Yagati (Jagertee, Jagatee) – “hunter’s tea”, an alcoholic drink based on spiced Shtro rum and black tea with herbs. This is a type of hot punch, popular in the countries of Central Europe during the cold season. Yagachi can be prepared at home, but ready-made concentrate is also sold in stores (diluted versions are also found).
Like mulled wine – any hot red wine with spices without an exact recipe, so “forest tea” is any hot black tea with strong alcohol (mainly rum) and aromatic herbs.

Jagertee comes from the Austro-Bavarian pronunciation of the German phrase Jäger (hunter) + Tee (tea). Since 2008, this is a name protected by origin, which means that the “real” yagachi can only be produced in Austria from ingredients of local origin. However, given that there is no fixed recipe, similar drinks are also found in other countries, they are simply called differently. For example, in Germany it will be Hüttentee (country tea) or Förstertee (forest tea), while in the Czech Republic and Slovakia it will be just grog.
Grog is traditionally called hot rum diluted with water. More “democratic” versions of the drink include fruit juices, cinnamon, honey.
Yagachi strength is limited only by the tastes of the taster, but averages 12-15% vol. A stronger version of the drink is called Wilderertee (poacher’s tea).
The first mentions of tea with strong alcohol are found in documents of the XNUMXth century – they drank it on a winter hunt to keep warm.
According to another version, the drink was invented by alpine foresters and lumberjacks, who needed to maintain their strength with something hot and sweet. Today, yagachi can be ordered at an ordinary bar.
How to drink yagati
Yagachi is served warm. In ski resorts, it is customary to drink it at the end of the day, relaxing in front of the fireplace after intense sports activities. Yagati is also an indispensable attribute of Christmas markets and festivals.
The main danger of the drink is that it is drunk so easily that you can quietly “overtake”, especially if you treat yourself to alcoholic tea not indoors, but in frosty fresh air.

Yagachi Recipes
One of the popular recipes looks like this: mix 250 ml of strong black tea, red wine, spiced rum and orange juice in a saucepan, add a cinnamon stick, cloves to taste, two lemon slices. Let the drink boil over low heat, remove after five minutes, add sugar if desired.
Another recipe includes 500 ml of black tea, 60 ml each of strong rum and Tyrolean fruit spans, 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Stroch releases ready-made STROH Jagertee. The manufacturer claims that the recipe of 1864 is taken as the basis. This is a 40-degree concentrate, which should be diluted with hot water in a ratio of 1:3.