Types of worms in a child
Helminths, or in the people – worms, are parasitic worms. They like to settle in human organisms, since there is both food and a comfortable environment for reproduction.
There are about 400 species of worms that can parasitize in our body. It is not necessary to list them all, let’s focus on the most common ones.
- Nematodes are round worms. They are most common in children. Such parasites include pinworm, whipworm, trichinella, roundworm.
- Tape – flat worms. This includes different types of tapeworms, tapeworms and echinococcus.
- Parasitic flukes – trematodes. These nasty creatures cause many ailments, including schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis, fascioliasis, paragonimiasis, and others.
Causes of worms in a child
– Children are much more likely than adults to become infected with worms. This is due to the fact that the children’s body is poorly protected, because the defense mechanisms are just being formed. In addition, the child is actively in contact with the external environment, strives to taste everything, puts dirty hands, sand, and earth into his mouth. Parents should make incredible efforts to accustom him to the elementary rules of personal hygiene. A baby under 6 years old is at high risk of infection. According to statistics, about 95% of children under 4-5 years old become infected with worms, says general practitioner, family doctor Aigul Kharisova.
The causes of worms in a child are usually the following:
- curiosity and desire to put everything in the mouth, starting from the hands and ending with objects raised from the ground;
- non-observance of hygiene rules, especially in conjunction with the previous paragraph. Children often do not wash their hands after playing outside, after using the toilet, before eating, and parents cannot control everything;
- many babies love to suck their thumb, this bad habit, like the love of biting nails, sooner or later will lead to infection with parasites;
- the risk is unwashed vegetables, fruits, greens and berries, as well as insufficiently well-processed meat;
- some parasites live in water, so it is dangerous to drink raw water from unknown sources or wash food with it;
- the risk of contracting worms increases if there are pets at home. Dogs and cats walking down the street can bring helminth eggs on their fur. This is not to mention the fact that sometimes the animals themselves are sick with worms, because not all owners take them to anthelmintic therapy;
- the cause of worms in children is also a low level of hygiene in the house. If the floors are rarely washed, the dust is wiped only in extreme cases, and street shoes are not removed, there is every chance of getting infected.
Often, worms are “hooked” when in contact with other children, especially in kindergartens or other similar institutions.
Treatment of worms in a child
It all starts with a trip to the pediatrician. Based on the analyzes and observations of the parents, he will be able to determine whether the child has worms. After that, the baby will be prescribed complex therapy, which will combine taking drugs that destroy worms, and a number of other drugs.
The main thing to remember is that self-treatment in case of worms is a big risk. Doctors warn that drugs against parasites are quite difficult for the body, especially when it comes to a child. In addition, there are so many types of worms that the probability of choosing the right drug without proper knowledge is small.
Treatment of worms in a child is combined, as a rule, with the intake of vitamins and enzymes, as well as with a diet. Sweet and starchy foods will have to be excluded from the diet for a while.
In addition, it is pointless to treat only a child for worms. Relatives who are in close contact with the baby are also likely to be infected. So, in order for the treatment not to be meaningless, everyone will have to be tested.
What tablets can be used
Without the appointment of a pediatrician, you should not take any pills, and certainly antiparasitic ones.
– Regardless of the age of the patient, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. In addition to them, probiotics, enterosorbents, antihistamines, vitamin B12, folic acid, iron preparations, hepatoprotectors, enzyme preparations are prescribed, – says family doctor Aigul Kharisova.
Anthelmintics will destroy worms, antihistamines will prevent allergies to dying parasites. Enterosorbents will help to remove from the body the products left after the vital activity of the worms. Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron preparations are aimed at coping with anemia: due to worms in the body, the level of hemoglobin or the number of red blood cells often drops. Hepatoprotectors will protect the liver, enzymes will improve digestion, and probiotics will normalize the microflora.
Traditional methods of treatment
Unsurprisingly, pumpkin seeds can help in the fight against worms. At the same time, they can be used in dried form for both children and adults. They contain special substances cucurbitins, which are able to destroy parasitic worms.
However, traditional medicine by itself is unlikely to cope with the disease; it is better to combine it with taking medications prescribed by a pediatrician. The thing is that the complications of helminthiases are quite dangerous and should not be brought to them.
When to see a doctor
Children may not notice any symptoms of worms. This is where parenting comes into play. Take a closer look, if your child has these symptoms, you should consult a doctor:
- itching in the anus;
- the appearance of a rash on the skin;
- sudden frequent bouts of nausea, vomiting (without poisoning);
- violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
- sleep disorders, insomnia;
- allergies in the form of cough, bronchitis, asthmatic attacks;
- lymph nodes are inflamed or enlarged;
- weakness, fatigue for no particular reason;
- sudden increase in temperature without concomitant diseases;
- pain in muscles and joints in the absence of overexertion;
- nighttime snoring and clenching of teeth during sleep;
- weight loss without any changes in diet and lifestyle.
In children, worms often make themselves felt with dyspeptic disorders: nausea, abdominal pain, stool disorders, bloating, and rumbling appear. With enterobiasis – infection with pinworms – (it most often occurs in preschool children), evening and night itching occurs in the anus.
Prevention of worms in a child
The main thing that parents should do to prevent worms in a child is to teach him to follow the rules of hygiene: wash your hands with soap after the street, after using the toilet, before eating.
For adults, it is recommended:
- constantly monitor the child during games and walks so that he does not take objects picked up from the ground or floor into his mouth;
- wash vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries, “douse” them with boiling water;
- meat, fish, seafood, carefully thermally process before eating;
- monitor the quality of the water you drink;
- keep the apartment clean, carry out wet cleaning, wash bed linen;
- cats and dogs – twice a year to take to the veterinarian for anthelmintic therapy.