X-ray (radiography) of the collarbone

An x-ray of the clavicle is an imaging obtained using x-rays at a dosage that is safe for humans. In addition to providing a detailed visual picture of the state of the bone structure, a kind of “photo” allows you to clarify the changes in the surrounding tissues.

This diagnostic belongs to the category of non-invasive methods for determining the state of health, which is a significant advantage for most people. Due to the ability of X-rays to interact differently with tissues of various structures, it turns out to display a fairly clear visual picture in black and white.

Usually in his direction, if necessary, check the collarbone, the doctor recommends an examination of the entire shoulder joint. This tactic is explained by the fact that such a position covers the clavicles themselves, the shoulder blades, and the tissues surrounding them. In the future, the image will serve as a significant help for recognizing not only the lesion, but also the territory covered by the pathological process.

If the disease is at the initial stage of development, then doctors will recommend taking pictures in two projections: lateral and anterior. The price of double testing will be slightly higher, but the result will be more accurate.

Indications for admission

Despite the stereotype that only those people who are suspected of having a fracture are sent to the diagnostic room, this is not true. Even with the appearance of a healthy patient who complained, the doctor can send for an examination in order to exclude the risk of the presence of initial manifestations of damage to the bone structure of this area.

Usually surgeons or traumatologists issue referrals, but getting an identical recommendation from a rheumatologist or orthopedist is also a common thing. On the referral, the doctor will write not only the name of the area under study, but also indicate how many and which projections he needs.

The radiologist will only need to correctly position the scanner of the machine before scanning, as well as position the patient according to the scheme approved by the referring physician. Without careful laying, it will not be possible to obtain a high-quality image, even if the collection of information is carried out by a new generation digital apparatus.

Often the main root causes for contacting a traumatologist with a surgeon and subsequent referral for x-rays are the following problems:

  • dislocation;
  • subluxation of the head of the humerus;
  • fracture of the neck of the humerus;
  • damage to the lateral part of the clavicle, scapula;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • congenital defects;
  • intra-articular foreign bodies;
  • neoplasm of a malignant or benign type;
  • restriction of motor activity of the specified zone.

The collarbone is one of the parts of the body that experience constant increased stress throughout the day. This factor indicates an increased risk of damage to an initially completely healthy part of the body.

If we consider the most common reasons for radiography of this area, then the reason for referrals is usually either dislocations of the clavicular-acromial joint or a standard fracture. Outwardly, it is problematic to determine such deviations with absolute certainty, therefore, detailed visualization is indispensable.

Among the variants of neoplasms of the clavicular region, patients mostly encounter myelomas. But there is a huge percentage of the likelihood of developing some kind of atypical tumor format, as evidenced by an incomprehensible white spot or some other characteristic feature.

As for the classic fracture, in adults it is almost always the result of severe mechanical damage like:

  • stroke;
  • fall.

Among newborns, the root cause is often called a pathological birth process. As a result, bone fragments are displaced in the baby, which additionally injures not only muscle fibers, joints, ligaments, but also the wall of the scapula. In the image, the deformation is clearly visible, and in practice, pain syndrome of varying severity will indicate the pathology. It is especially pronounced when raising your hand up.

But with a dislocation of the clavicular-acromial joint, there may be problems in diagnosing. The difficulty lies in the fact that the main symptom of the lesion is the loss of the joint from its usual position. You can even straighten it with your hand, but after a while, with active movements, it again returns to the wrong position. It will be possible to identify a deviation in the picture, but a typical picture with such a graphic design may also indicate another common ailment – osteolysis.

How is an X-ray done?

One of the most important advantages of radiography is the absence of the need for special training. Instead, a patient with a presumably broken or otherwise damaged collarbone should remove clothing, as well as jewelry and other metal objects. They can seriously distort the quality of the final image.

In most cases, he will be asked to lie down on a medical couch, fixing a certain position for several minutes. First, he will be examined in a lateral projection, and then a direct one, in order to get a more informative result.

According to the instructions, the X-ray laboratory assistant is obliged to issue special lead-based aprons. They are designed to protect the most sensitive parts of the body from increased background radiation:

  • genitals
  • thyroid gland.

But in many hospitals with a large flow of people who want to be examined, the medical staff misses this important point. If the patient has experienced this kind of attitude, the plate can be requested privately, as health is still more important.

Unlike MRI, and even computed tomography, the procedure lasts only a couple of minutes, and most of it falls on the correct positioning of a patient with a damaged right or left collarbone.

It has long been proven that the older the equipment, the higher the radiation load on the body. From this follows the quite understandable desire of patients to contact private medical centers, where innovative digital devices operate.

It is worth preparing in advance for the fact that patients with excessive body weight will have a harder time due to the fact that the fat layer makes the image more blurry. Only a larger number of projections made will slightly correct the situation.

After the diagnosis, the resulting image will be evaluated by a radiologist. But instead of making a final verdict, he only deals with the description of what he saw. Further, this information is transferred to the attending physician, so that he, on the basis of the data received, complaints, hereditary predisposition, makes the final diagnosis. Radiography can also become the basis for drawing up a treatment program, up to the need to perform emergency surgical intervention.

Contraindications and harm from radiation

The myth that X-ray exposure is harmful is still thriving in society. It really will not add health to the body, but at the same time, the dosage of radiation is within the permissible norm.

Only in order not to go beyond these boundaries, you will need to strictly follow medical recommendations. They include the following precautions:

  • the passage of x-rays once in a certain interval, and not more often;
  • notification of pregnancy
  • warning about the presence of built-in electronic mechanisms and metal inserts.

In general, pregnancy is the most important contraindication for the use of this diagnostic. And although for an adult, the dosage of radiation is considered safe, it can adversely affect the fetus during fetal development. In the future, this may manifest itself as anomalies of mental and physical development. Against the background of such risks, doctors prefer ultrasound, as a more benign solution, or MRI.

The average radiation dose for the clavicle is about 0,001 mZt per projection. The indicator is equated to the daily dose of radiation that the body receives in its usual habitat. For an adult, this is normal, but for children, before they reach the age of fifteen, it is better to also use ultrasound or MRI studies.

In order to slightly weaken the radiation load, the technologists came up with the idea of ​​installing a special protective screen. It is located between the x-ray tube and the patient.

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