Y. Lotman “What do people learn. Articles, notes»

“So what do people learn? People learn Knowledge, people learn Memory, people learn Conscience. These are the three subjects that are necessary in any School and which art has absorbed. And art is essentially the Book of Memory and Conscience. We just need to learn how to read this book,” Professor Lotman concluded his speech at the opening of the Russian Gymnasium at the University of Tartu with these words.

“So what do people learn? People learn Knowledge, people learn Memory, people learn Conscience. These are the three subjects that are necessary in any School and which art has absorbed. And art is essentially the Book of Memory and Conscience. We just need to learn how to read this book,” Professor Lotman concluded his speech at the opening of the Russian Gymnasium at the University of Tartu with these words. “Knowledge”, “Memory”, “Conscience” – these sections formed the structure of a new collection of articles on the semiotics of culture by the world-famous culturologist, brilliant literary critic and founder of the legendary Tartu-Moscow school of semiotics Yuri Lotman (1922-1993). He reflects on the phenomenon of culture, on rhetoric, on the interaction of cultures, on the symbol in the system of culture, citing many interesting examples from history and literature, explaining in detail the most important concepts of the language of semiotics, the science of signs and sign systems. Reading this book requires special reading discipline, attunement to apprenticeship, self-education, something that Yuri Lotman brilliantly mastered, without which a truly deep comprehension of culture is impossible.


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