Xanax, lexomil…: what to think of benzodiazepines?

Xanax, lexomil…: what to think of benzodiazepines?

It’s no secret that modern societies, characterized by the search for productivity, induce an intense professional and personal rhythm. More and more people say they are stressed or anxious. Health professionals sometimes respond to this problem by prescribing benzodiazepines. Valium, Tranxen, Lexomilâ € ¦ Are they a solution? Are they harmful? What can we think of it?

Benzodiazepines for anxiety

Benzodiazepines are molecules which act on the central nervous system and which have 5 fundamental properties but at different levels depending on their chemical structure: 
1. Amnesia: which promote memory loss
2. Anxiolytics: which act against anxiety
3. Sedatives and hypnotics: which induce sleep
4. Muscle relaxants: which relax the muscles
5. Anticonvulsants: which treat or prevent seizures
In France, 22 benzodiazepines and related drugs are currently marketed (the full list is available here)1.

An inhibition of the nervous system

These synthetic molecules have the power to bind to a cellular receptor, normally reserved for GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), a natural chemical compound that inhibits the nervous system. By joining them, benzodiazepines increase the affinity of these receptors for GABA, and therefore increase its power of action tenfold. The more benzodiazepines an individual absorbs, the more easily GABA binds to neurons and the stronger the inhibition of the nervous system.  

Treat anxiety

Benzodiazepines are able to numb an anxious state2. It is a normal state in itself, since it is an emotional and psychological response to a situation of alarm or to personal difficulties. Sometimes, however, this anxious state can become overwhelming and result in significant suffering to the individual. It is in this specific case that benzodiazepines are prescribed by health professionals, in order to reduce or eliminate the symptoms that accompany anxiety. However, they do not address the root causes of anxiety.
It should be noted that the use of benzodiazepines as an antidepressant is not appropriate. On the contrary, these will correct the anxiety state and orient towards the depressive state. Some benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety drugs) help reduce sleep disturbances, while others may be prescribed for epilepsy, muscular dystonia, abnormal movements or intractable neuropathic pain.

A strict limitation period

It is limited: 
  • at 4 weeks for benzodiazepine hypnotics (except flunitrazepam, limited to two weeks, with prescription on a secure prescription and fractionation of the dispensation for one week) 
  • at 12 weeks for anxiolytics (except clorazepate dipotassium 20 mg, limited to 4 weeks). 
It is very important to respect these times. Discontinuation of treatment should be provided for in writing as soon as it is started, for example by indicating on the prescription the start date and the duration of the treatment. 

Older women most affected

Studies show that the majority of subjects consuming benzodiazepines are women (nearly 60%). In addition, the median age of consumers is 483. It should also be noted that, on average, one in 4 patients treated with a benzodiazepine suffers from a chronic pathology.


Sources: Sources: http://ansm.sante.fr/var/ansm_site/storage/original/application/3f1dc4756b5bc091879c9c254d95e05c.pdf Boulenger JP, Bustany, P. Pharmacokinetics of benzodiazepines. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (Elsevier, Paris) Psychiatrie, 37860 A40, 1986. Lecadet J and al, Psychotropic drugs: consumption and prescription practices in metropolitan France. National data 2000. Rev Med Ass Maladie 2003, 34: 75-84

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