X-ray (radiography) of the femur

X-ray (radiography) of the femur is an affordable diagnostic method that does not require long-term special preparation. The procedure is carried out within 5 minutes and includes a bone scan in two projections. The results of the study allow assessing the state of adjacent joints and directly the bone structure of the lower extremities.

Research feasibility

Radiation research methods are popular all over the world. Thanks to the images obtained as a result of the study, it is possible to assess the condition and structural features of the bones. The femur is one of the largest in the human body. Identifying problems in this part of the body is the primary task of a surgeon or traumatologist, to whom an adult or a child can turn to with complaints.

Pathological changes are clearly visible in the picture, although they do not cause pronounced symptoms. The basis of the method is the impact of X-rays on various human tissues, including bones: each structure of the human body has its own density and is displayed differently in the images. Soft tissues transmit rays much better than bones, so the skeleton is evaluated in the picture, and not muscle tissue. Dense anatomical formations – bones – are detailed and enlarged on the obtained images: this research method in most cases eliminates the need for a diagnostic operation.

Indications for X-ray examination

Diagnostics of the skeletal system is prescribed in cases where characteristic complaints are received from the patient – pain when walking or in a sitting position, which may be an indication for x-rays. Fractures and fractures of the bone are usually accompanied by severe pain, so x-rays are prescribed immediately. Open fractures with soft tissue damage are diagnosed using X-rays, which do not affect the condition of wounds and cuts.

Displacement of bone fragments, neoplasms on the bone, its deformation and external changes in the shape of the lower extremities are direct indications for further X-ray examination. Osteomyelitis and periostitis are pathologies that occur in the skeletal system.

The procedure is also prescribed immediately after the injury. Accidents, falls, severe bruises and fractures require a comprehensive examination of the body. Swelling and redness are also a reason to see a doctor, who should exclude, among other things, the pathology of the skeletal system. There is a need for this examination in patients undergoing rehabilitation after surgical comparison of the bones. With the help of pictures, it is easier to control the dynamics in the treatment of complex cases.

Contraindications to the procedure

There were no direct contraindications for the study. Allergic reactions to exposure to x-rays are not observed. The limitation is the age of patients – children under 6 years of age, unless absolutely necessary, the procedure is not prescribed. Irradiation is categorically contraindicated for infants under one year old: their body is not able to cope even with the minimum dose of radiation.

If contraindications are found, alternative research methods without exposure to ionizing radiation are prescribed, such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), which can replace the pictures taken by the X-ray machine. An MRI can help diagnose problems that are in the soft tissues around the bone.

Research benefits

Modern radiographic systems allow obtaining high-quality images scanned in different planes. The main advantage of the method is the speed of diagnostics: depending on the complexity of the injury or other pathology, the entire process takes no more than 10 minutes. Digital signal transmission accelerates the speed of image processing – this factor is especially important if you need to urgently understand the cause of a serious condition of the patient.

The procedure is carried out in comfortable conditions. Modern devices can read digital images from different planes, without uncomfortable postures for patients (people sit on a comfortable table). Thanks to the digital image, the attending physician can make a diagnosis without delay and start urgent treatment. The radiation load is strictly regulated by international protocols, so nothing threatens the health of the patient undergoing the study.

Disadvantages of the diagnostic method

This procedure does not always help to know the exact diagnosis. Modern devices are distinguished by high image accuracy, but flat images do not provide comprehensive information about the location of various pathologies in all planes – using an image, it is impossible to accurately determine the size, structure and extent of changes. To improve the information content of the data obtained as a result of the study, two cross-sectional studies are carried out at once: pictures are taken from different angles.

The main shortcomings of the study:

  • image inaccuracy;
  • incomplete picture of the disease (it is impossible to examine adjacent soft tissues);
  • age restrictions;
  • pregnant women are not prescribed an X-ray of the femur (the exception is extreme cases when the benefit of the diagnosis outweighs the potential harm);
  • dose of radiation that is dangerous in subsequent repeated x-ray studies.

Pictures are inaccurate if the limb was not positioned correctly. The dense structure of the femur hides minor pathologies, not allowing timely identification of the problem. It is difficult to read pictures of patients with pathologies of the skeletal system – the loose structure of the skeleton affects the accuracy of the image.

How to prepare for research?

An x-ray examination is carried out in a specialized office and in the direction of the attending physician. There is no special preparation for this type of study – the patient must obediently follow all the recommendations of the medical staff.

Directly in the office, the patient is dressed in protective clothing (the upper part of the body is covered to minimize exposure to healthy tissues). Children undergo the procedure in the presence of their parents, who are also covered with specialized clothing.

Features of the study

The quality of the resulting image depends on the apparatus with which the human femur is irradiated. Before the procedure, the patient’s femoral head is examined for evidence of aseptic necrosis. Any invasive research is a risk that the attending physician prefers to exclude in advance. Bone necrosis makes it difficult to diagnose comorbidities. Before the procedure, the doctor assesses the risks for the patient and prescribes x-rays from different angles.

If the bone fixator is damaged, problems with the diagnosis of diseases can arise. Excessive and improper load on the bones leads to dystrophic processes. Cracks and fractures are a consequence of the disease and are difficult to see on inaccurate images. In case of damage to the fixator, additional studies should be carried out.

How is an x-ray done?

The study is being conducted in a room that is equipped to protect health workers and patients from exposure. The patient needs to remove some of the clothing – extra items and jewelry can interfere with the study. On the table where the patient lies down, there is a special marking that helps to correctly position the human body to obtain clear pictures. The area of ​​exposure to x-rays should be minimal: the head of the femur and its base are captured in the picture.

Aprons with lead inserts cover the human thyroid gland and its genitals, which are especially sensitive to radiation. For direct projection, the patient lies directly on his back. Legs should be straight. In this position, it will be possible to obtain a picture of the femur with joints. The lateral view is scanned from above with the patient lying on their healthy side. The second leg and body deviate to the side so as not to disturb the integral picture of one femur. The posture must be fixed until the end of the X-ray examination.

As soon as the patient assumes the correct position (with an apron and pads on), the medical staff goes to an adjacent radiation-protected room, in which the images are displayed on the screen through the control panel. If necessary, the patient changes position according to the instructions of the radiologist. On average, one plane (shot at one angle) takes no more than 2-3 minutes – all this time the patient needs to remain still. After the end of the procedure, the patient waits for the results and interpretation of the obtained images.

Explanation of results

The conclusion about the results of radiography is given by the radiologist. He deals with the description of the pictures and their decoding. This specialist cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment. It determines the possible pathologies and obscurations, which are the error of the research method, and not the disease. The doctor compares the state of the bone, as a separate formation in the human body, and evaluates its position in relation to the entire skeletal system.

The study protocol is the information that the doctor works with. The pictures are not the subject of diagnostics for the attending physician. The attending doctor relies on the exact interpretation of the image. An experienced specialist compares x-rays and the results of other prescribed studies and, based on them, makes an accurate diagnosis, and then prescribes treatment. The patient cannot independently prescribe this type of study.

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