Yana from Ukraine: in Poland we worry more than people in Ukraine

Yana is one of the many Ukrainian women living in Poland. In an interview with Medonet, he says that he can hardly handle information coming from the country attacked by Our Country. The fear for relatives dominates, even though her hometown has not yet been the target of the attack. – While in Krakow, we feel nervous, and people in Ukraine accept it calmly – says Yana.

  1. On February 24, Our Country attacked Ukraine. troops crossed the Ukrainian borders in many places, missiles fell on cities – not only those near the border
  2. Yana came to Poland seven years ago and now lives in Krakow
  3. The situation is very difficult, there is an attack on Ukraine from all sides, he tells Medonet
  4. My grandparents stayed in the country, they live near Winnica. – Unfortunately, older people in Ukraine do not even have passports – he says
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Yana comes from Vinnitsa in central Ukraine. She has been living in Poland for seven years, she came here to study. In an interview with Medonet, she shared her feelings about Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine.

—The situation is very difficult, there is an attack on Ukraine from all sides. The Ukrainian army defends itself as much as it can, but it was prepared mainly for attack by land and tanks, and it turned out that the attack came from the air – rockets, planes, helicopters. We were most surprised by the missile attacks on the cities and airports in the western part, for example on Ivano-Frankivsk. Everyone thought that it would be safe in the west of Ukraine, and it turns out that Putin’s rockets get even there, says Yana. She also emphasizes that her countrymen believe in their army and that Ukraine will defend itself.

Unrest in Poland, calmer in Ukraine

The Ukrainian reveals that her countrymen living in Poland feel more emotional than in their homeland. – People are prepared for it, they got used to it for so many years. When we watch videos of rockets and helicopters flying over the cities, we feel nervous when we are in Krakow. And people in Ukraine take it calmly – he says.

  1. Check also: A Ukrainian doctor working in Poland: I am devastated by this situation, my parents are there

– My parents are with us in Krakow now, they came to see their granddaughter a few weeks ago. My grandparents stayed and live near Winnica. For now, there is silence, the attack is mainly targeting large cities, airports, and military bases. Our family also lives in Tarnopol, so far they also stay at home – he adds.

Concern for family and Ukraine

When asked about her dominant feelings, she says that what has happened is very hard to bear. —To be honest, we thought until the end that there would be no war. And yet Putin started it … We are worried about our families, about the country that has recently started reconstruction and has started to develop minimal, and here again our neighbor wants to spoil everything – Yana confesses.

– It’s a really terrible feeling. We feel sorry for the people over whom rockets and planes fly. I’m afraid for my grandparents. We spoke to them this morning. Unfortunately, older people in Ukraine do not even have passports. But my grandparents don’t want to leave, they stay home. Maybe. if possible, they will flee to the west of Ukraine – adds the girl.

What’s going on in Ukraine?

Yana emphasizes that she has mostly news from her hometown. For now, it is quieter there than in Kiev or in the east of the country. —There are lines at gas stations, but shops and pharmacies are still quiet. Everything is there, there are no queues. It was much worse with the first wave of COVID-19, he says.

  1. Read also: There is a plan by the Ministry of Health to help Ukrainians. Among other things, the “sanitary train”

Some of her compatriots living in Poland want to return to their country. – What surprised us the most was how many people in the groups “Ukrainians in Poland” gather and look for cars and buses. They are getting ready to come back, support their country and the army – he reveals. Although there is also a movement the other way. —A lot of people, however, plan and look for opportunities to leave Ukraine for Poland. They will not do it with public transport, everything is sold out, they also canceled a lot of trips. As far as we know, the queues at the border are growing minute by minute.

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