Xylaria multiforme is characteristic of the forest zone of the temperate climatic zone. Mushrooms belong to the Xilariae family. Known universally as “dead man’s fingers.” In the popular science literature, the species is also called: xylaria polymorpha, Xylaria polymorpha, Xylosphaera polymorpha, Hypoxylonpolymorphum.

Other species of the genus Xilaria are also popularly called “dead man’s fingers”, they are distinguished by microscopic data.

Xylaria multiforme: description and medicinal properties

What do xylaria look like?

Although more than one species is called “dead man’s fingers”, all mushrooms are a bit similar – irregular oval-cylindrical processes of dark color sticking out of the ground or stumps. The fruiting body of xylaria multiforme is club-shaped or finger-shaped, approximately 3 to 9 cm high, 1-3,5 cm wide. Placed vertically in relation to the substrate. Usually takes a variety of forms – branched or flattened. The top is slightly rounded and tapered. At the beginning of growth, a dark skin covering the entire fruiting body of xylaria diverse, dusted with asexual spores, conidia, therefore the color is pale bluish or gray-brown. The apex is lighter, almost whitish and shiny.

By summer, the mushroom becomes darker, anthracite, in color. Sometimes the pale tip remains, but later completely blackens too. The surface dries out, becomes more rigid, warty protrusions form. Cracks appear at the top of the fruiting body – holes from which ripe spores emerge. From below, to the substrate, the fungus is attached with a short, unexpressed leg.

Due to the elongated fruiting bodies, at the beginning of the growth of a grayish color, collected several pieces together, the mushroom xylaria diverse received the popular name “dead man’s fingers.” By the end of summer, they become a completely unpresentable dark shade, dry out a bit and from a distance look like the excrement of a medium-sized animal.

Under the hard, black spore-bearing skin is a firm and dense white flesh, radiant-fibrous in structure. The pulp is so hard that it is compared to the bark of a tree. The mushroom is difficult to cut with a knife.

Xylaria multiforme: description and medicinal properties

Where do xylariae grow?

Xylaria multiforme is distributed on all continents. Tree fungus formations are found anywhere in the forest zone of Our Country. Usually xylaria polymorpha grows in close groups, individual fruiting bodies seem to grow together, up to 10-20 pieces. The species belongs to saprophytes growing on deadwood and feeding on dead wood tissues. Even if the fungus appears to emerge from the soil, its base is in a woody substrate that lies in the ground. Sometimes there are single fruiting bodies. Most often, “dead man’s fingers” are found on the remains of deciduous trees: elm, beech, oak, birch.

But there are also conifers. Sometimes xylaria grows on living trees – in damaged or weakened areas. Fruiting bodies are formed from the beginning of spring and stand until frost. Under favorable conditions, they do not collapse even during the winter. More often, intergrowths of xylaria multiforme are found at the base of a dead tree or on stumps, lying trunks and small deadwood.

Attention! Xylaria polymorpha, having settled on the living tissue of a tree, causes soft rot.

Is it possible to eat xylaria diverse

Fruiting bodies are inedible due to the rigid structure and firm consistency of the pulp. The taste of mushrooms is also not very pleasant, without aroma. At the same time, no toxic substances were found in the fruiting bodies of a diverse species. The only reason why the mushroom is not eaten is its extreme hardness, the flesh is like wood. Although there is information that the consistency becomes softer and more aromatic after prolonged heat treatment. Other accounts contradict the claim, insisting that the odor is very unpleasant.

How to distinguish xylaria diverse

The diverse xylaria is the most common, although there are many different similar species in its genus. With a mushroom, which is most often called “dead man’s fingers” in different countries, several others are similar:

  • xylaria long-legged;
  • a completely different species, Anthurus Archer, from the Veselkovye family, which is popularly called the “devil’s fingers”.

Twins are found much less frequently than a diverse species. In xylaria long-legged, the fruiting bodies are thinner, there are almost imperceptible differences in color for non-specialists. Saprophytes can be accurately identified only under a microscope. The species also grows on deadwood. It has been noted that a group of strongly elongated fruiting bodies often forms on the fallen branches of the plane tree.

Xylaria multiforme: description and medicinal properties

The mushroom Anthurus Archera is mainly found in Australia and Tasmania, but since the beginning of the XNUMXth century it has been accidentally introduced to Europe. A hundred years later, it spread to Eastern European territory. It is absolutely different from xylaria, since its fruiting bodies are reddish in color. Perhaps confusion arises only because of such names with a negative emotional connotation.

Xylaria multiforme: description and medicinal properties

Healing properties of xylaria multiforme

Alternative medicine uses diverse fruiting bodies for some medicinal purposes:

  • as a diuretic;
  • a substance that increases the amount of milk after childbirth.

Studies are being conducted on the effectiveness of multiform compounds that slow down the reproduction of the immunodeficiency virus. The isolated polysaccharide also stops the growth of cancer cells.


Xylaria multiforme is most often found as a poorly distinguishable, fused group of fungal fruiting bodies, grayish-black in color. The mushroom is inedible only because of the hard pulp, there are no toxic substances in it. In folk medicine, the pulp is dried and ground into powder for more abundant lactation in nursing mothers. It is also used as a diuretic.

Found the mushroom “Dead Man’s Fingers” – Xylaria polymorpha

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