On the eve of the New Year, Yandex studied the search queries of users and found out what they want to know about the coming year and how they prepare for the holiday
What’s going on
- Yandex conducted a study of user search queries about the New Year and found out how our country prepares for the holiday, that they ask about it, how they decorate the Christmas tree and prepare salads.
- The popularity of requests was assessed on a hundred-point scale: the higher the frequency of the request, the higher the score.
- The most popular query with the word “New Year” and question words was [what to present for the new year], — with a noticeable margin, it leads among [what to cook for the new year], [how to celebrate the year of the tiger] and [where to go for new year].
- Traditionally, considerable attention is paid to the animal, which will become a symbol of the coming year – users are interested, for example, how to celebrate the year of the tiger (100) 2022 year of a tiger (41) and also how best to celebrate the year of the tiger.
- Most often, Yandex users searched gnome costumes (100) candy (82) bunny (80) Christmas trees (70) and snowflakes
- The most popular things for the New Year are room decoration (100) painting on windows (91) and making crafts
- The classic New Year’s salads “herring under a fur coat” and “olivier” received the highest score in the study – the former is especially popular among residents of the Far East, while olivier is preferred by users from Siberia.

- The study was conducted based on queries submitted by Russian users of Yandex in the period from 01.12.2020/01.12.2021/XNUMX to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX.
What does it mean
According to a SuperJob survey, for 94% of our country, the New Year is an important holiday. Every year, December becomes the month of preparation for December 31 – people buy gifts, decorate the house and prepare a festive menu, and in the age of the Internet, the World Wide Web is often the source of ideas.
It is noteworthy that our country traditionally shows a special interest in the symbol of the year. It is believed that if you choose the right color scheme for decorations, clothes and even manicure, the animal will be favorable in the coming year. For example, the symbol of 2022 will be the black water tiger – the happiest colors for him are blue, green, red and yellow, and each of them symbolizes a certain area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXblife.
It is also worth noting that users turn to the Web not only for help with preparing for the holiday, but also with requests on how to congratulate friends and loved ones in different languages - German, Chinese, French, Ukrainian and others. This indicates the development of international cultural ties between people, even despite the coronavirus pandemic.