X-ray (radiography) of the spine is the most accessible method for studying the human skeletal system. A reliable diagnostic method allows you to determine the disease without harm to the health of the patient. Indications for x-rays are characteristic pains, injuries and emergencies in which a person finds himself.
Why do you need a spine x-ray?
An X-ray machine is a complex system consisting of a beam tube and a patient fixation table. In the ray tube, particles are accelerated as they pass through the patient’s body. The skeletal system and soft tissues have different throughput, as a result, a detailed image of the bones can be seen in the resulting image.
Passing through the body, the rays leave a trace on a special screen: the exact image of the bones remains on special paper (additionally stored in the form of an electronic image). It is problematic to diagnose soft tissue injuries using x-rays, since this type of study is suitable for studying the skeletal system and damaged joints. With the help of this diagnostic method, injuries, chronic diseases and inflammatory processes are determined.
What does an x-ray show?
X-rays, passing through the human body, increase the radiation background in the body. The procedure is carried out only when absolutely necessary, when other research methods are not available for some reason and therefore cannot provide information about the exact picture of the disease. In the case of tuberculosis or cancerous tumors, an x-ray of the spine allows you to see additional neoplasms and metastases. Modern devices reduce the radiation load and prevent possible complications due to exposure to x-rays.
An x-ray of the spine is performed in two projections, which allows you to consider a neoplasm or injury in volumetric form, assess its size and degree of damage. X-rays of the spine are taken in the supine position and on the side – the rays are directed at one angle. With the help of modern techniques, received or congenital deformations of the skeleton, pathologies of the spinal column, changes in the structure of the bone are determined. X-rays show tumors on the spinal column, changes in the joints and bone formations. If the physiological integrity of the skeletal system is compromised, the resulting image will show the degree of destruction.
Indications for the procedure
The two-dimensional image determines the degree of damage to the spine: fractures, cracks, bruises. Compression and compression of the vertebrae are clearly visible in the image obtained after radiography. A method is used for the diagnosis of curvature of the back, as well as for osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. Developmental anomalies that were not detected after the birth of the child are clearly visible in the pictures.
X-rays are ordered to determine the extent of damage due to trauma. Pictures can refute the diagnosis or confirm the fears of the attending physician. Direct indications for the procedure are frequent headaches (migraines, which do not help with painkillers) and dizziness. In such cases, a study of the cervical region is prescribed. Choking pain in the chest area is a problem that is also investigated using x-rays. The direct appointment for the procedure is partial or complete numbness of the lower and upper limbs. To confirm an accurate diagnosis, additional research methods are prescribed (soft tissues and healthy internal organs are examined).
Contraindications to the procedure
The main difficulty in carrying out the procedure is the radiation that a person receives. For one image of the spine, the patient is exposed to radiation equal to 6 months of natural exposure. Children suffer from radiation exposure twice as hard as adults, so X-rays of the child are performed only in extreme cases (an urgent need for a spine examination). For diagnostics, pictures are taken of only certain areas, and the rest of the child’s body is covered with a special lead apron.
There are very few categorical contraindications to the procedure – it does not cause adverse reactions or allergies. A contraindication for this examination is pregnancy, when the formation and development of the internal organs of the fetus. Irradiation can disrupt this process, therefore, without urgent need, radiography is not prescribed.
Low efficiency of the procedure for overweight patients: the presence of a large amount of subcutaneous fat and a small amount of muscle tissue leads to a deterioration in image clarity. Directly during the scan, the patient must remain still, which is difficult for people with a nervous tic or tremor of the limbs.
Features of the procedure
It is dangerous to take an X-ray of the entire spine, so individual parts of the vertebrae are examined to identify a specific problem. An x-ray of the cervical spine is performed in the presence of a severe headache, pain when turning the neck and head, after damage to the neck or upper spine.
Pain in the chest and upper abdomen when turning the body requires examination of the thoracic spine. It is advisable to conduct two studies: take pictures from above and from the side. Pain in the sternum can indicate serious neurological diseases, so the risk of exposure is justified by the result of the study.
