Xoloitzcuintle dog
The mysterious deity of the Aztecs, the guide of souls to the kingdom of the dead and at the same time a gentle and devoted creature – such is the naked dog Xoloitzcuintle, belonging to one of the oldest breeds in the world
Name of the breedXoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless dog)
Country of originMexico
The time of the birth of the breedAround the 1961th millennium BC, XNUMX – IFF classification
A typeCompanion
The weightUp to 25 kg – standard, up to 14 kg – medium, up to 7 kg – miniature
Height (at the withers)Up to 60 cm – standard, up to 45 cm – medium, up to 35 cm – miniature
LifespanBefore 15 years
Price of puppiesFrom 30 thousand rubles
Most popular nicknamesManuel, Dante, Leon, Tequila, Agave, Nazca

History of origin

5 thousand years ago, a highly developed culture already existed on the territory of Central America. The locals, the ancestors of the Aztecs, professed a bloody cult of death and believed that the soul of the deceased could not go to the other world without hindrance, and only a dog could protect it from the encroachments of terrible deities. But, of course, not every four-legged pet was suitable for the role of a conductor of souls, but only the chosen ones, whom the god Xolotl touched with his hand, rewarding with a special mark – the absence of wool.

Such dogs were revered as equal to the gods, and after the death of the owner they were solemnly killed so that they could accompany the soul of the deceased to the next world. Their bodies were mummified, decorated with precious jade and gold, after which they were placed in the same tomb with the owner. Such special hairless guides were called xoloitzcuintle or “dogs of the god Xolotl”.

The conquistadors who came to America were horrified by the bloody cults of the Aztecs (and they can be understood, terrible sacrifices on the tops of the pyramids are not a sight for the faint of heart) and, with the straightforwardness characteristic of medieval warriors, undertook to destroy them in the bud. Unfortunately, sacred dogs as part of these cults also fell under the distribution, and by the XNUMXth century the breed was practically eradicated.

The Xoloitzcuintle could not gain popularity again right away – the dogs devoid of hair look too unusual. And only by the end of the last century, naked xolo began to find their admirers all over the world. The breed was actually rediscovered – the dogs turned out to be a real find for those who dreamed of a pet, but suffered from a severe allergy to wool. In addition, the Xolo have shown themselves to be highly intelligent beings as well as healers. No, no, they do not have any supernatural abilities, but, as you know, the dog’s body temperature is higher than human, so they are able to act as living heating pads for people suffering from a cold or sciatica.

A Xoloitzcuintle named Dante, the guide of souls to the realm of the dead, even became a character in the wonderful American cartoon “The Secret of Coco”.

Breed description

It should be noted right away that today there are three varieties of the breed: standard, medium and miniature xolo. It is clear that historically there was only one – standard, but modern man is trying to adapt everything around to his convenience. This did not bypass dogs, and many breeds that previously had quite normal dog dimensions have now degenerated into toy copies of themselves.

Despite the absence of wool, Xolo look very beautiful and noble. They have a proudly raised head, a wolf face and a calm, confident look. Ears are large and erect. The body is slender and muscular, like that of a dancer or an acrobat. The tail is long, slightly curved and often has a small rudimentary brush at the end.

Xolo paws are interesting – due to the lack of six, it seems that their fingers are long and mobile, like those of a person.

The most common color is asphalt gray, but there may be other solid shades: liver, golden. Small white spots or dark points on the muzzle are allowed.

The coat is completely absent, a short bristle can only be on the head, creating a funny hedgehog hairstyle, and on the tip of the tail. Skin folds on the body are acceptable, and in childhood there are much more of them, and then they are gradually smoothed out.



The Xoloitzcuintle are well aware of their great past and behave accordingly. Their whole appearance is full of dignity and consciousness of their own significance. Xolo proudly hold their heads and calmly look at the whole world, as if from the top of the Mexican pyramid. At the same time, they are undividedly devoted to their master and in love with his family, in whose life they take an active part.

Being naturally friendly, Xolos are still wary of strangers. No, they rarely show aggression (and only through the fault of improper upbringing), but they won’t rush towards an outsider, wagging their tail, but first they will look at what kind of type it is next to his beloved owner.

