X-ray (radiography) of the paranasal sinuses

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses is a fairly common procedure in otorhinolaryngology, as it allows you to determine the presence of various pathologies in this area. This diagnostic method is used both for examining adults and children, although doctors recommend choosing more gentle and safe methods for children. diagnostics.

Below in the article we will consider the features, nuances and disadvantages of such a method of studying the nasal sinuses as radiography.

Indications and purpose of X-ray diagnostics of the paranasal sinuses

X-ray diagnostics of the paranasal sinuses is recommended for patients with suspected development of inflammatory processes or the presence of foreign bodies in the nose. In any case, the study is prescribed after trauma to the nose, after fractures of the bones of the face, after suffering car accidents, etc.

The procedure for adults is prescribed if there are complaints about: sudden and causeless changes in body temperature; profuse tearing in bright light; persistent nosebleeds; prolonged nasal congestion; frequent and severe headaches; discomfort in the nose and forehead.

With the help of an x-ray, it will be possible to determine not only the physiological changes in the paranasal sinuses, but also the presence of a pathological accumulation of fluid in them. X-ray diagnostics can help identify such inflammatory diseases of various sinuses as: sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis. In addition, you can see the presence of osteoporosis, neoplasms, osteomyelitis, curvature of the nasal septum, cysts, etc.

It is much easier for an ENT doctor to assess the patient’s health status and choose an adequate and effective treatment when he has such informative research results in his hands.

Contraindications for diagnosis

It is strongly not recommended to carry out the procedure for women during pregnancy, since it has long been known about the negative impact on the development of the embryo of x-rays.

It is also worth abandoning the procedure if the patient has dental, facial or cranial metal prostheses. They try to abandon this type of study if patients are diagnosed with cancer.

X-ray has no special contraindications, but it is still recommended to consult a doctor.

Diagnostic algorithm

Before the diagnosis, there is no need to carry out any preparatory procedures. You just need to come to the X-ray room, give the radiologist a referral, remove all metal jewelry and clothes with metal inserts, put on a special apron – that’s all the preparation.

The manipulation algorithm directly depends on the indications:

  • for examining the sinuses, pictures are taken from the occipital-chin projection and the occipital-frontal projection;
  • to study the presence of bone formations, pictures are taken in 3 planes: left, right and straight, sometimes diagnosticians make a fourth projection – naso-chin.

The diagnostic radiologist provides precise instructions regarding the position of the patient. At the time of taking the picture, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath. The examination can last from one to five minutes. The results can be transmitted directly to the attending physician (indicated in the referral) or in half an hour to the patient himself. The attending physician evaluates the images and makes a conclusion with further recommendations and treatment.

This type of examination is contraindicated more often than once every six months!

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses in children

For children under the age of seven, this procedure is prescribed only if there are serious indications, since x-rays can disrupt osteogenesis and slow down the growth of the child.

For preschoolers, the suspicion of sinusitis or adenoiditis is not an indication for X-ray diagnostics.

Older children are also trying, if possible, to prescribe alternative diagnostic methods, such as MRI or ultrasound.

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses

X-ray diagnostics is prescribed to confirm the assumption of the presence of sinusitis in patients. The procedure allows, in addition to determining the presence of a bilateral or unilateral inflammatory process, to additionally diagnose the presence of pathological “growths” of the mucous membrane such as polyposis, parietal inflammation (localization near the walls of the bones, has uneven boundaries), exudative darkening (demonstrates the level of filling of the sinuses with mucus).

It is important to understand that an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses will be ineffective in the presence of purulent accumulation in the sinuses – only CT can cope with this task.

Image interpretation

In the picture you can see: neoplasms and cysts; the presence of foreign bodies; the formation of cracks, fractures and fragments; various eclipses demonstrating inflammatory processes.

In the absence of any pathologies, all structures of the nose have smooth and clear contours, and the sinuses are displayed as semi-oval even niches. The sinuses should be completely darkened, if there are light blotches – this is an indicator of the presence of an inflammatory process.

If the doctor cannot reliably make a diagnosis based on an x-ray, the patient is recommended to undergo an MRI or CT scan. Yes, these studies are somewhat more expensive, but their information content and safety are much higher.

Where can I get an x-ray of the sinuses

Usually in each polyclinic there is an X-ray room. Also, diagnostics can be done in specialized ENT centers (recommended for children) or in other large clinics.

The direction for the examination should be issued only by a doctor. In this case, self-appointment can be fraught with negative consequences.

After each procedure with X-rays, corresponding marks are made in the patient’s chart. Frequent X-ray diagnostics will negatively affect the state of the whole organism: teeth, hair, nails. This starts the process of rapid aging.

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