Workouts – Myofascial Release (MFR)

MFR training can eliminate muscle pain and muscle tension. This can be useful not only for athletes who want to improve their performance, but for almost everyone.

Difficulty level: For beginners

There are many sources of pain, and one of them is the myofascial tissue that covers the muscles. Soft connective tissue can cause temporary pain or develop into a chronic condition called myofascial pain syndrome. In other words, myofascial pain is muscle pain.

Myofascial pain may have the following causes: muscle injury; excessive and prolonged muscle tension; muscle spasms; overexertion of one or more muscles; repetitive movements that strain the muscles; bad posture; disease; inflammation; lack of activity (muscles are used to a limited extent). See also: aerial yoga workouts

For pain caused by a muscle strain or injury, you can perform myofascial relaxation exercises (MFR) to relieve pain. Since the exercises require correct execution, it is advisable to attend MFR group training under the guidance of an instructor.

Fascia is a strong, thin connective tissue that surrounds nerves, bones, blood vessels, and muscles throughout the body. MFR refers to the fascia that surrounds the musculature, both individual muscles and groups of muscles.

What is MFR training for?

There are muscles throughout the body, which means that myofascial pain can occur anywhere a muscle is present. But most often such pain affects the neck, back and legs. Muscles form places called trigger points. These are sensitive areas of muscle tissue. Trigger points are often caused by injury, muscle tension, or repetitive movements.

Fortunately, in many cases myofascial pain is not chronic. You can relax the fascia with massage and exercises that stretch the muscles and release trigger points, eliminating pain. Also Read: Air Stretch Workouts

Where to start training MFR?

To use the MFR, you need to learn how to perform the appropriate exercises. Therefore, at the initial stage, you should study with an instructor. Only after studying the MFR methodology with him, you can do the exercises at home.

Depending on the type of MFR, the following may be useful: a special myofascial foam roller; tennis ball; sportswear that does not interfere with stretching. Also Read: Yoga Therapy

Top Reasons to Start MFR Training

Myofascial release gives obvious positive results: reduces pain by releasing trigger points; improves mobility as well as flexibility; optimizes muscle function; improves blood circulation by eliminating dense areas where blood flow can be limited; reduces pain associated with exercise.

The main exercises of MFR training

The exercises you do for myofascial relaxation depend on where the pain originates. Below are some of the most common MFR exercises.

  1. Myofascial foam roller – This device relieves pain in the upper back and shoulders, thoracic spine, hips, quads, calves, hamstrings, buttocks and anywhere else you might roll.
  2. Tennis ball – Using a tennis ball for myofascial exercises is especially helpful when working with small muscle areas, such as the feet. For example, the plantar fascia (lower part of the foot) is very painful. Sit in a chair and roll the tennis ball back and forth under the arch of your foot to stretch the muscle. The tennis ball can also be used for MFR exercises in the calves, glutes, hip flexors, pecs, triceps, and other areas where there is soreness.
  3. Myofascial massage – You can massage the area of ​​a particular muscle if you can reach it with your fingers. Apply light pressure on trigger points to loosen knots, or massage an area where muscles seem to be tense.
  4. Stretching exercises – Myofascial stretch includes traditional poses such as standing quad stretch, standing hamstring stretch, seated shoulder stretch and many more. Appropriate stretching exercises can be found for almost every muscle in the body.

Important: Myofascial pain is common and is referred to as referred pain. Pain in one area is caused in this case by a lesion in another part of the body. See also: step aerobics workout

For example, pain in the arm can be caused by trigger points in the neck, and pain in the muscles of the legs can be caused by a back muscle problem. The source of such pain is very difficult to detect and treat on your own. Therefore, before the first MFR classes, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a doctor and enroll in a group with a professional trainer.

Recommendations and contraindications for MFR training

  • When is training necessary? – MFR training is highly recommended for physical inactivity, intense physical labor, recovery from injuries and diseases associated with inflammatory processes.
  • Противопоказания – If muscle pain becomes chronic or significantly interferes with movement, work, and daily activities, MFR training may be contraindicated. See your doctor for a diagnosis or for information about additional treatments that may be available.

MFR training can eliminate muscle pain and muscle tension. This can be useful not only for professional athletes who want to improve their results, but also practically for beginners. See also: fitness aerobics workout

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