Curvature of the back requires x-ray of the lumbar spine. Pathologies associated with the lower part of the spinal column are expressed by unpleasant symptoms: spontaneous severe pain, numbness of the legs and arms. If a tumor is suspected, a two-dimensional x-ray of the lumbar spine is performed.
How to prepare for an x-ray?
Preparation for the study does not take much time. After receiving the appointment, the patient can undergo the procedure on the same day. When prescribing an X-ray of the lumbar spine, you must:
- cleanse the intestines in advance;
- in emergency cases, cleanse the intestines with an enema;
- the day before the procedure, drink a remedy that reduces gas formation in the intestines.
Gases do not transmit X-rays well, and the picture may turn out blurry. A routine examination involves a little preparation: the patient sits on a balanced diet and eliminates foods that contribute to excessive gas formation from the diet. Before the procedure, the patient removes all excess clothing and metal objects.
After the patient lies down on the table, his body is fixed in a certain position. In these cases, it is necessary to get rid of any clothing that can distort the resulting image. The study of the lumbosacral region is sometimes accompanied by additional preparation: before the procedure, the patient makes an enema and performs a complete bowel cleansing.
An x-ray of the cervical region involves such preparation: the patient undresses to the waist, removes all jewelry from the neck and ears. In total, the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, during which the patient lies motionless. Before the procedure, you need to visit the toilet and drink painkillers if the patient cannot lie on the table without moving. X-ray of the thoracic region is performed without prior preparation – the patient removes clothing and jewelry, and takes the desired position.
Carrying out an x-ray
Radiography is carried out only as prescribed by a specialist: in emergency cases or for a routine examination. The procedure is carried out quickly and without noticeable discomfort for the patient. Preparatory measures contribute to obtaining clear informative images. Unpleasant sensations depend on the temperature of the table on which the study is being carried out – the body quickly gets used to the cold metal surface. Diagnosis is carried out in a sitting or lying position. The patient undresses and removes jewelry (if a diagnosis of the cervical region is performed). Metal elements may distort the resulting image.
To protect the body from excessive radiation, a special lead apron is used, which is placed on the patient’s chest. Such a detail protects the body and minimizes the effect of X-rays on healthy organs and tissues. The shielding plate is worn over the chest and neck if the lower part of the spinal column is being examined.
The procedure with two transverse images is carried out no more than 20 minutes. During this time, the patient fixes the position of the body twice. The XNUMXD image (front and side) allows you to assess the extent of the problem.
Procedure with rehearsals
Functional examination is suitable for examining the mobile areas of the spine. The body is scanned in a lateral projection with the patient completely immobile. Then the patient begins to bend and unbend with maximum bending. Functional diagnostics is carried out: standing and sitting. This research method helps to study all the mobile areas of the spine and determine even minimal damage.
The three-dimensional image allows you to thoroughly explore each area of the spine. Projections for diagnostics: posterior, during extension, during flexion. Each position must be fixed. Tests are carried out only when the patient is able to take opposite body positions. Together with the position of the body, the correct inclination of the tube of the device is selected.
Results of the study
A snapshot – the result of diagnostics completely consists of dark and light segments of different contrast. Light areas are bones, and dark areas are soft tissues. The outline of adipose and muscle tissue is almost imperceptible (they completely transmit X-rays).
The study is carried out in a specialized room equipped with an X-ray machine. The medical staff performs the procedure and develops the images (the electronic version is downloaded to removable media).
Image interpretation
The radiologist is responsible for deciphering the obtained images. The specialist examines the damage and describes any abnormalities. Based on his conclusion, the attending physician makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes the most effective treatment. Cracks and depressions in light areas indicate damage to the bones. It is not difficult to see the damage, but only an experienced specialist can assess the degree of complexity of the injury.
Deviations of the spine indicate a disease such as scoliosis. Depending on the degree of deformity, effective treatment is prescribed. Cancers appear as distinct, rounded opacities that are darker than bone and lighter than soft tissue. Osteochondrosis is characterized by a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae. Two projections, which are compared by a radiologist, will help to determine deviations from the norm.