Workouts for a beautiful body (Super-body)

Super-body complex training is aimed at creating a beautiful body relief, weight loss, as well as strengthening the heart. Super body is suitable for those who are not new to the sport and have a certain level of fitness.

Difficulty level: For experienced

Super-body is a workout that is performed with great intensity. They include power blocks, cardio exercises with the use of additional sports equipment. Weights are used according to the strength and capabilities of each person – the coach individually selects the weight of dumbbells and barbells for the participants.

What are super-body workouts for?

Training is needed for those who want to adjust their figure, maintain the already existing result. Also, the goal of training may be the desire to lose weight. Exercise improves stamina and builds muscle strength.

During the training:

  • the ability of the body to endure physical loads of varying severity will improve;
  • the back will straighten, the posture will become beautiful;
  • inner confidence will increase – you will walk straight and look people in the eye;
  • develop the habit of constantly improving their physical abilities;
  • the “hormone of joy” will be produced and the mental state will improve.

For classes, you will need not only comfortable, body-friendly clothes, a rug, but also additional equipment: rubber shock absorbers, dumbbells, medicine balls and much more. Equipment for performing exercises is sure to be found in the gym.

Top Reasons to Start Super-body Workouts

  1. Activity all year round – You can attend training at any time of the year, as classes take place indoors. This will allow you to burn the right amount of calories every week, regardless of weather conditions: it will not always be possible to go jogging and walking in autumn and winter.
  2. Health promotion – Performing Super body exercises will make you healthier, strengthen your immune system and restore your metabolism. Work hard and you won’t have time to get sick. And the strengthening of metabolic processes in cells will naturally protect you from viruses or weaken the course of seasonal diseases.
  3. Improved mood – Sports activity increases the production of the hormone of happiness. Therefore, after a short time, you will begin to get real pleasure from regular training. The feeling of anxiety will decrease, and you will be able to endure stressful situations much easier, without serious harm to health.
  4. Increase stamina – You will be much less tired, and changeable weather will no longer affect you. Habitual loads will seem easy to you, and a long walk will be pleasant.
  5. Beneficial changes in appearance – Thanks to training, you will be able to form the body of your dreams, tighten and pump up all problem areas, remove excess fat. The skin will tighten, become more elastic and elastic, acquire a healthy shade.

Basic Superbody Workouts

  • Pushups – Perform the classic exercise with a flat back. Try to touch the floor with your chest so that the push-up is deep and gives the desired effect. Arms should be fully extended in reverse motion.
  • Squat – You need to squat deeply, do not take your feet off the floor. The exercise works the thighs and buttocks. The wider the legs are, the more load goes to the buttocks. Feet shoulder-width apart put pressure on the hips.
  • Dumbbell Curl – Exercise to work out the main muscles. We bend our arms to ourselves – 15 times, 3 sets. We straighten our arms to the sides and bend to the armpits – 15 times, 3 sets. Everyone chooses the weight of dumbbells for themselves individually.
  • Extension of the arm from behind the head – Exercise allows you to pump triceps. It is necessary to unbend each arm in turn. In this case, the free hand must hold the elbow of the working hand in order to fix it in one position. To enhance the effect, you can use dumbbells.

Superbody workouts are best started small – simple exercises that you can do. Over time, you will increase the load under the guidance of a coach. In each case, an individual approach to the characteristics of the organism is required. It is best to consult with a specialist so that he gives the right direction.

Recommendations for Super-body Workouts

With chronic fatigue, lethargy, lack of body tone, training is simply necessary to regain a sense of health, strength and vigor. And they are also suitable for people who want to keep themselves in good shape all the time and spend a minimum of time on classes. Before you start attending Super body workouts, it is best to consult a doctor, as there are contraindications. Not all people can give themselves such an intense load.

  • Training is prohibited when: – pregnancy; varicose veins at 3-4 stages; CVD disease.

If there are no contraindications, you still need to be attentive to your health and reasonably select loads for regular training. Only then will they give a positive effect and become useful for developing the heart, the main muscle groups.

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