Workouts for the muscles of the back and abdomen (ABS)

ABS workouts are a set of exercises designed for all ages and fitness levels. The workouts include exercises that are aimed at working out the muscles of the abdomen and back naturally.

Difficulty level: For beginners

ABS is a workout that actively works the abdominal and back muscles. They are aimed at strengthening the body, improving the spine. At the same time, the rest of the muscles of the body work too, only with less intensity.

Abs and back are interconnected. When pumping the press, the back muscles are in action. Also, if you train your back, the press will also be pumped. Also Read: Lower Body Workouts

Training these major core muscles is needed in order to:

  • strengthen the body, make it hardy;
  • burn maximum calories and lose weight;
  • eliminate back pain;
  • make the muscles elastic, pliable, remove all clamps;
  • reduce the waist, remove cellulite from the abdomen and sides;
  • please yourself with an updated figure;
  • improve inner well-being, give yourself confidence.

Where to start exercising the muscles of the back and abdomen

  1. ABS training, like any other, is recommended to start with stretching, warming up, as well as light exercises that can set the body in a sporty way.
  2. Beginners should not immediately take on difficult tasks, use additional weight, as this can negatively affect an unstrengthened spine, weak muscles and joints.
  3. Classes are structured in such a way as to gradually complicate the load and thereby gently stretch the spine, strengthen the back muscles, make them flexible, elastic, mobile.
  4. At the first stages, it is better to consult a specialist trainer about this so that he gives a suitable load for your body.

For classes you will need special clothing. It is best to use loose-fitting natural fabrics that quickly absorb moisture and do not irritate the skin. You will also need additional equipment in the form of dumbbells, exercise equipment. At first, you can train with your own weight. See also: strength training

Top reasons to start ABS training

  • Rapid body recovery – ABS training is popular with young mothers who want to regain a beautiful, toned figure after pregnancy, restore body tone and remove fat from problem areas.
  • Security – ABS is considered a workout that carries a minimum of harm and risks to the body.
  • Universalism – Classes include exercises for different levels of physical fitness. If you are a beginner, no problem. You can come to the lesson, and the trainer will select the load that will be acceptable for you. And if you have been involved in sports for a long time, minimal loads will not be interesting for you. You will be able to perform exercises with increased complexity.
  • Working out all the muscles – The body is strengthened due to the fact that there is a purposeful study of the muscles of the body and legs. The spine is strengthened and, as a result, the posture is aligned. And strong muscles are the key to your health, the absence of injuries and sprains.
  • Weight Loss – During training, not only muscles are pumped, but excess fat is also actively burned. Therefore, soon with the regularity of classes, you will notice that extra pounds have left you.

Basic exercises for working out the muscles of the back and abdomen

ABS classes include exercises that are aimed at gradually and consistently working out the muscles of the back and abdomen. There are three main exercises that are used in the complex:

  1. Leg raises You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and pull them to your stomach. This is an easy way to get up. To complicate the task, it is recommended to raise straightened legs, and also perform an exercise with twisting the lower part of the body. It will help strengthen your lower abs and transverse abdominis.
  2. Hull lifting – Take the starting position – lie down on your back. We tear off the shoulders with the shoulder blades from the floor, linger in this position for 5 seconds. You can perform dynamic movements without delay. Incomplete lifting allows you to work out the upper abdomen well. To complicate the load, it is recommended to use dumbbells up to 3 kg.
  3. Rise with a turn – Lifting the legs and body at the same time. In this case, the torso is rotated with twisting in order to work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen. You can hold dumbbells in your hands and perform the exercise with an increased load.

Recommendations for ABS training

ABS training is essential:

  • Both men and women – Relief muscles are the dream of many men. And women dream of a tightened tummy.
  • Overweight people – Exercises help to acquire a slender figure, eliminate excess fat at the waist and sides.
  • Office workers – Hypodynamia does not add health – the back gets tired, it hurts a lot, the body seems to be falling apart. Exercises give vigor, eliminate stagnation, relieve pain.
  • Women after childbirth – Training normalizes the whole body, helps to restore the grace of the figure.

But ABS training also has contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • sprains;
  • spinal diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • influenza and other viral diseases;
  • recent operations;
  • heart diseases.

With the above diseases and characteristics of the body in training, it is better not to take risks – you should choose a more gentle sports program together with your doctor. Also Read: Core Workouts

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