World Animal Day 2022: history and traditions of the holiday
Man, as the only intelligent inhabitant of the planet, is responsible to other living beings. World Animal Day reminds us of this. In 2022, the holiday is celebrated in Our Country and other countries

In the world of high technologies, there are no more helpless creatures than animals: wild or domestic – their life largely depends on man, his activities and unceremonious intrusion into nature. Animal Protection Day is designed to remind us of the responsibility we bear for other inhabitants of the planet.

In many countries around the world, important issues are being actively raised, such as the conservation of endangered species, the suppression of cruelty to pets, the humane solution to the problem of homeless animals, and the improvement of conditions in zoos, nurseries and shelters.

World Animal Day embraces all living things and the unique challenges of each species. This holiday is multinational – love and respect for our smaller brothers do not depend on age, gender, skin color, ethnographic characteristics and religious affiliation.

When is Animal Protection Day celebrated in Our Country and the world

Every year World Animal Day is celebrated 4 October. It is celebrated in Our Country and several dozen other countries. In 2022, promotions and charity events dedicated to this day will be held around the world.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​the holiday was first proposed by the German writer and cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann in 1925. Animal Protection Day was held in Berlin on March 24 for several years, then it was moved to October 4. The date is not accidental – this is the day of memory of the Catholic St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order and the patron saint of nature and animals. Legend has it that St. Francis was able to talk with animals, which is why he is depicted in their company in many paintings and icons.

Later, in 1931, at the Congress of World Organizations for the Protection of Animals, which was held in Florence, Zimmerman proposed that this day be made worldwide. Since then, the number of countries participating in the celebration has been constantly growing. Our Country started celebrating this important date in 2000.

Holiday traditions

Animal Protection Day belongs to the category of environmental. Around the world, various charitable, educational events are held in honor of him. Shelters for cats and dogs arrange exhibitions where you can take a pet into the family. There are thematic lessons in schools, where they explain the importance of caring for our smaller brothers. Veterinary clinics hold open days with master classes for pet owners, talk about the features of care, feeding and treatment, the importance of vaccination. Charitable foundations organize campaigns aimed at raising funds to help endangered species. Some companies have a “Bring Your Best Friend” holiday on this day, allowing employees to bring their pets.

Special events are held in zoos around the world. In Leningradsky, for example, educational events are held, where they talk about the importance of zoos for the conservation of rare and endangered species. In others, events in the lives of the inhabitants are often timed to coincide with this date – the release of cured animals into the wild, seeing off the bears in hibernation, a demonstration of feeding.

Everyone can make a contribution to improving the lives of animals. The doors of shelters are always open for those who are ready to become a volunteer, donate money, buy food or adopt one of the pets. The main thing is to never forget that you are responsible for those whom you have tamed.

The figures

  • Are under the threat of extinction 34000 types plants and animals.
  • Every hour (according to WWF) from the face of the Earth 3 types disappear animals (1).
  • 70+ countries hold events in honor of World Animal Day.

Interesting Facts

  1. A charitable organization whose activities were aimed at helping animals appeared in Our Country long before the proposal to establish a holiday. Since 1865, the Society for the Protection of Animals has existed in our country – its activities were supervised by the wives of nobles and high-ranking officials.
  2. In terms of the number of domestic cats living in families, the Federation ranks third in the world (33,7 million cats), and fifth in terms of the number of dogs (18,9 million).
  3. In addition to the Red Book of Our Country (in which more than 400 species of fauna are included), the regions of the Federation have their own Red Books. Work on updating information in them is ongoing.

Sources of

  1. OCTOBER 4 – WORLD DAY FOR ANIMAL PROTECTION [Electronic resource]: URL:

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