Xue Lian Feng Shi Ling

Xue Lian Feng Shi Ling

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: osteoarthritis and chronic arthritis relieved by heat.

In Chinese energy, this formula is used to treat joint pain and disperse Cold Wind Moisture.

Associated symptoms Muscle pain and numbness, Cold sensation in limbs and lower back, pain aggravated by Cold and Moisture.


One capsule, twice a day.


All rheumatic manifestations are Bi in traditional Chinese medicine. Word Bi means paralysis, numbness, numbness. Bi implies a notion of blocking, of closing, an allusion to the blocking of Energy and Blood in the Meridians. It is this mechanism which is responsible for the appearance of rheumatism. If the pains are mobile (change location), we are talking about the Bi Wind. If the pain is severe, it is Bi Cold because the Cold freezes and therefore increases the blockage the pain. If the pains are Fixed (immobile), it is the Bi Humidity, because Humidity Stagnates. The Bi Wind Cold Humidity are aggravated by fatigue and contact with Cold and Humidity.

The main ingredient in this product is snow lotus, a plant that is very effective in combating this type of rheumatism. This product is very warming, it should not be taken when there are signs of Yin Void: night sweating, hot flashes, heat in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, dry mouth and throat, thirst, tongue red and dry with little or no coating.

This product mainly treats the Bi Cold with intense pain caused by a severe blockage of Energy and Blood. That is why it is contraindicated in pregnant women.


  • Contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • Contraindicated in case of Yin Void.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Xue Lian 

Radix aucklandia (root of sausurea)

Chases Cold, Chases Wind Moisture, Tones Yang, Stops Bleeding 

Wu Jia Pi 

Cortex acantopanacis (bark ofAcantopanax gracilistylus)

Drives away Wind Moisture, strengthens tendons and bones 

Du Huo 

Radix Angelica pubescenstis (angelica root)

Eliminates Cold and Moisture and Stops Pain 

Mu Gua 

fruit CHAENOMELIS (fruit of the quince or quince)

Relaxes the tendons and invigorates the luo, transforms moisture and harmonizes the stomach 

Fu Zi 

Carmichael was prepared aconite root (racine d’aconit carmichaeli prepared)

Restores the Yang, tones the Fire, stops the pains 

Cao Wu 

Radix aconiti kusnezoffii (racine d’aconite kuznetsoffi)

Restores the Yang, tones the Fire, stops the pains 

On the shelves

Although it does not meet the manufacturing standards of theAustralian Therapeutic Goods Administration, the following product has been analyzed to show that it does not contain pesticides, contaminants or synthetic drugs.


  • Xue Lian Feng Shi Ling — Snow Lotus Capsules for Rheumatism. Manufactured by China National Chemicals Import and Export Corporation, Xinjiang, China.

Available in Chinese herbalists, several natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

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