World Football Day 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
World Football Day is a holiday that unites the national characters of different peoples, has its own style and affects the football feelings of millions of people around the world. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells the history and traditions of this day

Football for most people has become not just a game, but a way of life. According to statistics registered with FIFA, in 2001 the football industry had over one and a half million teams and 300 professional clubs on the planet. Today, football occupies an undeniable leadership among other sports games.

When is World Football Day 2022?

Every year, World Football Day is celebrated on December 10; in 2022, residents of dozens of countries will join the celebration. The holiday is not a day off and is not official, but, despite this, it is very popular with a variety of people.

history of the holiday

The game that won millions of human hearts appeared in England in the middle of the 1863th century. It is believed that modern football was preceded by the battles of the Saxons, after which the winners kicked the severed heads of the enemy across the field. Later, in XNUMX, the set of rules of the Football Association of England was adopted, it prescribed the first dimensions of the playing field and gates.

Having received universal recognition, football began to develop rapidly, and already in 1904 the International Football Federation – FIFA was created. Currently, it includes 211 football organizations, including the Football Union.

Later, by decision of the UN, December 10 was declared World Football Day.

In Our Country, the first officially registered football match took place on October 24, 1897 in St. Petersburg between two local teams. This event is tacitly considered the birthday of football.

It is worth noting that in the summer of 2018, the final part of the World Cup was held in Our Country. For the first time in its history, our country has become the host of this world event.

Holiday traditions

On the day of the celebration, friendly matches are held, which have already become a good tradition. Teams compete not only with professional training, but also amateurs. Among them you can find children’s, youth and even women’s football teams.

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Also on December 10, football-themed programs are broadcast on television. Notes, interviews of outstanding football players, team coaches are published in newspapers and magazines. On the radio on this day you can hear the stories of famous representatives of the football direction.

In addition, on World Football Day, promotions and flash mobs are held at thematic venues at the international, all- and regional levels in support of favorite football teams at various games and competitions.

Recently, famous teams have held charity matches on this day. And all proceeds go to the development of new football clubs in the smallest cities of each country.

Signs from football players

An interesting fact is that among football players there are signs and superstitions that they rely on. Athletes believe that following rituals is the key to a successful game. Here are some beliefs that exist in the football world.

  • It is believed that it is important to get up from the bench only with the left foot. Otherwise, you risk not scoring the ball into the opponent’s goal. But you need to put on shields and boots first on the right foot.
  • Many football players believe that before the competition you can not cut your hair and shave – this can scare away success in the upcoming game.
  • After the victory, it is imperative to conduct a ceremony of “washing” with champagne.

Popular questions and answers

What parameters does a game soccer ball have?

In all official competitions held under the auspices of FIFA, a size 5 ball is used. It has a circumference of 68-70 cm, and weighs no more than 450 grams.

When was the first FIFA World Cup held?

The first FIFA World Cup was held in July 1930 in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.

What are the largest football stadiums in Our Country?

The largest active football stadium in Our Country is the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena in Moscow, with a capacity of 81 spectators. The second largest is the Gazprom Arena, located in St. Petersburg and designed for 000 spectators.

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