Xera beans

Beans are a legume known to the peoples of Central and South America since ancient times. Along with maize, it was the basis of their diet. After the discovery of America, the plant became known to Europeans and firmly entered the diet of many peoples. In Our Country, the culture is grown in the southern regions, and in central Our Country only on separate household plots.


We all see green beans in frozen, fresh, canned form on the shelves of supermarkets. Due attention should be paid to this type of bean, which has valuable nutritional properties. Better yet, grow an environmentally friendly product on your site. For example, a worthy representative of green beans is the Xera variety.

Xera beans

  • The Xera variety is a low-calorie product. Therefore, it can be safely included in the diet of people struggling with excess weight;
  • The Xera variety is rich in fiber, which activates digestion and lowers blood sugar. Therefore, the fruits are recommended for diabetics;
  • The high content of folic acid is especially important for pregnant women. It will help to exclude pathologies that can occur with a lack of folic acid;
  • The high content of vitamin A, lutein and beta-carotene contributes to maintaining sharp vision, clear memory and slowing down the aging process;
  • B vitamins and vitamin C fight infections and depression;
  • The fruit contains a high content of rare trace elements: magnesium, potassium, manganese, silicon. They take an active part in the metabolic processes of the human body.

Xera asparagus beans are a valuable product. Growing it in your garden is easy. Those who have tried it once do not refuse to grow a plant and plant it without fail on their plots.

Xera beans


The Xera variety is grown for its green pods, which are eaten. Pods grow up to 13 cm long, up to 9 mm in diameter, thin and uniform in diameter and length. Much thinner than regular bean pods.

The plant itself belongs to the bush type. Its height is not more than half a meter.


The Xera variety is an unpretentious plant. But still, when growing it, follow simple agricultural practices in order to achieve a positive result in the form of a rich harvest.

The plant loves warmth and light in the structure of the earth, abundant watering. He does not like stagnant moisture, heavy cold lands that do not warm up well.

Xera beans

Important! When planning plantings on your site, select a sunny area without drafts for the Xera variety.

Consider crop rotation. The best predecessors for asparagus beans are zucchini, pumpkins, eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes.

Experienced gardeners use the following agricultural method when planting beans: alternate rows of potatoes with rows of beans. In the next season, these crops are reversed. Beans, like all legumes, saturate the soil with nitrogen, which favorably affects the potato so well that it does not require any fertilizer during the growth period. Beans repel the Colorado potato beetle. Of course, not completely, but still it becomes much less. The use of the Xera variety is the best suited for this growing technique, because the bushes are quite compact.

Xera beans

Start preparing the soil in the fall. Dig, remove weed roots, apply manure and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This is done so that future plants can easily assimilate useful microelements, which become part of the soil during the winter period. In addition, the presence of sufficient amounts of phosphorus and potassium will prepare the plant for the growing season.

Plant Xera beans in open ground after the soil warms up to +16 degrees and when the threat of frost return recedes. The end of May – the beginning of June is the time for planting asparagus beans in central Our Country. Pre-sowing preparation for the seeds of the Xera variety is not required, since during germination the seeds can disintegrate into cotyledons. Which leads to seed loss. You can pickle the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but not more than 15 minutes.

Xera beans

Dig up the soil before planting, you can add wood ash, make holes or grooves. Plant the seeds at a depth of 3-4 cm, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. If the soil is moist, then additional moisture is not required.

After 10 days, wait for the emergence of seedlings. Beans can be planted in seedlings. The Xera variety is medium-early, 60 days after planting it will be possible to pluck the first fruits.

Regular bean care consists of watering, removing weeds, and feeding. As a top dressing, use herbal infusion. Grass, for example, nettle, is placed in a container, poured with water and insisted for a week. Then take 1 part of the infusion and 10 parts of pure water and water the beans.

Xera beans

Advice! Bean beds can be covered with mulch. This will protect you from unnecessary weeds and keep moisture in the soil. Straw can be used as mulch.

For another method of growing, see the video:



The pods of the asparagus beans of the Xera variety are plucked at the stage of milky ripeness, until they become hard and rough. Harvest as fruits are ready, selectively. Ripe pods are not suitable for food.

The more often you pick fruits, the more ovaries will form. And the richer the harvest will be.


Xera beans are worth growing in your gardens. Eating will bring considerable benefits to the body and diversify your daily menu. Xera beans can be boiled, used in salads, soups, stews. For the winter it is better to freeze it, for convenience, cut into small pieces. The quality does not suffer from freezing.

Xera beans


Daria Reneva, 37 years old, Oryol region
I grow asparagus beans, as it is a dietary product. We eat a lot in the summer, we freeze for the winter. The Xera variety suits me in every way. Once there were problems with the water supply, Xera beans grew in spartan conditions. And she didn’t die. Moreover, it gave a very good harvest.
Margarita Telichkina, 62 years old, Kurgan region
I plant asparagus beans of the Xera variety using the joint planting method. Next to tomatoes, potatoes. Plants have never let me down. Always with a harvest.

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