X-ray (radiography) of the lumbosacral spine

X-ray (radiography) of the lumbosacral spine is an accessible method for studying the condition and the presence of pathological changes in this spine. The diagnosis itself is completely painless, practically safe and allows you to see even the most minimal damage or manifestations of pathologies.

Indications for radiography of the lumbosacral spine

Only a doctor can prescribe X-ray diagnostics, based on the patient’s complaints, initial examination and other data. Indications for the procedure are: congenital anomalies in the region of the spinal column; trauma and the presence of complications after trauma; suspicion of the presence of neoplasms; rachiocampsis; loss of sensation in the legs; pain in the limbs and back.

During the study, only the conditions of the vertebrae themselves are considered; anomalies of the ligaments, intervertebral discs, blood vessels, etc. can be judged through the use of other research methods, such as MRI or CT. At the same time, the study will help to determine the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes of the spine, tumor formations and degenerative diseases of the spine through the analytical abilities of the doctor.

Contraindications for the study

Like any other study, X-ray diagnostics has certain contraindications. It is highly not recommended to take x-rays for women during pregnancy, since irradiation of the fetus can lead to serious pathologies in development, fetal fading, and premature birth.

Women during pregnancy (in case of urgent need) are recommended to undergo an MRI – this method is both safe and more informative.

Women of childbearing age are recommended to undergo X-ray diagnostics of this part of the spine in the first two weeks after the end of menstruation – in order to avoid a situation where the woman does not yet know about the pregnancy, and thereby avoid possible irradiation of the fetus.

Of the contraindications, it is also worth pointing out the recent presence of X-ray diagnostics using a barium suspension.

Preparation for research

The lower part of the spine is located in close proximity to the intestines, which is why excessive gas formation can significantly complicate the diagnosis. To conduct an effective diagnosis, it is recommended to properly prepare:

  • 3 days before the date of the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that increase gas formation in the intestines: apples, gray bread, cabbage, beans, beans, etc.;
  • the procedure is performed on an empty stomach, the last meal should be at least 6 hours before the study;
  • Before the procedure, it is desirable to conduct a cleansing enema.

In addition to these procedures, it is necessary to empty the bladder before the diagnosis, remove all metal objects (piercing, rings, etc.).

Not every patient knows how to properly prepare for an x-ray of the lumbosacral spine, which is why the doctor is obliged to conduct the most informative consultation on this issue. After all, the quality of the results obtained and, as a result, the quality of further treatment directly depends on this.

Algorithm for X-ray diagnostics

Radiography of the lumbar spine can be performed in three projections: oblique, lateral and direct. Pictures can be taken in a standing and lying position, everything directly depends on the patient’s well-being and the complexity of the diagnosed disease. Most often, lying down is a procedure for curvature of the spine. In order to determine the mobility of the department, so-called functional tests are carried out: a series of pictures is taken in different projections with inclinations to the right, left, forward and backward.

It is important at the time of the study to protect the reproductive organs from x-ray radiation. For this, special radiation-resistant plates are used. But their use is not always possible, for example, during the study of the sacrococcygeal section, the plates will simply cover the desired area. It is recommended to discuss all these points with the doctor, and, possibly, choose a diagnostic method that is safer for the body.

Explanation of results

X-ray of the lumbosacral region allows you to identify many pathologies.

Injuries – X-ray allows you to consider displacements, the presence of fragments, fractures, cracks. If there is a compression fracture, then the spine will become wedge-shaped and decrease in height.

Anomalies of development – the study allows you to consider the presence of extra vertebrae, the condition of the vertebrae and the shape of their processes.

Osteochondrosis – X-ray allows you to consider the presence of a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, the condition of the end plates and visualization of ossification.

Deforming spondylosis – the presence in the picture of ossification in the region of the anterior longitudinal ligament.

Spondylarthrosis – the picture shows reduced joint spaces, bone growths that have appeared.

Intervertebral hernia is difficult to visualize on an x-ray, but there are indirect signs of its presence, and in such cases it is recommended to resort to MRI diagnostics to confirm the presumptive diagnosis.

With the help of x-rays, pathological changes in the vertebrae can be examined, but as for the spinal cord, nerves, tissues, discs, ligaments, it is better to use other diagnostic methods, since they are more informative and safe in this matter.

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