Workouts by body type, expert advice

Many women are faced with the fact that for years they have been dieting, exercising in the gym, but annoying centimeters do not go away in the right places. The editorial staff of Woman’s Day and Elena Sanzharovskaya, a popular fitness trainer and nutrition consultant, have figured out how to determine the type of figure and choose training for it as part of the Oriflame Wellness Bleeding program.

Before you start serious work on your body, you need to determine your body type. This test should appeal to all girls: it is simple and requires you to take three selfies, you need to pick up the phone, place it at navel level and take three photos (front, back and side) in tight-fitting clothes / swimsuit. After the photo session, you must carefully analyze the photos according to the following schedule.

It is necessary to identify the places that need to be corrected from the photo. To do this, draw straight lines from the shoulders to the hips. The side view and its lines will tell you what to do with the belly, chest and buttocks (if they are full). Such three-view photographs will help you quickly identify problem areas and understand what needs to be corrected and what needs to be worked on first.

So, follow these steps: measure your waist circumference and height in cm (1 inch = 2,54 cm); For example, your measurements were taken as Waist = 30 “Height = 64”; divide the waist by height: 30/64 = 0,47.

This means that: less than 0,4 – you are too thin, you need to increase the weight;

4-0,5 – “correct” pear;

0,51-0,6 – moderate apple. Store excess fat around the midsection;

above 0,61 – an enlarged apple;

triangle – the hips are more than 5% wider than the shoulders. For example, shoulder circumference – 80 cm, waist circumference – 85 cm and more;

inverted triangle – opposite of triangle, shoulders / chest are wider than hips by more than 5%. For example, with a shoulder circumference of 85 cm, the hip circumference is 80 cm;

rectangle – shoulders, chest and hips have a similar anthropometry, there is no waist. For example, shoulders 85 cm, chest 85, hips 89 cm (differences up to 5%), waist 70 cm and above;

hourglass – shoulders, chest and hips have a similar anthropometry, the waist is clearly defined (60-65 cm).

Keep in mind that it is very common to see mixed types!

And now more about the most common types

PEAR – the differences in this physique: narrow shoulders, wide hips, small chest, belly is most often flat. Perhaps the most feminine type of figure. But few people are pleased with powerful thighs, which, moreover, are very often decorated with cellulite, since the main accumulation of fat is in this area.

How to train

You should focus on the top – back, shoulders, arms, chest. Do not be afraid to pump these muscles, you are unlikely to succeed, on the contrary, by improving the proportions, you will hide your heavy bottom. We work on these zones at least 2 times a week, in a mode of 10-12 repetitions, 3 sets. We select the weight correctly. You need to dry your legs as much as possible. Eliminate heavy weights, work only in multi-repetitive (25-30 times) mode. Focus on isolation exercises (swings, abductions, etc.) rather than basic exercises. Plus your physique – the press quickly enough takes on a sporty shape.

For cardio, absolutely eliminate the stepper and the regular bike (cycling is ok, but don’t put up resistance). Only high-intensity cardio with minimal resistance (ellipse, lane) in an interval mode of 40 minutes, after strength training or on days free from strength training. Do not expect very quick results, but if you show consistency, perseverance and do not forget about proper nutrition, your very feminine figure will become toned and harmonious.

In shape type HOURGLASS their problem areas: triceps, outer / inner thighs, lower abdomen. Do a full body circuit workout 3-4 times a week. Use your body as a weight, crossfit and plyometrics are great. Work your legs with multi-repetitive basic exercises: squats, squats with jumping out, lunges, steps on the bench. For abdominal exercises, use crunches (bicycle), plank, side plank. Stick to a lot of repetitions – from 15 to 30. For cardio, use a rope, jogging on a treadmill without incline, jogging for 30-35 minutes 2-3 times a week. Do not use a stepper, bicycle, or treadmill running, this will add volume to your legs.

How to train

EXAMPLE OF TRAINING (for a home gym): type – circular, the number of exercises performed in 1 circle – 5, the number of circles – 4-5, the number of repetitions – how many you can do in 40 seconds, rest between exercises – no; rest between circles – 1 minute.


