An x-ray of the bones of the lower leg is the number one point in providing qualified medical care immediately after transporting the victim with ankle injury in hospital. With the help of black and white visualization, it will be possible to exclude possible fractures of varying severity or dislocations.
Also, the technique is in demand if a surgeon or traumatologist wants to check the absence of an inflammatory process in the bone structure or surrounding tissues.
The essence of the survey
Radiography is a non-invasive type of examination. In practice, this means that it is not accompanied violation of the integrity of the skin, pain syndrome or any other discomfort. The study is based on irradiation of the alleged damaged part of the body, which makes it possible to obtain an image of the area under study, where bones are clearly visible, as well as indirectly ligaments and tendons.
Since the lower leg is a complex mechanism consisting of two bones, in order to draw up a complete picture of the condition, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the fibula and tibia. In medical practice, it is believed that the greatest difficulties for the patient and his attending physician are just a fracture of the tibia. The reason lies in the anatomical features, because it is on it that most of the load falls when distributing the weight of the body.
At the same time, the fibula is a fastening of muscle tissue, which explains the reduced load on this component of the lower leg.
To determine the exact point of localization of the lesion, as well as to eliminate the risk of fragments getting into the surrounding tissues, it will be necessary to conduct an x-ray. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to find out whether surgical intervention is required, or you can get by with a standard cast or splint.
Despite the fact that modern medicine offers many other types of diagnostics, this type of imaging is still in consistently high demand. Doctors and patients appreciate it not only for the relatively affordable cost of the examination, even when it comes to using the capabilities of a digital device in a private clinic.
And also for the fact that, unlike modern computed tomography, which, even without involving an additional contrast stage, lasts about fifteen minutes, an x-ray research it will take, at most, five minutes.
If a digital device was used for testing, then the picture is instantly displayed on the screen. It can be transferred to digital media, or printed on paper along with an encrypted conclusion from a radiologist. You need to transfer the official document to the attending physician on your own, or wait until it is delivered to his office, if we are talking about the inpatient department of the hospital.
Basic indications
Despite the popularity of the technique, a person cannot prescribe it on his own. The decision to issue a referral for examination is made by the attending doctor, focusing on the well-being of the victim, his complaints, and other important data for preliminary diagnosis.
But sometimes people seek advice only after a few days after the injury, without feeling any particular discomfort on the first day. The alarm should be sounded if the patient has found in the shin area:
- swelling;
- change in skin color;
- crunch or clicks;
- sharp or aching pain syndrome;
- limitation of motor function.
The above does not always indicate a fracture, but a late diagnosed dislocation of health will not add to the patient either. Also, the listed signs may indicate a crack. It becomes clearly visible on a black and white picture a couple of days after the date of injury.
Also, with the help of x-rays, it will be possible to identify possible fragments or foreign objects. Received as a result of the examination, a picture will become a kind of compass for the surgeon or a traumatologistwho needs to undergo surgeryif the need arises, to improve the patient’s condition.
Situations are considered separately when survey sent from the oncology clinic. Doctors’ suspicions about the presence of a tumor of a benign or malignant nature are not always confirmed. But, sometimes, to boost informational content, doctors can to recommend not just classical radiography, but to involve the stage of contrasting.
It involves the introduction of a special solution intravenously, which is designed to improve visualizationhighlighting problem areas. Only now, even a high-quality image will not accurately answer the question of whether the tumor has metastases and whether it belongs to malignant neoplasms. To establish such data have to go through other diagnostic tests and analyses.
Preparing for the procedure
Special preparatory measures are not required from the patient. It is enough just to warn the doctor before the appointment about whether there are metal embedded objects in the shin area, such as knitting needles for support. And all removable metal objects must be removed so as not to distort future results.
Usually, for a full examination of one picture is not enough. Then the doctors ask scanning in several projections, differing in the postures of the victim. The key to a good result is the complete immobility of a person, which is easy to do, given only a couple of seconds of direct shooting.
For added security, you can ask roentgenlaboratory assistant lead apron, which will protect other parts of the body from excess radiation. Such protection will be especially relevant for:
- children under the age of 15;
- people with weakened immune systems.
The issued apron will serve as a reliable shield for the fetus from increased radiation exposure, which is acceptable only for adults.
To get reliable result, the patient is placed on a medical couch. If a direct projection is needed, he will be asked to roll over onto his back. When nnecessary use the lateral projection, the person turns to the side of the injured lower limb so that the healthy leg does not block the view. To do this, it is bent at the knee and hip joint.
Can help you lie down properly X-ray technician, which also issues lead protection, and will tell you when the result can be collected.