X-ray (radiography) of the humerus

X-ray of the humerus is an affordable and effective method of research used in orthopedics and traumatology. The peculiarity of diagnostics lies in the fact that tissues of various structures and varying degrees of health and integrity, passing X-rays through themselves, delay it in different ways. If, for example, the bone is damaged, its density decreases (except in rare cases), these changes are visible on x-rays.

Indications for an x-ray of the humerus

If you experience pain in the humerus after an injury or for any other reason, you should immediately consult a traumatologist. The feeling of discomfort in the shoulder itself may not go away, and over time, the patient’s well-being without proper treatment may change for the worse.

The cause of pain in the shoulder can be a dislocation, a fracture, a severe bruise. The doctor examines the patient, listens to complaints, identifies the nature and degree of the disease that has arisen, and sends him for tests. After receiving the results of the tests, the doctor decides on the need for an X-ray of the humerus.

The doctor prescribes an x-ray if the patient has shoulder pain; there is swelling in the shoulder area or there has recently been an injury; with subluxation and dislocation of the head of the humerus and suspicion of the presence of foreign bodies or neoplasms in the joint.

Pain in the shoulder may indicate a dislocation of the head of the bone, arthrosis, fracture, osteoporosis, injury to the scapula, collarbone or the humerus itself. If the patient did not have a fact of injury, the doctor may suspect the presence of neoplasms, congenital pathological changes, arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

It is advisable to prescribe an x-ray of the humerus for swelling and hematomas, impaired musculoskeletal function of the arm, crunch at the time of injury, and deformity of the arm. Quite often, x-rays are taken after operations to make sure that the bones are correctly aligned. If serious diseases are suspected, such as periostitis, abscesses, cancer, an x-ray should be taken.

Diagnostics will help to identify cracks, fractures, subluxations and dislocations in the shoulder and elbow joints, tuberculosis of the humerus, osteosclerosis, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, malunion fracture, bone and soft tissue cancers, deformities, pathologies and degenerative diseases of bone tissues.

Contraindications x-rays

When examining the humerus with an X-ray machine, a person receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure, so the procedure is relatively safe. It is not recommended to conduct a study for pregnant women, young mothers during breastfeeding, children. If a pregnant woman or a child has a fracture, then an x-ray is done only when the expected harm from an incorrect diagnosis exceeds the likelihood of side effects. In case of serious injuries, radiography is mandatory, because without taking a picture, the humerus can grow together incorrectly and disturb the patient throughout his life.

If a person has contraindications to x-rays, then the following can be done:

  • ultrasound (helps to assess soft tissues, ligaments, joints);
  • computed tomography (as a result of the study, 3D images of bone tissue are obtained, which can be enlarged several times in order to examine the damaged areas in more detail);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (diagnosis, which can be used to evaluate soft tissues, tendons, ligaments).

Magnetic resonance imaging is considered less informative among the methods of examining bone tissue. An x-ray of the humerus is a quick way to determine the health status of a specified area in a patient and take the necessary measures in order to cure the person in the shortest possible time.

About the procedure

Surgeons, rheumatologists, traumatologists and therapists are sent for x-rays. X-ray of the humerus is a procedure that does not require additional preparation. You can be examined in a hospital, a regular clinic, a private clinic, a specialized clinic or in the radiology department.

The patient must come to the procedure with a referral from the treating doctor. All metal jewelry must be removed before examination. The patient should undress to the waist or bare the shoulder. Then the patient lies down or sits down on a special table. The patient will be protected from radiation by special lead screens that protect the thyroid gland and other organs.

During the diagnosis, 2 pictures are taken – lateral and direct. Depending on which projection is performed, the patient is positioned accordingly on the table. To make a high-quality direct image, the patient must turn sideways to the couch. The arm should be taken to the side and aligned at the elbow, then the patient slowly lies down on the table (his palm looks up). This position of the arm and shoulder allows you to make an informative and systematic image of the damaged area. The resulting image will fix hidden cracks and fractures.

To get an x-ray in a lateral projection, the patient needs to sit down in the same way as in the first case – sideways to the couch. You should take your hand and bend at the elbow (the palm should look down). Most often, two projections are made at once in order to see the state of the bone from different sides and not to miss minor injuries. The duration of the diagnostic takes about 5 minutes. After the procedure, the patient can get up and dress. The results of the study will be ready in 15-60 minutes, depending on the workload of the radiologist.

X-ray results and expert opinion

After the image is ready, it is decoded by the radiologist. A qualified specialist will be able to decipher the image in a short period of time. First of all, the radiologist pays attention to deviations from normal values, analyzes the blackouts and shadows in the structure of the humerus. According to the image, it is easy for a specialist to detect the localization of the focus of the disease.

After a detailed examination of the picture, the doctor proceeds to describe it. He compares normal readings with those obtained as a result of an x-ray procedure. If a patient has a fracture, then the image will show the place of its localization, the presence of fragments and their exact location.

If a fracture is not detected by a doctor, but there is a narrowed joint space, this may indicate a disease such as osteoarthritis or arthritis. Decreased bone density indicates damage to bone tissue by osteoporosis. The proliferation of connective tissue in the picture indicates the course of a serious inflammatory process.

Information related to pathological and traumatic changes is recorded in the medical history. Further, the attending physician prescribes treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his state of health. If a patient has a pathology, it is advisable to contact an orthopedist. A traumatologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, indicate the nature and root cause of the damage. After studying the conclusion of the radiologist, the specialist prescribes a course of therapy.

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