Jump squats

Push-ups from the floor / from the knees / from the legs

Squats with a plate in hands and a delay of 2-3 seconds at the bottom

Side lath

Row of a standing rubber shock absorber (dumbbells) to the belt

INVERTED TRIANGLE – This is a body type that is typical for men, but also occurs among women, especially among athletes who are involved in rowing or swimming. Characteristic features: broad shoulders, developed chest, blending smoothly into the waist and narrow hips. Despite the fact that the structure of the skeletal system with an android body type is similar to a man’s, nature often endows them with large breasts, which, with skillful use, allows you to create very attractive feminine images. Excessive upper body volume can be balanced by visually expanding the hips with clothes, while the waist will look much narrower.

Slender long legs are the second undoubted plus, high growth makes them stand out from the crowd. Most often they have a slender figure, but among them there are also full ones. Fat is deposited in the shoulder girdle, upper arms and chest, making the figure even more like a man’s.

With obvious obesity, the stomach begins to increase, and then the figure begins to resemble an apple in shape. Regardless of the weight, women’s thighs and legs remain slim.

How to train

The main goal of training is to balance the lower and upper body. Therefore, when cardio loads, it is best to use a stepper. It puts a good load on the hips and legs, slightly increases their volume, but at the same time burns calories. You can also use a treadmill with a strong incline uphill. But it is better to avoid from the ellipsoid. Its main goal is to remove volume from the legs, and women with massive tops need the opposite result. For strength training, you need to add volume to your legs. First, you should perform complex exercises for large muscle groups: squats, bench presses, and then do all kinds of lunges, flexion, extension, leg abduction. Tire your upper body first to burn fat and not build muscle. The workout should be extremely multi-repetitive: 20-30 reps in 4-5 sets.

Now, a little about nutrition

Comments by Maria Golodkovskaya as part of the Wellness Oriflame program

If we talk about nutrition for different body types, then here it is more likely to focus not on nutritional options, but what results you want to achieve. For example, for the “Pear” type, in addition to the possible weight loss, it is necessary to slightly increase the back and shoulders, then the necessary balance between the top and bottom will appear, and your figure will look more harmonious.

For the inverted triangle type, on the contrary, it is necessary to increase the volume of the hips and buttocks.

For the “Rectangle” type, it is necessary to increase both the width of the back and the volume of the buttocks, then we will get a more feminine shape with the effect of the presence of the waist, which this type lacks so much.

The types “Hourglass” and “Pear” can, if necessary, slightly reduce and tighten the volumes.

Based on the foregoing, I would advise to divide food into “weight” and “weight loss”. For types looking to increase something, special attention should be paid to slow carbohydrates. Without glucose (the “base” of slow carbohydrates), cell synthesis does not occur, which means that no matter what workouts you do, if you do not consume enough carbohydrates, there will be little sense from them.

This is what I say now, especially to those who have been trying to enlarge their buttocks for a long time and painfully. Slow carbohydrates (cereals and bread, their whole grains, various cereals, legumes) must be consumed at the rate of at least 3 g per 1 kg of body weight. Just do not confuse it with the amount of cereals themselves: for example, 100 g of buckwheat contains 60 g of carbohydrates. It is also necessary to remember about proteins, which are the building blocks of all muscle fibers. Proteins (lean meat, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products) should be consumed at the rate of 1,5-2 g per 1 kg of own weight.

Now let’s talk about the types of shapes that need to be reduced in volume. The main thing here is to create a small calorie deficit in the diet. I mean just “small”, and not go to some salads and cottage cheese, otherwise, instead of healthy weight loss, you will find yourself in a “metabolic pit”, after which the hungry body will quickly take everything back. Carbohydrates, in this case, can be reduced to 2 g per kg of weight, and proteins to 1-1,5 g per 1 kg. In both cases, it is necessary to leave a sufficient amount of healthy fats in the diet, a source of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 (nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, avocados, sea fish), which will protect your hormonal system from malfunction and help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. And, of course, don’t forget to consume a serving of fiber in the form of vegetables and fruits with every meal! As an afterword, I want to immediately answer the questions of those who want to simultaneously increase something and decrease something.

Unfortunately, these are opposite processes of the body, which involve different nutrition and training, therefore, I advise, first, to achieve the desired volumes, and only then “get” the missing! Good luck!

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