World Cup 2018, unusual fans, video

The stars are sick, their children are sick, the streets of the cities where World Cup matches are held are full of those who are also sick. Everyone is a fan of football. This passion has captured even those who do not understand anything in football – that is, at all. The general emotional intensity is such that it is impossible not to join the sports festival that is now taking place in our country.

Emotions have captured even … animals. The video, which recently appeared on the Web, instantly captivated everyone: a white-red cat, dressed in a Spanish team fan’s jersey, supports the team together with the owner. As soon as the owner of the mustache utters a drawn-out cry “Goal!”, The cat supports him with exactly the same cry.

Of course, this is just a meow. But how does a cat do it! How much passion is in his voice! He even shouted down the owner!

The latter, by the way, is very proud of his pet. This pride seems to hide the bitterness of the defeat of the team for which they both rooted: Spain lost to the Russian team. But the cat tried so hard! Here, take a look. Isn’t he beautiful?

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