Wrinkles around the lips: how to remove? Video

Wrinkles around the lips: how to remove? Video

With age, the skin begins to lose its firmness and elasticity, the regeneration processes slow down. Many people develop wrinkles on their faces, especially around the lips. This cosmetic defect often and earlier occurs in women and causes moral discomfort to the fair sex, who pays great attention to their appearance.

Wrinkles around the lips: how to remove?

Wrinkles can occur not only due to natural age-related reasons, but also as a result of certain diseases, lack of vitamins, too active facial expressions.

Simple home remedies for wrinkles

You will need:

  • soft bristled toothbrush
  • moisturizing cream
  • fresh cucumber
  • grater
  • 100 ml of pure alcohol
  • gauze
  • boiled water
  • glycerol
  • лед
  • olive oil
  • sea ​​salt

Massage the problem area daily. Alternate between light stroking and pinching movements, and pull your lips in vigorously. You can use a soft bristled toothbrush to massage.

Make sure that the skin around the corners of the mouth and above the upper lip is sufficiently hydrated. Apply a greasy moisturizer before bed.

Choose a cream that contains hyaluronic acid

Use something as simple and effective as cucumber. Cut it into thin circles and apply to the problem area. You can also grate the cucumber on a medium grater, squeeze lightly and apply this mixture. A cucumber lotion that can be easily prepared is also effective. Pour the grated cucumber with 100 milliliters of pure alcohol, leave for 2 weeks. Strain through cheesecloth. Dilute the resulting infusion with a double volume of boiled water, add a little glycerin (to soften) and mix. Wipe the problem area with this lotion regularly.

In some cases, ordinary ice helps well. Gently rub an ice cube on your lips each morning.

The appearance of wrinkles can also be associated with a lack of vitamins E and B2. Lubricate problem areas at night with a cream containing these vitamins or olive oil. Also, adjust your diet so that it contains enough foods with vitamins E and B2.

You can get rid of wrinkles with a scrub

You can prepare it at home. Use sea salt for this. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

We remove wrinkles with the help of cosmetologists

Simple home remedies don’t always solve this problem effectively. Therefore, if wrinkles cause you serious aesthetic discomfort, you can get rid of them using a number of procedures: peeling, Botox injections, laser skin resurfacing, etc. You must first get the advice of a qualified dermatocosmetologist.

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