Wrinkles on the neck: why they appear, how to fight, photo of the stars 2018

Meghan Markle, Britney Spears, Rita Ora and other celebrities who have a Shar Pei neck.

Everyone has at least once heard the widespread statement that the age of a woman is betrayed by the neck. But for some reason, many, including the stars, completely ignore this truth. So the dissonance is obtained: a slender toned body, a face without a single wrinkle and … a neck in folds and rings. Moreover, even Hollywood celebrities often do not include care for this area in their beauty rituals. And as a result, their wrinkled necks cannot be hidden by a layer of makeup or the skill of photographers from the gossip.

For example, awarded beauties Britney Spears и Jennifer Lopez, who spend hours in the gym and at the beauticians, clearly do not pay attention to their no longer swan necks.

Britney Spears

J. Lo

And, by the way, the reason for such wrinkles is not only age. Partly, of course, because the skin in this area is very thin, and there is no subcutaneous fat on the neck. That is why it begins to fade earlier than the face. But older stars (like Sharon Stone) know how to care for this delicate area. But younger celebrities scare fans with wrinkles.

Lack of constant hydration, careful care of this area, the habit of sleeping on its side and even stoop – all this is fraught with the appearance of horizontal lines, cosmetologists say. Apparently, most of the celebrities from our collection have all of these bad habits at once. How else to explain that the 21-year-old also has wrinkles and “rings of Venus” on her neck. Haley Baldwin, and 27-year-old Rity Ory?

Even famous models confuse viewers with rings on their necks. For example, Miranda Kerr и Bar Refaeli… We represent how hard it is for designers and retouchers to correct this defect in the photo later.

Why are there models, even Megan Markle wrinkles and loose skin on the neck are clearly visible. The Duchess could use a change of beautician. After all, if you follow the basic simple rules for caring for your neck skin, it will remain smooth for a long time.

У Emma Stone и Drew Barrymore wrinkles on the neck appeared, it seems, due to excess weight. Both actresses would benefit from a diet, and their appearance will return to normal. But the saggy skin Jennifer Garner better to hide behind turtlenecks and sweaters with a throat. By the way, many stars, knowing about their neck problem, do just that.

There are a lot of ways to disguise an ugly neck: things with a high neck or stand-up collar, wide necklaces, fashionable chokers, stylish shawls and scarves. But some celebrities, even with very noticeable wrinkles on their necks, do not consider it necessary to do this. We offer you to look at them, leafing through our gallery.

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