Xu-Xu (XUXU, Xu-Xu) is a 15-degree strawberry liqueur with lime produced by the German company Georg Hemmeter GmbH. The official website states that a liter bottle of liquor contains half a kilo of strawberry puree and a little bit of lime, vodka is used as an alcohol base.
Xu-Xu liquor is 66% fresh fruit (50% strawberry and 16% lime), the drink does not contain sugar and flavors, all ingredients are natural. It tastes like a sweet dessert drink with a rich fruity taste and slight sourness.
XUXU liqueur appeared in 1997, and in less than 10 years has gained popularity throughout Europe. Ksyu-Ksyu has repeatedly received awards at international competitions, confirmed its high quality at independent examinations.
The name XUXU – means about the same as the English XOXO – that is, “I kiss and hug.”
How to drink Xu-Xu
It is right to drink XUXU strawberry liqueur in small piles, having previously cooled to +10 degrees, and the drink is also part of many cocktails and desserts. A note of lime gives Xu-Xu freshness, a thick consistency makes it look like a fruit smoothie.
The easiest way to reduce the strength of the liquor without changing the taste is to dilute it with strawberry juice.
Cocktails with Xu-Xu
- XUXU Splash. Strawberry liqueur, diluted with soda (soda) in a ratio of 50/50. Serve with ice.
- XUXU Motohito. In the bottom of a cobbler glass, crush 9 mint leaves, add ice, 5 parts strawberry liqueur, 3 parts tequila, 2 parts sugar syrup and XNUMX parts lime juice, top up with club soda and serve with lime wedges.
- xxubana. Slowly pour strawberry liqueur into banana juice (in a ratio of 2: 1) so that the layers do not mix as much as possible. Serve in a Collins glass garnished with strawberries.
- XUXU Tonic. Ksyu-Ksyu with tonic in a ratio of 1: 2. Serve with ice.
- XUXU Margarita. In an ice-filled shaker, mix 6 parts Xu-Xu, 4 parts tequila, one part each lemon juice and sugar syrup. Pour into a Margarita glass, top with fresh strawberries.
- xxUsecco. Strawberry liqueur mixed with dry sparkling wine in any proportion. Serve with ice.

Cooking Xu-Xu at home
Xu-Xu is a registered brand, but you can make a similar drink yourself.
- ripe strawberries – 500 grams;
- vodka – 1 liter;
- lime – 1 half;
- sugar – 0,5 kg;
- water – 200 ml.
1. Peel and wash strawberries. Put the berries in a container for infusion, squeeze the juice of half a lime, pour vodka. Shake, seal tightly.
2. Infuse at room temperature in a dark place for 7 days. Then strain through cheesecloth. Pour the liquid part into a bottle, close and refrigerate.
3. Place the berries back into the infusion container. Add sugar and water. Mix. Leave for 4 days. Shake once a day.
4. Drain the resulting strawberry syrup, then mix it with the infusion obtained in the second step.
5. Pour ready-made homemade Ksyu-Ksyu into bottles for storage, close tightly. Leave in the refrigerator for 5-7 days to stabilize the taste.
Shelf life – up to 3 years. Fortress – 16-18% vol.
You can go the simpler way: just mix in a blender 2 parts fresh berries, 1 part vodka and lime juice to taste.