X-ray examination of the scapula refers to non-invasive research methods through the use of x-rays. As a result of the study, the patient receives a picture on his hands that visualizes the scapular bone and allows you to determine the anomaly of the area under study.
Purpose of X-ray of the scapula
With the help of this study, any pathology of the scapula can be assessed. The procedure is quick and completely painless, usually prescribed to determine: fractures, the correct fusion of bones after a fracture, the presence / absence of malignant or benign focal lesions, the presence of inflammatory processes or infections, as well as changes in the shape of the scapula.
Sometimes this research method is prescribed for women during menopause and with suspected pathology of the parathyroid glands, since such changes in the body have a direct effect on bone tissues: their density decreases, and hence strength, which leads to destruction and deformation of bones, and, as a consequence, specific bone diseases, in particular osteoporosis, can develop, which can lead to cracks and fractures.
Preparation for the procedure
There are no special preparatory moments for carrying out this type of diagnosis of the scapula. In order to undergo an examination, it is necessary to remove clothes to the waist, remove all jewelry, put on a special lead apron on the pelvic area. Radiography is performed in a standing or lying position (determined by the radiologist).
Indications and contraindications
The procedure is prescribed in case of injuries or discomfort (pain) in the area of the scapula.
Everyone can take the study, except for: pregnant women; children under the age of ten; people who have already had a similar study in the last 6 months; patients with metal breast implants.
It is important to understand that X-ray examination is not safe for the human body, and this procedure is often prohibited. All data on the date of X-ray diagnostics are indicated on the front page of the patient’s card. Diagnosis is allowed no more than once every six months.
How X-Ray is Performed
The duration of the examination of the procedure is from a few seconds to 5 minutes. Most of the time is spent on properly positioning the patient. The procedure is carried out in a special room equipped with an x-ray machine. The radiologist is in the next booth.
As a result, images are obtained in two projections: lateral and direct. Direct projection is mostly carried out in the supine position.
Radiography is the most informative, accessible and fast method for diagnosing the condition of the scapula.
Procedure algorithm:
- laying the patient in the required position;
- determining the number of required projections and images;
- performing diagnostics;
- handing over the images to the patient.
Where is radiodiagnosis performed?
The service is available in all major medical institutions, special diagnostic centers, in other words, in any medical institution with an X-ray machine and an experienced radiologist.
Fractures that can be visualized by x-ray of the scapula
The scapula is a flat thin bone of approximately triangular shape, covered on all sides by muscles, mainly supported by them, therefore it is relatively rarely injured. The peculiarity of the anatomical structure is the presence of a complex thickening of the edges and the tee profile, which dramatically increases its resistance to external influences and affects the propagation of cracks. Cracks that occur at the moment of impact are located parallel to the ridge and, as it were, “bypass” the places of thickening. With fractures of the scapula, this is clinically manifested by edema, as a result of hemorrhage, and local pain on palpation.
The main technique for X-ray examination of the scapula is radiography in direct (posterior), lateral and (if necessary) oblique projections. In the pictures in these projections, as a rule, the entire scapula is clearly visible. X-ray examination is always very valuable, because clinical symptoms, as a rule, weakly prove the presence of bone damage. Pictures can be taken both in vertical and horizontal positions of the victim.
A serious injury is a fracture of the surgical neck of the scapula, since its treatment requires special skills and additional techniques.
The manifestations of this fracture are very similar in symptoms to the anterior dislocation of the humerus. X-ray diagnosis in this case is facilitated by the visualization of a typical displacement of fragments. The peripheral fragment, due to the weight of the limb, hangs down and, due to the contraction of the muscles of the chest and shoulder, moves forward. Between the fragments there is an angle open forward. In connection with the rotation of the shoulder inward, the articular surface of the scapula in the picture taken in direct projection takes the form of a wide oval.
With dislocations of the shoulder, there are separations of the edges of the articular cavity, and sometimes crushed fractures of the entire articular surface. A fracture of this kind is a severe injury to the shoulder joint.
Patients rarely pay attention to bruises and injuries of the scapula until the pain becomes unbearable and freedom of movement is not limited. As a rule, a fracture or crack begins to scar and a specific outgrowth may appear. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a scapular injury, it is recommended to consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and selection of effective and correct treatment.
Fractures and injuries can be different, and in order to determine the exact degree and location of damage, the doctor prescribes x-ray diagnostics. It is worth noting that with the help of X-ray diagnostics it will not be possible to examine the condition of tendons, ligaments, cartilage. For a detailed study of the scapular zone, diagnostics such as CT and MRI are used.