- Restaurant where everyone is silent, USA
- Undressed Restaurant, USA
- Toilet Restaurant, China
- Robot Restaurant, Thailand
- Offending Restaurant, USA
- Restaurant with monkeys, Japan
- Restaurant with the dead, India
- Restaurant with a hospital, Taiwan
- Restaurant without light, England
- Restaurant for singles, Netherlands
We are used to the fact that a restaurant is a place of a certain level of serving dishes, chic interior and friendly service. And, in fact, we do not expect anything unusual from going to a restaurant. But there are establishments in the world that surprise with their unpredictability.
Restaurant where everyone is silent, USA
The Eat restaurant prohibits any communication during the meal. The purpose of lunch or dinner at this restaurant is to enjoy the silence, calm down and truly appreciate the taste of the dishes served. Such an event is held at the restaurant once a month. And for this day, it is almost impossible to book a table – the idea that the owner of the restaurant Nicholas Neumann embodied, inspired by a trip to a Buddhist monastery, was so much to the liking of visitors.
Undressed Restaurant, USA
This establishment will only let you sit at the table if you take off all your clothes. The service personnel, however, work in clothes – in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards, but they have no right to evaluate your figure. Such nudist parties are not a daily event in the restaurant, but on those rare days of such a naked visit, there is no end of visitors!
Toilet Restaurant, China
It is unclear what guided the creators of such a restaurant, but there are many who want to visit it. Instead of chairs, there are toilets with pillows, the style of the restaurant is exclusively toilet, and the dishes are served in an “indecent” form. And all the same, the visitors have an excellent appetite.
Robot Restaurant, Thailand
In this restaurant, you will not be able to be rude to the waiter, because the robots that will serve you are indifferent to your claims. Robots are dressed in samurai clothes, and at the end of the meal they will cheer you up with an incendiary dance.
Offending Restaurant, USA
And in this restaurant, on the contrary, you can freely behave with the waiters and hear in response a selective abuse addressed to you. Specially trained service personnel will gladly enter into a skirmish with you, however, bringing your order.
Your position will be even more stupid if you put on the obligatory bib and clown hat in this restaurant, and in the middle of the meal a napkin will fly into your head, carefully let by the waiter. Yes, it happens here.
Restaurant with monkeys, Japan
Monkeys work as waiters in this restaurant! These clever animals can, of course, confuse your order or drop it by accident, but all the awkwardness is compensated by communication with these cute representatives of the animal world. As a tip, you can feed the monkey with your favorite treat!
Restaurant with the dead, India
To visit the afterlife is now available. The Indian restaurant is located in the old cemetery and invites tourists to eat among the graves. A dinner like this will really tickle your nerves.
Restaurant with a hospital, Taiwan
In this unusual restaurant, you have a chance to improve your health. Visitors are offered to taste restaurant food directly from the hospital bed, and you will be served by nurses in white medical coats.
Restaurant without light, England
There is even too much romance – in this restaurant you will be offered to eat in the dark, and not a single candle will light up your table. The owners of the restaurant believe that nothing should distract you from the delicious food. This will sharpen your receptors and truly taste every ingredient!
Restaurant for singles, Netherlands
It’s impossible for two to go to this restaurant – there simply isn’t even a table for more than one person. Now dinner alone has become a pleasant reality: no one will have boring conversations, drag food from your plate. And no one will look askance at you – they say, why did this person come to the restaurant alone?