Now the famous producer has three children.
Yana Rudkovskaya’s Instagram page is watched by almost two million subscribers. But not everyone likes the photos posted by the famous producer. Either the table is not so set, or the dress is not like that. Once again, subscribers pounced on Yana Rudkovskaya because of her photo in a swimsuit.
The 43-year-old successful businesswoman decided to answer the subscribers, and at the same time she said that she was going to become a mother again.
“I love reading the comments of my subscribers when I have free time! Sometimes there are more than five thousand of them, but nevertheless! Yesterday they wrote to me under my photo: “Pension fund!” Then: “Why did you go to bed like that, you’re a mother of three children!”. Comrades! Angelina Jolie is one year with me, Victoria Beckham is two years older than me, Jennifer Lopez is six years older, Madonna is 60 years old this year, so what? We will all come together with you at 45, and at 50, and, God forbid, at 60, and at 70, and if you’re very lucky, even at 80. And God forbid we all look like the above-mentioned idols. But in the fight against time, time will always win, not only me, but all of you, young and beautiful girls! By the way, I am still planning to become a mother, and if I have children, I dare to assure you, the poses in my photos will not change! The figure allows, the swimsuits are beautiful, there are beautiful landscapes around, and in principle, if you follow me, then I’m still nothing, ”wrote Yana Rudkovskaya. Under the post, there were about three thousand subscribers who agreed with the producer.
A negative reaction from people watching Yana Rudkovskaya was caused by her photo in a red swimsuit. Despite the fact that the beauty does not look at her age at all and will easily give odds to 30-year-olds, subscribers were not too lazy to write to her that, in their opinion, showing off a figure after forty is bad form.
Now Yana Rudkovskaya has three children – Nikolai and Andrei Baturins and five-year-old Sasha Plushenko, known to the public as the Gnome Gnomych.