Workout Port-de-bras

Royal posture, toned body, strong muscles, expressive plasticity of movements are the results of classes according to the Por-de-Bras method, which combines the best of fitness and ballet.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Port-de-bras (“movement of arms and legs”) is a popular innovative trend in fitness. The aerobic training program, which combines elements of ballet, yoga, Pilates, tai chi and stretching, was proposed by Russian dancer Vladimir Snezhik in 2006.

The use of adapted choreographic techniques, functional and dynamic stretching, combined limb work in the author’s methodology allows:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • tighten, make relief the muscles of the whole body;
  • develop joint mobility;
  • improve posture, sense of balance;
  • increase flexibility, endurance;
  • learn to control breathing;
  • develop a technique of beautiful, well-coordinated movements.

Port-de-bras training basics

Another undoubted benefit of Port-de-bras is the reduction of stress levels under the relaxing effect of music in the Chill Out style: the calm rhythm of beautiful melodies creates a positive emotional mood throughout the workout.

The basis of the classes is the learning of movements and dance steps, smoothly moving from low intensity and complexity to higher ones. This format of training allows a person of any age to join them. To attend the Port-de-bras class, no special choreographic or sports training is needed. There are also no weight restrictions for those involved. See also: MFR training

For group training under the guidance of a professional instructor, all you need is loose clothing (for example, ballet bodysuit, leggings, sports top) and comfortable, lightweight fitness shoes. At the advanced stages of the training program, special props are used (fitball, elastic expander bands), which are usually provided by the studio.

Main reasons to do Port-de-bras

Port-de-bras workouts seamlessly and effectively combine the best of fitness and ballet choreography. Therefore, in addition to visible aesthetic results – a beautiful posture and elegant plasticity – classes have a healing effect, reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

Research results published in a number of publications (Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Journal of Applied Gerontology, The New England Journal of Medicine) show:

  1. The Port-de-bras exercise system allows you to work out and strengthen everything, even the smallest muscles of the limbs, neck, back, and core. Having stronger muscles can prolong life: A 2018 study (The Journals of Gerontology) found that people aged 40-45 who have low muscle strength die more often than their peers with strong, well-developed muscles.
  2. Por-de-bras classes provide an optimal level of cardio loading and are therefore useful for those who are at risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. The aerobic component of training helps to restore the volume of the hippocampus – the part of the brain responsible for the consolidation of memory, the formation of emotions. With age, the hippocampus naturally decreases in size, which often leads to memory impairment and even manifestations of senile disorders. Thus, for older people, Port-de-bras training helps prevent the development of senile dementia.
  4. Regular and strict adherence to the methodology allows you to disperse the metabolism. A good metabolism, combined with a proper diet, ensures a healthy rate of weight loss for overweight people.
  5. According to a study that tested the effect of Port-de-bras on people suffering from depression, exercise reduces stress and anxiety. This is due to the fact that during classes, endorphin is produced – the “hormone of joy”, which has a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state.

Positive changes become noticeable after two or three months of systematic Port-de-bras training. See also: Les Mills workouts

Basic Port-de-bras Exercises

There are no independent exercises as such in the system: during the lesson, various elements are performed, the sequence of which forms dance sequences.

  • The instructor explains the techniques: – Proper integration of the spine; smooth movements of the limbs; turns and tilts of the head; steps; twists; lunges; plie.

The session begins with a thorough warm-up, consisting of elements of Pilates and dance steps. They are followed by the actual training. In its first part, all dance sequences are performed in a standing position. The second part, where the focus is on stretching, working out the muscles of the abdomen and back, is performed while sitting on the floor.

At the end of the main part, the group repeats the links that form the dance pattern. The class ends with stretching and muscle-relaxing movements. Also Read: Cycle Training

Recommendations for training Port-de-bras

The versatility of Port-de-bras is also manifested in the fact that the system has no contraindications: the main emphasis in the technique is not on intensive training, but on the rehabilitation of certain muscle groups. Exercises are safe even for people with diseases of the spine and joints: the Port-de-bras system offers a special set of exercises for the back “Strong Back”. For those who endure minor injuries, training with their restorative effect is simply necessary.

Port-de-bras group sessions increase competitiveness, motivation and help build a skill base that can be used for many years on your personal path to health. See also: Workouts for a beautiful back

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