World Children’s Day in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
World Children’s Day is a holiday aimed at drawing attention to the problems of children and improving their standard of living. We tell how it is celebrated in Our Country and the world

According to the famous writer Maxim Gorky, children are the living flowers of the earth. It is in them that the future of our civilization is laid, what the next generation of mankind will look like. The formation of the foundation of our personality occurs precisely in childhood, from the experience that we gain in the first years of life. It is no wonder that there are many holidays dedicated to childhood, and one of the most famous is World Children’s Day, which will also be celebrated in 2022.

When is World Children’s Day in 2022?

World Children’s Day is celebrated every year 20 November. The date is not accidental – it was on this day in 1989 that the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” was adopted, which recognized that for the comprehensive and harmonious development of a child, a child needs to grow up in a family environment, an atmosphere of happiness, love and mutual understanding. Children are very vulnerable and therefore need special protection and assistance.

history of the holiday

The holiday dedicated to the World Children’s Day is designed to remind us of exactly this – the fragility of childhood and children, about how valuable they are to us.

Every year more and more people and public figures direct their efforts to help and protect the child. Funds are being created to support seriously ill children, communities that monitor dysfunctional families, and a Children’s Fund is founded on the basis of the United Nations.

The healthcare system has made great strides – now many childhood diseases that were previously considered incurable have been defeated by the power of modern medicine. Assistance is provided to pregnant women; in some countries, free consultations are held for expectant mothers.

Even in the lessons at school, kids learn about their civil rights and are not afraid to express their own opinion. Children from an early age are taught the basics of life safety and the rules of first aid.

All this happened thanks to the World Children’s Day, the main and only task of which has always been the protection and preservation of children, ensuring a decent standard of living in any corner of the planet, regardless of race, gender and social class.

Today, this day is celebrated annually in 129 countries that are members of the UN. True, on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union, another holiday is more famous – International Children’s Day, which is celebrated on the first of June.

Holiday traditions

Events dedicated to children are held in all countries all the time, but there are especially many of them on November 20th. Schools and kindergartens hold open lessons dedicated to this day, and thousands of actions and flash mobs begin around the world. Charitable foundations collect donations for orphanages and low-income families – not only money is accepted, but also clothes, toys, textbooks and books.

In America, there are parades, processions and demonstrations, and many large companies organize charitable events. For example, the world-famous McDonald’s fast food restaurant chain sends part of the amount from your check to the funds of orphanages and hospitals for seriously ill patients on this day.

On November XNUMX, do something special for your children. Fill the house with bright decorations, cook their favorite dishes, gather the whole family around the table. Surround children with care and warmth, let them know that they are loved. After all, each of us needs understanding and support, especially in childhood.

How to celebrate Children’s Day

Give your children gifts. Try to figure out what they want the most. Here are some ideas to help you choose:

  • Nice day with family. Take your child to the movies, cafes, or amusement parks. Favorite cartoon on the big screen, seasoned with a large portion of ice cream – what else do you need for happiness?
  • A set for creativity or an educational toy. Sculpting, beading, drawing and engraving kits develop fine motor skills, while puzzles keep your child’s mind sharp while playing. A board game that you can play with the whole family is also a good idea.
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  • Sweets. What kid doesn’t love treats? A box or plush toy filled with their favorite treats is always able to please children.

It is important to remember that any holiday can be a punishment without your love and support. Try to spend this day next to your loved ones, filling the house with joy and comfort, then the children will remember these feelings and keep them in their memory for a long time.

Interesting facts about children

  • The highest percentage of children born safely after artificial insemination is currently recorded in Australia.
  • In Korea and India, the date of birth of a child is the day of conception.
  • In the Japanese education system, it is not customary to say “bad” or “bad” in relation to students. For example, in schools, posters with rules say “good kids do this,” or, respectively, “good kids don’t do that.”
  • Contrary to popular stereotypes, in France, grandparents sit with their grandchildren as willingly as in Our Country, and the unwillingness to regularly communicate with the kids is condemned. Such relatives are called callous behind their backs.

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