World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day is an annual celebration established by the United Nations on April 2 and celebrated for the sixth time this year. The celebrations are aimed at, among others raising public awareness of autism spectrum disorders and improving access to care and support services for the autistic community.

The leitmotif is “Light in up blue”, which is the global action BLESS YOURSELF IN BLUE. In 2012, thousands of buildings in hundreds of cities, dozens of countries around the world turned blue, which is a symbol of solidarity with people with autism. Among the blue buildings there are: Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Bridge on the Vistula in Krakow, GWP Building, Empire State Building in New York, Christ the Savior in Rio de Janeiro, Sydney Opera House, Universal Studio in Hollywood, CN Canada Tower and more.

The PROMITIS Therapy Center together with Public Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Centers on the occasion of the World Autism Day invites you to free meetings and workshops for parents, teachers, educators and all those interested in the subject of autism. The meetings will be held in Kraków, Wrocław and Warsaw at our sites.

The event will include

Meetings with therapists working with autistic children in therapeutic facilities – educator, psychologist, speech therapist, dietician, AI therapist;

Meetings with specialists from public diagnostic and adjudication clinics.


Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that interferes with the entire personality of a person from within. Developmental abnormalities are visible in such important development spheres as: language, communication, social competences, emotional, cognitive and motor development. Autism is most often diagnosed during childhood, but contrary to popular belief, it does not occur only in this period of human development.

Research shows that autism and pervasive developmental disorders may become one of the most common causes of disability in children. In Western countries, autistic disorders of varying severity are diagnosed on average in every 150 or even every hundredth child born. This is much more than even 20 years ago – experts talk about the global crisis.

Each child with autism is different, and the abnormalities and their degree of intensity in individual spheres are specific to each child. Early therapy focusing on shaping the child’s abilities, whose development is not progressing properly, enables and facilitates the child’s integration in the peer group and functioning in his daily life.


• delayed learning to speak,

• reticence,

• repetitive movements,

• compulsive arranging of objects,

• lack of eye contact,

• lack of pleasure associated with closeness,

• difficulties in distinguishing “I” from “you”,

• difficulties in recognizing the emotions of others,

• difficulties in recognizing irony, metaphors, jokes,

• difficulties in using non-verbal communication,

• narrow interests,

• inability to change the topic of the conversation.


Autism is one of the most serious health problems of civilization in the world, but social awareness of the causes, symptoms and treatment options is still relatively low.

The PROMITIS Therapy Center has specialized in the diagnosis, therapy and education of children with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome for many years. On the occasion of World Autism Day, we would like to share our knowledge and experience with parents.

The aim of the action is to ensure that all people who are affected by this problem can obtain real help, broaden their knowledge and consult specialists who diagnose and treat autistic children on a daily basis.

At our meetings, we will cover such topics as:

Autism – Facts and Myths

Could it be autism? How to notice the first symptoms?

Diagnostic process – how and where?

How to obtain a special education certificate?

How to obtain a decision on the need for early development support?

How to choose and conduct a therapy appropriate for the child’s needs?

Integrative or therapeutic kindergarten?

Diet in autism

When the child is not talking – alternative methods of communication

Autism and sensory integration

Together with:

Early Psychological Aid Center in Półkół in Krakow

Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling Center No. 5 at Czajkowski in Wrocław

Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling Center No. 4 at Mińska Street in Warsaw

We invite everyone interested in the subject of autism to free meetings and workshops.


2. 04.2013, hours 11.00 – 18.00


Private Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center PROMITIS Therapy Center

Wrocław, ul. Kościuszki 108a lok. 9, phone: (71) 798 01 98, e-mail: returned[email protected]

Krakow, ul. Grottgera 1 lok. 3, phone: (12) 311 75 12, e-mail: [email protected]

Warsaw, ul. Mickiewicza 9 lok. 3, tel. (22) 810 63 90, e-mail: [email protected]

Due to the limited number of places, please book in advance by phone or e-mail.

More about the workshops on our website:

You are welcome!

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