X-ray (radiography) of the abdomen with barium

When a patient complains of pain in the abdominal cavity or dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray. Given the structural features of the abdominal organs, this method cannot be called the most informative. To obtain a clear image, a special contrast agent is injected.

Barium sulphate is used as a contrast agent, which fills all cavities. This powder is poorly soluble in water and is resistant to acids and alkalis, while it has the ability to reflect x-rays. Since barium is not absorbed through the intestinal walls, the possibility of its entry into the blood arises only in the presence of open ulcers and other damage to the integrity of the walls. The substance is excreted from the body with feces.

Operating principle

The essence of this diagnostic method is based on the exposure of the abdominal cavity to a permissible dose of radiation. When x-rays pass through a cavity filled with contrast, a sufficiently clear picture is obtained, on the basis of which the radiologist can identify many pathological changes and establish the correct diagnosis.

Despite the fact that during the study the patient is exposed to radiation, barium radiography of the abdominal cavity is actively used in modern medicine. Firstly, the dose of radiation is insignificant and does not exceed the established daily norm. Secondly, the procedure does not take much time and does not bring discomfort to the patient. And thirdly, an x-ray with a contrast agent is an inexpensive and quite informative diagnostic method.

Modern equipment used for the X-ray procedure makes it possible to strictly regulate the radiation activity. Due to this, neighboring organs are practically not exposed to radiation.

What will an abdominal x-ray with barium show?

An x-ray of the abdominal cavity with the use of a contrast agent makes it possible to obtain a clear image of the gastrointestinal tract. Having studied the picture, the radiologist can see pathological changes in the mucous membranes, the presence of tumors, the formation of perforations, changes in the width of the lumen in the intestine, the elasticity of the intestinal walls, motor function, the presence of foreign bodies in the intestine, fluid accumulation.

Radiography can be planned – to establish a diagnosis for a patient who has consulted a doctor with complaints of pain in the abdominal cavity. It can also be emergency – upon admission of a patient with abdominal injuries or acute pain, suspicion of internal bleeding.

The radiologist is responsible for deciphering the resulting image. He issues a conclusion, on the basis of which the attending physician can determine the cause of pain and discomfort.

Indications for radiography

X-ray of the abdominal cavity with barium allows you to study in detail the state of the stomach, intestines, in particular, to see the sections of the small and large intestines, appendix, gallbladder. In the vast majority of cases, X-rays are used for diagnostic purposes or to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

The phenomena and symptoms in which the patient is shown an abdominal radiography with a contrast agent are as follows:

  • chronic diarrhea or persistent constipation;
  • the presence of blood in the feces;
  • suspected internal bleeding;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • pathological change in color and consistency of feces;
  • chronic or acute pain in the abdominal cavity and lower back;
  • suspicion of internal organ damage;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • retroperitoneal abscess;
  • intestinal obstruction.

In most cases, X-rays with a contrast agent are preceded by a plain X-ray. This is done in order to make sure that there are no internal damage through which barium can penetrate into the blood.

Preparation for research

The information content of the result obtained depends on the accuracy of compliance with all the rules for preparing for radiography using a contrast agent. During the planned procedure, the patient is shown a special diet with a restriction of products that cause increased gas formation – 3 days before the study. In addition, the doctor prescribes drugs with a laxative effect and describes the scheme for their administration. Two days before an x-ray with barium, it is worth excluding alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea from the diet, it is advisable to completely stop smoking. On the last day before the diagnosis, you can not eat solid food – it is allowed to drink broths, herbal teas, still water.

During the preparation period, it is not recommended to take medications. If a complete rejection of medicines is not possible, it is worth drinking plenty of water with each dose of the medicine.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient needs to change into suitable clothes – his own or hospital. It is also worth removing all metal objects, including removable dentures.

Features of the procedure

Since the procedure is performed only on an empty stomach, it is usually prescribed in the morning. If the interpretation of the image does not reveal the reasons for urgent hospitalization, the patient can go home immediately after the examination.

Barium sulphate in the form of a powder is mixed with water and injected into the gastrointestinal tract through a tube. Another way to introduce a contrast agent into the intestines is through the rectum using a thin tube that is inserted through the anus. The contrast injection procedure itself is painless, although it may be accompanied by some discomfort. If acute pain or other discomfort occurs during the administration of barium, the radiologist performing the procedure should be informed about this.

The patient should hold their breath and remain still while the images are being taken. The procedure itself takes 1-5 minutes – during this time a series of images is taken, on the basis of which a conclusion is written.

Contra-indications and limitations

Abdominal X-ray with contrast agent is not indicated for pregnant women. The same restriction applies to children under 14 years of age.

If perforations of the intestinal walls are suspected or detected, the introduction of contrast can lead to its rapid penetration into the blood, which can cause intoxication of the body. For internal injuries, other types of studies are used.

Abdominal X-ray with contrast medium is contraindicated in patients who have recently undergone an intestinal biopsy.

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