Xenical – indications, dosage, contraindications to the use of the preparation for the treatment of obesity

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The active substance in Xenical is orlistat, or tetrahydrolipostatin. It is a specific, long-acting inhibitor of lipases produced in the gastrointestinal tract. It is used in the treatment of obesity along with a low-calorie diet.

Orlistat works by reduction of fat absorptionwhich causes a reduction in the amount of calories supplied to the body. The action takes place in the lumen of the digestive tract. By inhibiting lipase, it does not allow the breakdown of fats to absorbable free fatty acids and monoglycerides. During therapy Xenicalem absorption of fats is reduced by about 30 percent. A noticeable effect is the appearance of undigested in the stool fat. Appears 24-48 hours after drug administration. In the event of discontinuation of treatment, the contents fat faeces return to pre-treatment values ​​after 48-72 hours. After orlistat is discontinued, lipase activity returns to normal due to the continuous secretion of the enzyme into the gastrointestinal tract. Orlistat is practically not absorbed after oral administration. Unabsorbed drug is excreted in the faeces. The time for complete excretion of orlistat (via faeces and urine) is 3-5 days.

Xenical – indications

Xennical jest indicated for use in the treatment of obese patients, ie people whose body mass index (BMI) exceeds 30 or are overweight with a BMI value over 28. At the same time, a moderately low calorie diet should be used.

Xenical – contraindications

Hypersensitivity to orlistat or other ingredients of the preparation. Chronic malabsorption syndrome. Cholestasis. Breastfeeding period.

Xenical – precautions

Consult your doctor if you are taking anti-epileptic drugs. By reducing their absorption, orlistat may affect the effectiveness of antiepileptic therapy, which may lead to the occurrence of seizures. Because Xenical reduces absorption fat The absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) may also be impaired by 30 percent with it. During treatment, you should maintain a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, or consult your doctor about the need for vitamin supplementation; multivitamin supplements should be taken at least 2 hours after orlistat or at bedtime.

Medicines are sometimes available on websites where prescriptions are issued for a fee, which can lead to abuse. Keep in mind that Xenical is a drug, not a dietary supplement, and is only intended for use by people whose body mass index (body mass index, weight in kilograms / height in meters squared) is greater than 28 and must be used under medical supervision. Tell your doctor if you have malabsorption syndrome, liver disease, are taking anticoagulants, cyclosporine, amiodarone or if you are (or think you are) pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding.

Xenical – dosage

The drug is administered orally at or within 1 hour after each main meal with water. If the sick person does not eat a meal or if the meal does not contain fatno need to take Xenicalu, dose should be omitted. The dose and the frequency of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. Daily delivery fats should be evenly distributed over 3 meals throughout the day.

Xenical – possible side effects

In most cases, they are gastrointestinal in nature. Frequency side effects decreased after a longer period of intake Xenicalu.

If you are on a diet rich in fats, possibility of occurrence side effects on the part of the gastrointestinal tract may increase. It is very common rectal fatty spotting, stomach pain or discomfort, gas and discharge, pressure on your stools, fatty or oily stools, gas, liquid stools, passing stools more often.

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