Would you pass the 2022 high school diploma in biology? QUIZ

The extended matura exam in biology 2022 is behind us. Students had 20 problems to solve. There are slightly fewer questions in our quiz. Challenge them and see how you would do on the high school graduation exam.

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What type of metamorphosis does the fly fish have?

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proste (ametabolia)
incomplete (hemimetabolia)
complete (holometabolia)
complete (holometabolia) Next question
The fly larva does not resemble an adult specimen (it has a different body shape, it eats a different food), and there is also a pupal stage in the life cycle of the flies.

What is the function of microtubules in cell movement?

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microtubules form the internal skeleton of the thread
Tubulin subunits hydrolyze ATP providing energy for flagella movement
the shortening of the flagellum microtubules results in the entire cell being dragged along with it
microtubiles form the internal skeleton of the thread Next question
Microtubules, the basic component of the cytoskeleton of cells, perform many important functions in the cell, including they ensure the integrity of its structure and determine its shape.

In North America, the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) coexist in multiregions. Are they classified in one or two types?

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in one
in two
in two Next question
Squirrels are classified into two types – as evidenced by the different generic name of the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus) and the gray squirrel (Sciurus).

A characteristic symptom of vitamin C deficiency is

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loss of visual acuity
decrease in blood clotting.
weakening and cracking of the walls of blood vessels
weakening and cracking of the walls of blood vessels Next question
Vitamin C strengthens the capillary walls of blood vessels. Its correct level makes it difficult for them to burst and ooze blood into the tissues, while its deficiency, on the contrary, impairs the synthesis of collagen, which ensures the strength of the blood vessel walls.

The pattern of a certain oligopeptide is shown below. Give the name of this constraint marked with the number 1

Photo: Medonet
covalent bond
coordination bond
peptide bond
peptide bond Next question
A peptide bond is the name of an amide bond that occurs between the amino acids of peptides and proteins.

Which sugar is a transport form of plant assimilations?

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sucrose Next question
Contrary to starch, sucrose is osmotically active, and the osmotic influx of water to the phloem cells is necessary to drive the flow of sugars in the phloem.

Of the pair of parents who came to the genetic counseling center, the future father did not have a mutation in the RB1 gene, but the future mother inherited the damaged RB1 allele from her father. What is the probability that a child of this pair of parents will develop retinoblastoma?

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45% Next question
In patients with familial retinoblastoma, the probability of passing on the burdening mutation to a child is almost 50%.

From the listed names of diseases, choose bacterial

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Lyme disease
Lyme disease Next question
Lyme disease is a multisystem infectious disease caused by bacteria belonging to the spirochetes. Rabies and mononucleosis are viral diseases.

The following type of dentition in the incisors / canines / premolars / molars diagram belongs to:

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chimpanzee Next question
The structure of the dentition of mammals depends on the type of food consumed. The main components of the diet of chimpanzees are fruits and leaves, but they also eat eggs and hunt birds and small mammals. Rodent squirrels have prominent incisors that allow them to nibble at hard nutshells. On the other hand, ruminants, such as domestic cattle, grind hard-to-digest plant food thanks to complex premolars and molars.

Cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. True or false?

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truth Next question
Cholesterol is a precursor to the synthesis of vitamin D3 and steroid hormones such as aldosterone, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and cortisone.

The European globeflower belongs to the class of plants

Photo: Medonet
dicots Next question
The European globeflower belongs to the class of dicotyledons. This is evidenced by the reticular nerve leaves set on the petioles.

Spread of antibiotic resistance directly between bacterial cells is possible on the way

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conjugation Next question
Spread of antibiotic resistance directly between bacterial cells is possible by conjugation, since antibiotic resistance genes can be found in plasmids that are passed on to other bacterial cells.
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