X-ray (radiography) of the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint has a complex structure. Therefore, the slightest pathology of the joint can cause a violation of its functionality, which causes a complete or partial loss of mobility of the upper limb. There are many reasons for the development of various pathologies – these can be chronic diseases, injuries, congenital anomalies. The key to the effectiveness of therapy is the timeliness and accuracy of diagnosis. When a patient complains of pain in the shoulder, he may be assigned an x-ray. The advantages of this diagnostic method are informative and accessible.

Operating principle

X-ray of the shoulder joint is a research technique that is characterized by a fairly high accuracy and accessibility. Provided that the picture is taken correctly, and a qualified specialist will deal with its decoding, there is no reason to doubt the correctness of the results obtained.

The method is based on the use of X-rays of a given range, aimed at the area under study. Since soft tissue is capable of transmitting X-rays and hard tissue is able to absorb X-rays, a clear image is obtained. In this case, all soft tissues in the picture will be dark, and hard tissues will be light. This is a key factor why radiography is used in the diagnosis of bone and joint pathologies. If it is required to study the state of soft tissues or the vascular system, another diagnostic method is prescribed – these objects are not visible on the x-ray.

What will an X-ray of the shoulder joint show?

The X-ray image clearly shows changes in cartilage tissue, violations of the integrity of the bones, fluid and inflammation in the joint. It is important to understand that in the image obtained as a result of radiography, not only the shoulder joint will be visible, but also the scapula, as well as the collarbone. This enables the doctor to comprehensively examine the patient and identify all the existing changes in these body structures.

This diagnostic method allows you to identify cysts, foci of inflammation, changes in the structure of bone tissue, deformities, neoplasms. Radiography is an obligatory research method for making such diagnoses as arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteophyte.

If a study of the cavities of the shoulder joint is required, an x-ray with the use of a contrast agent may be prescribed. Contrast helps to see the condition of the muscles in the picture – this is especially important if a muscle rupture is suspected.

Indications for the appointment of the procedure

X-ray of the shoulder joint is among the safe diagnostic techniques that do not require “invasion” into the body. But since exposure to X-rays on a person is associated with a certain health risk, there must be direct indications for the appointment of an X-ray procedure for the shoulder joint. When a patient complains of pain in the shoulder or limited mobility of the upper limb, an external examination and palpation are first performed, and only then the doctor can decide on the need to prescribe an x-ray.

Direct indications for the appointment are:

  • sharp pain in the shoulder;
  • suspicion of dislocation or subluxation of the head of the shoulder joint;
  • suspicion of the presence of a tumor;
  • violation of the mobility of the shoulder joint;
  • traumatic or congenital pathologies and deformities;
  • injuries associated with a possible violation of the integrity of bone tissue;
  • diagnosis of diseases affecting periarticular soft tissues or bone and cartilage structures of the shoulder joint;
  • the presence of an intraarticular foreign body.

X-ray can be prescribed not only for diagnosis, but also to control the recovery process of the damaged shoulder joint.

In chronic diseases of the joints, radiography is prescribed 2 times a year. If the medical institution in which the patient is observed is equipped with modern equipment, the interval between examinations can be reduced. When diagnosing on a new generation X-ray machine, a person receives a minimal dose of radiation, which can be compared with several hours of watching TV or a two-hour flight on an airplane.

Preparation for radiography

During the planned appointment of the procedure, the patient is recommended to wear loose clothing that can be easily removed. At the same time, it should not have metal fasteners or decorative elements. It is better to leave all jewelry at home – any metal object can distort the results of the study.

If an x-ray with the introduction of a contrast agent is prescribed, then there are some restrictions on the use of food and liquids – a “hungry” diet is recommended for 4-6 hours. Additionally, it is necessary to analyze the body’s sensitivity to a certain type of contrast agents.

Features of the procedure

The X-ray machine is always installed in an isolated room. Only the patient is in the room when the image is taken. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. The time increases if you need to take several pictures in different projections. When entering the X-ray room, the patient must remove all metal objects from himself and completely expose the shoulder joint.

At the time of taking the picture, the patient lies on a special couch on his side or on his back, the position depends on the desired projection. The thyroid gland and inguinal region must be closed with a lead apron that does not transmit x-rays.

The procedure time can be slightly increased if there is a need for the introduction of a contrast agent. This increases not the time of exposure to x-rays, but the duration of the patient’s preparation for the procedure.

The radiologist is responsible for deciphering the resulting image. This specialist, having studied all the obtained images, writes a conclusion, on the basis of which the attending physician can establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Image quality can be affected by excess body weight – a dense layer of fat cells can distort the result. In order to reduce the negative effects of radiography, it is useful for patients to take vitamin C for 3 days after the procedure and drink plenty of pure water without gas.

Contra-indications and limitations

You should know that there are no direct contraindications to the X-ray of the shoulder joint. But there are restrictions that can be violated only in the event of a direct threat to the life and health of the patient.

Age under 16 is a relative contraindication. But in some cases, even infants are shown x-rays. At the same time, increased security measures are taken – the entire body of the child is covered with a lead apron, only the area under study remains unprotected.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, X-rays are prescribed only if there are strong indications.

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