X-ray (radiography) of the cervical spine

The cervical spine is most prone to injury and deformity. Vulnerability is explained by the weakness of the muscular corset of this area. Cervical ailments are quite dangerous for life and health – firstly, there is a decrease in motor activity, and secondly, in case of compression of blood vessels, the brain will suffer from oxygen starvation.

The simplest and most affordable method to identify ailments that have affected the cervical spine is an x-ray. Medical institutions of various levels have equipment for radiography, so this type of diagnostics is available to all categories of patients.

Operating principle

An X-ray machine is a medical device that allows you to examine the internal structures of the human body. The principle of operation is quite simple – X-rays, passing through the body, create an image on the screen or picture. Soft tissues that transmit X-rays well will be stained black. And hard tissues with a pronounced ability to absorb them will be light.

To make an accurate diagnosis, pictures are taken in two projections – this approach allows you to get the maximum amount of reliable information. The radiologist who interprets the obtained images compares the degree of staining of different structures and, based on this analysis, issues his conclusion.

Today, two types of equipment are used to perform the X-ray procedure – digital and film. Digital devices are modern, giving more accurate and detailed pictures. In addition, a digital image can be promptly sent for interpretation to specialists located anywhere in the world.

What will the x-ray of the cervical vertebra show?

The most common symptoms of diseases of the cervical spine are pain in the upper back and neck, headache, dizziness, limited range of motion in the neck, limited mobility and numbness of the upper limbs, ringing in the ears. In order to determine the true cause of such complaints, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray of this department. In the picture, you can see the deformation or displacement of the vertebrae, cracks in the bone tissue, pathological and abnormal processes in the bones, the presence of tumors, foci of inflammation.

When examining a patient who applied with back or neck injuries, an x-ray of the cervical vertebrae is a mandatory diagnostic procedure. This rule especially applies to patients admitted to a medical institution in an unconscious state.

You should be aware that soft tissues, intervertebral discs and blood vessels are very poorly visible on an x-ray. If it is necessary to examine these particular structures, the patient is assigned other diagnostic procedures.

Indications for prescription

The neck is the most mobile and flexible part of the spine. In this zone there are vessels that feed the brain, as well as nerve bundles that ensure the functionality of the upper half of the human body. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear that indicate the pathology of the cervical region, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

There are a number of symptoms, upon detection of which the doctor prescribes this type of study to the patient. These symptoms include:

  • neck pain that worsens with movement
  • limited mobility of the head;
  • constant headaches, throbbing pain when bending over or moving the neck;
  • violation of the functionality of the upper limbs – numbness, weakness;
  • crackling in the neck when moving;
  • gait disturbance;
  • injuries of the neck, head and shoulder complex;
  • a history of degenerative diseases of the spine;
  • development in the body of an infection that can pathologically affect the spine.

In some cases, radiography is the only way to establish the correct diagnosis, because many ailments and pathologies have similar symptoms.

Preparation for radiography

There is no need to pre-prepare the patient for the examination procedure. It is enough to remove clothes from the upper body and remove all metal elements: jewelry, cufflinks, clasps, removable dentures. During a planned x-ray, the patient must be familiar with these requirements in advance – then he will be able to choose clothes that can be easily removed and leave all jewelry at home.

Why is it necessary to eliminate all metal objects? The metal is not capable of transmitting X-rays, so the results of the study may be unreliable.

Features of the procedure

Usually, an x-ray of the neck is performed in two projections – lateral and anterior. Thanks to this approach, the specialist gets the opportunity to fully explore the area of ​​interest.

To take a picture in a lateral projection, the patient is placed on the couch on his side. Throughout the study, it is important to maintain absolute stillness. To obtain an anterior view, the patient must lie on their back. In some cases, an additional picture of the thoracic region is taken – the third projection. The indication for a chest x-ray is neck pain radiating to the abdomen and chest.

In some cases, x-rays are taken through the mouth. This technique makes it possible to obtain clearer images, but its implementation requires the presence of a certain type of equipment.

The duration of the procedure, taking into account the time spent on preparation, is about 20 minutes.

X-ray with samples

Provided that the patient is in a satisfactory condition, an x-ray of the cervical spine with functional tests may be prescribed. Pictures are taken at different angles of the neck. This makes it possible to see the pathological mobility of the vertebrae of the neck.

This diagnostic method requires a digital X-ray machine.

The images are interpreted by a radiologist. Based on the conclusion issued by this specialist, the attending physician establishes a diagnosis and develops a treatment regimen.

Limitations and contraindications

X-rays of the cervical spine cannot be ordered for patients who have had an x-ray with a contrast agent less than 5-6 hours ago.

The devices used to carry out this diagnostic method have weight restrictions – up to 120 or up to 150 kg. In addition, it is important to understand that a dense fat layer negatively affects the quality of the image. Therefore, people who are overweight may be prescribed other diagnostic procedures.

Pregnant women are contraindicated to undergo x-rays – x-rays can have a negative effect on the developing fetus. In the case of an urgent need to use this diagnostic technique, increased security measures are required.

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