They endure loneliness quite hard, so it is better to take the dog with you wherever you go, because it is extremely important for her to know that her beloved owner has not gone anywhere and still needs her company.

Care and maintenance

Xolo is often turned on by those who do not want to bother with the hassle of caring for a dog, in particular, frequent cleaning of wool lying around the house. Due to the lack of coat, these dogs do not shed, it is enough just once a week to walk over them with a massage mitt to remove dead hairs, and bathing is worth no more than once a month and with special soap or shampoo, so as not to overdry the skin.

But Xolo are afraid of the cold, so you should stock up on jackets in case of a frosty winter. Yes, and at home it is better to put a stove bench somewhere where there are no drafts, and in winter also next to the battery.

Pet and caress your Aztec friend often – Xolos simply love tactile contact.

They also like to run and play, so do not get rid of them with a 15-minute walk. Walk longer, giving the dog the opportunity to release his energy and play with his four-legged buddies, and then your dog will be happy.

Education and training

Xoloitzcuintle consider themselves serious dogs – the messengers of the gods, after all – so in their upbringing they will have to show firmness and perseverance. Be prepared for the fact that these guides of souls may decide that it is not necessary to obey you, and act in their own way. Therefore, you need to stock up on patience and fortitude to prove to the dog that you are the head of your little pack. No shouting, no irritation and violence – only calmness and confidence. Become the deity Xolotl for your Xolo, and you will not find a more devoted adept. But any dog, and this breed in particular, regards an equal attitude as a weakness and simply ceases to respect such a person. Remember that they are pack creatures, and in a pack there is not and cannot be familiarity, only a rigid hierarchy. So treating a four-legged friend as a subordinate is not only not a humiliation for him, but also a manifestation of respect for his nature.

Health and disease

Hairless dogs suffer from the same skin problems as humans. So, for example, xolo-teenagers during puberty also have youthful acne and acne caused by changes in the hormonal background in the body. Just like us, these dogs tan in the sun, and it often happens that the naturally light golden Xolo acquires a luxurious bronze tan over the summer, and excessive sunbathing can lead to sunburn. Their skin is also sensitive to various detergents, so if you notice peeling, it may be worth changing the shampoo.

Otherwise, the Xolo is a completely healthy breed that does not suffer from any genetically transmitted diseases.

Word to the breeder

Yuliana Ostryzhko, owner of the kennel “Xolomania” from St. Petersburg says:

– Xolo is the best thing created by nature, a dog that keeps the secrets of millennia. There is no such person who was not captivated by her beauty, which remains as original as it was thousands of years ago.

It is very comfortable to live with these dogs both in everyday life and in terms of intellectual communication. They are silent, understanding, loyal, gentle and affectionate. They masterfully calm the nerves – you look at your xolo and feel happy.

Often in the litter, along with naked puppies, the so-called “puffs” are born – dogs covered with wool. In character and structure, they are no different from their naked counterparts, and those who want a true friend and are not allergic to wool willingly take them into the family.

Svetlana Vysotskaya, owner nursery “Kinich Ahau” from Klin, vice-president of the Xoloitzcuintli NCP, adds:

The Xoloitzcuintle or Mexican hairless dog is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.

For me, these are cosmic beings, communication with which has been a pleasure for many years.

Extraordinarily smart and even a little cunning, hot to the touch. Hairless representatives of the breed are odorless and do not shed.

There is an opinion that this is a hypoallergenic breed. Unfortunately, it is not. Do not forget that allergies can be not only to wool, but also to saliva, dandruff, etc.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions about the content of Xoloitzcuintle to be answered zoo engineer, veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk with a Xoloitzcuintle?

The Xoloitzcuintle is a very active dog. You need to walk with her at least 1 hour a day – so much time is needed for the pet to do its business and frolic.

Do Xoloitzcuintles get cold in winter?

Yes, naked dogs are cold in winter, in inclement weather and frosts, she needs protective clothing from the weather.

Can a Xoloitzcuintle get along with a cat?

Xoloitzcuintle get along great with cats. The main thing is that the cat itself is not aggressive and does not hurt the dog.

How do Xoloitzcuintles react to other dogs?

Xolos are usually very playful and friendly with other dogs.

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