potato variety, photos and reviews of the culture are fully consistent with the characteristics provided by the originators. Potato Yanka gives a stable harvest, tolerates a drop in temperature. Unpretentious in care, grows on any composition of the soil. Has good immunity. Fruits with a high tasting score, versatile in use. The fruits of the Yanka variety are stored for a long time, the culture is suitable for growing in small plots and farms.

#146 (2018-05-01) garden-2018. Potato, Yanka variety

Reviews about Yanka potatoes

Irina Morozova, 60 years old, Voronezh
I have loamy soil in my area, not quite suitable for nightshade crops. I have been planting potatoes for many years, keeping track of new products. Last year, I read reviews about Yanka potatoes, purchased seed material, and planted it. On my soil, the culture felt great, after 75 days I tried young potatoes, I liked the taste. A big plus of the variety is that the vegetables in the basement do not germinate until spring and do not lose weight.
Tatyana Sotnikova, 49 years old, Chelyabinsk region
I have been planting the Yanka hybrid on the site for 3 years. The variety tolerates temperature drops without loss. This year the spring was late, the sprouts were completely frozen. After 5 days, the plant fully recovered. Harvested in August, the number of tubers and their weight from spring frosts have not changed. I take about 2,5 kg from a bush, there are practically no small potatoes, as well as very large ones. Tubers of the same weight. The fruits are tasty, moderately crumbly, do not change color when peeled, retain their shape during cooking.

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