
Yams are often called African bread or African potatoes. And all due to the fact that this plant contains a set of nutrients that can permanently saturate the human body. This name summarizes several species of plants of the dioscorea family. Often, wild yams are called so – Dioscorea.

There is an ancient Greek legend about a flexible, thin girl with such a singing name, who had to turn into a liana to save her loved one. According to another, no less popular legend, the origin of the name of this plant is associated with the name of the Greek physician Dioscorida. Anyway, yam is an amazing plant, which has a lot of useful properties and is highly valued in modern medicine.

Botanical description

Yams, or Dioscorea, is a tuberous plant. Its stem is flexible and thin, spreads over the surface and captures the nearby free space, as is characteristic of plants vines. He has a very developed root system. The tubers used for food are deep underground and have an oblong, elongated shape. They can grow up to 2 meters in length. The weight of some specimens can reach 70 kg. From above they are covered with a thin peel of light pink, white or reddish-brown. The pulp inside the fruit is white or yellow. The leaves of dioscorea resemble the shape of hearts in bright green color. This plant does not bloom often, propagates by transplanting rhizomes.


The plant is very demanding for heat and light, so its habitat is usually tropics or subtropics. Yam is widely distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America. The plant has high wear resistance, firmly resists various diseases and pests.

Each country grows its own species of yams. For example, Chinese and Japanese yams are very common in China, and varieties of yellow and white yams are successfully cultivated in Africa. There are also onion-winged, winged yams, as well as edible and rounded dioscorea. I especially want to highlight the wild yam, which contains in its composition a very useful substance – diosgenin. The largest country for the production of yams today is Nigeria.

Chemical composition

Yam tubers are rich in nutritious starch and protein. They contain beneficial vitamins and minerals with significant healing properties.

Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of yams”
Proteins1,49 g
Fats0,16 g
Carbohydrates23,69 g
Ash0,79 g
Water68,9 g
Fibre4,2 g

From the table we can see the predominance of carbohydrates and fiber in the composition of the Dioscorea.

Table № 2 “Chemical composition represented by minerals and vitamins”
Beta Carotene (Vitamin A)82 μg
Thiamine (vitamin B1)0,113 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0,031 mg
niacin0,551 mg
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)0,313 mg
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)0,294 mg
Folic acid (vitamin B9)23 mg
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)17,09 mg
Tocopherol (vitamin E)0,34 mg
Phylloquinone (Vitamin K)2,29 μg
Choline (vitamin B4)16,4 mg
potassium815 mg
Calcium16,9 mg
Magnesium21 mg
Sodium8,9 mg
Phosphorus55 mg
Hardware0,53 mg
Manganese398 μg
Copper179 μg
Selenium0,7 μg
Zinc0,23 μg

The energy value of the product is about 119 kcal per 100 gram yams.

Cooking application

The plant is widely used in cooking and medicine. Its processing is akin to our potatoes. In raw form, dioscorea tubers are not consumed as they contain harmful impurities. But it can be used in other types: fried, boiled, stewed, baked. Grind the dried vegetable and get flour, which is subsequently used for making flat cakes, various pastries and in the preparation of sauces.

Application in medicine

The use of yams has a beneficial effect on the human body. Its roots contain substances that promote blood thinning, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Tincture of them helps with high blood pressure and with thinning of blood vessels. Regular consumption of this vegetable has a positive effect on blood sugar, which is why it is useful for people with diabetes. According to repeated reviews of doctors, this plant is an excellent prophylactic for female oncological diseases. Yam has an extensive antispasmodic effect: reduces pain during menstruation, relieves headaches. This vegetable is used in the manufacture of anthelmintic drugs and is used to remove toxic and toxic substances from the body.

Wild yam based preparations

The wild yam tubers contain a useful steroid, diosgenin, an artificial progesterone substitute used to make birth control pills in the treatment of the reproductive system and sexual function of the body. In oriental medicine, the plant is used to treat rheumatic pains, asthma, in violation of the menstrual cycle and normalizes hormones.

Under laboratory conditions, the alkaloid Dioscorin is isolated from wild yam, which protects the body from the effects of free radicals and has a hypotensive effect. It is used in modern medicine for the manufacture of various drugs.

In the modern world based on dioscorea create dietary supplements – biologically active additives. Initially, they began to be used in the United States, but now they have spread to the territory of Russia and Ukraine. It is proposed to use these additives for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis and heart diseases.

Planting and care

In our latitudes only Chinese and Japanese varieties of yams take root well. Planted from small tubers. In our climate it is difficult to grow this plant, for its cultivation it is better to use the greenhouse method. The plant is very demanding of sunlight and moisture. It should be planted at a depth of about 20 cm.

The plant is unpretentious. Can grow in loose and clay soil. But the use of the latter may be difficult when digging the fruit. Yams love water, so watering is an integral part of plant care. In dry soil, the plant will not grow. Important, of course, and plant nutrition. Nitrogen is considered a good fertilizer for Dioscorea. They are advised to fertilize the soil after 3-4 weeks after planting. You should monitor the emergence of weeds and timely spud the plant and loosen the soil. In general, to care for him is simple. Growing it is very similar to growing our potatoes.

Contraindications and harmful properties

Overdose of the plant may cause nausea, vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. Do not abuse its use in large quantities. Since the substances contained in the yams secrete phytoestrogens, they are contraindicated for use in female oncological diseases: breast cancer, cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

Do not recommend to use drugs based on yam gastritis, liver and kidney diseases.


Yam is a heat-loving subtropical plant, which looks very much like our potato. Distributed mainly in hot countries, therefore, to cultivate it in our latitudes is associated with some difficulties. It is eaten in a fried, boiled, stewed form. Grind it into flour, for use in the confectionery industry. Dioscorea has amazing healing qualities.

Until recently, this was the only product from which progesterone was artificially obtained. It is indispensable for pregnant women and for women trying to have children. Yam also has a positive effect on the circulatory system, prevents the formation of blood clots and normalizes blood pressure. By the way, it is a prophylactic in female oncology, but if the disease already exists, the use of drugs based on yam is strongly not recommended. They are also contraindicated in gastritis and various diseases of the kidneys and liver. Yams is an amazing product rich in properties that are beneficial to the body, but you should not abuse it.

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