Workout at home – a safe alternative to the gym

At least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. This amount of movement is recommended by specialists so that it positively influences our health and well-being. However, this does not mean that we have to go to the gym every day. You don’t have to leave home to achieve this goal. It is enough to stock up on basic exercise equipment. Systematic, thorough training and an appropriate diet are the key to success in the fight for health and a dream figure.

From June 6, we can again take part in fitness clubs and go to gyms. Come on, some of us are looking forward to the first training outside the home, many people are rightly doubting it. Queues to enter, large crowds of people and disbelief in the sterility of the equipment can be a deterrent. However, this should not be an excuse for the necessary daily dose of exercise.

We advise how to easily exercise at hometo improve your overall health, and lose weight or sculpt your body at the same time.

See also: «Accessible gyms are the greatest risk». Abolishing the obligation of masks can cost us a lot

How Poles take care of their physical condition

Almost one in four adults spends at least two hours a week on physical activity. At the same time, as much as 50 percent. people do not play any sport – according to the National Health Test of Poles 2020 prepared by the Medonet website. It should be remembered that lack of physical activity, inadequate diet and stimulants can contribute to many ailments, including cardiovascular diseases and high cholesterol.

According to the research of MedTvoiLokony, 26 percent. respondents admitted that they are struggling with hypertension, while 26 percent. of respondents have exceeded cholesterol levels. Importantly, the majority of respondents do not control their cholesterol at all – only 39% of them have tested this aspect in the last year. people.

What to look for when buying home gym equipment

The choice of home gym accessories and equipment will depend on your training plan. If we care about timely delivery and want to be sure that the product will be consistent with the description on the website, it is worth checking the opinions about the store on We will be sure about the time of shipment of the order, the visual and technical condition of the equipment and accessories for training. On we can find user comments about individual stores.

When buying exercise equipment, you need to pay attention to the quality of their performance. They should be made of high-quality materials and ensure safety during training. Before we decide on individual devices and accessories for training, let’s check their resistance to loads – information can be found in the technical specification.

What equipment do we choose for home training? Exercise proposals

The choice of home exercise equipment is very large. First of all, it is worth getting a gymnastics ball and a mat – they will help you take care of your abdominal muscles. It is enough to do the following three exercises every day to notice the first effects in a short time:

  1. First: lie with your back on the ball, rest your legs against the wall to keep your balance. Place your hands on the back of your neck. Make bends to a sitting position. In the first days, do 3 series of 20 repetitions. Then gradually increase the number of series. 
  2. Second: position identical to the first exercise. Raise your torso as far as you can, and then bend to the right. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, but ending with a left bend. Perform 3 sets of 10 slopes on each side.
  3. Third: lie with your back on the mat and do traditional crunches. The legs are bent slightly at the knees and the arms crossed over the chest. 

A good solution is also to buy an inclined bench – it will cost up to PLN 150. Compared to a gymnastic ball, it provides better comfort while exercising.

  1. The first exercise: lie with your back on the bench, rest your legs on the bar and raise your torso as high as possible. Keep your hands behind your neck.
  2. Second exercise: lie on your back, head towards the leg bar. Then grab it with your hands. Bend your knees and lift upwards trying to touch your chest.

If you want to take care of the muscles of your arms, shoulders and back, it is worth getting a training rubber. They are available in various sizes, which allows you to choose the right one for your height. See how to train with exercise bands. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Exercise for biceps and triceps: stand slightly apart, place the gum under your right foot. Grab the rubber with your right hand and exercise as if you were using a dumbbell: pull the rubber down from the bottom up by bending your arm at the elbow. Do 15 repetitions, then repeat the exercise for the left hand. Do 3 series.
  2. Back Muscle Exercise: stand slightly apart, back straight. Holding the rubber in your hands, pull them out in front of you, bend your arms slightly, and then stretch the rubber in both directions (until your arms are fully extended).
  3. Exercise for the shoulders and arms: stand upright, legs slightly apart. Place one piece of gum under both feet and grasp the other in your hands (keep them straight at the elbows). Tension the rubber in the following position: arms extended and held in front of you. You will immediately feel your arms and shoulders working.  

Cardio training at home

If you do not like running in the fresh air, get a steppe – it allows you to improve your condition, burn unnecessary kilograms and sculpt your legs. With this device, you can perform two basic, very simple exercises. The first is entering and leaving the steppe (same as stairs), and the second – jumping on the device (legs tucked together, knees slightly bent, arms straight and held in front of you).

It is a good idea to buy a skipping rope that will stimulate all muscle groups to work. This accessory can also be used as a warm-up. All you need is 15 minutes of daily training on a skipping rope to improve your efficiency in a short time.

See also: Cardio training at home – how long should it take?

Professional home exercise equipment

The above training proposal is recommended for people who do not want to spend several hundred zlotys on advanced sports equipment. However, if you are considering buying professional home exercise equipment, it is worth putting on the elliptical trainer first. Compared to an exercise bike, it forces most muscles to work, including the back, arms, legs, and abdomen.

If you want to perform strength training at home, dumbbells will be needed, as well as a smaller barbell with a load. With the help of weights of different weights, you can perform exercises for the back, shoulders, arms, biceps, triceps and chest. You can find dumbbell training proposals on the Internet. Remember to perform at least two exercises for each muscle group.

Workout at home without equipment

Many people wonder if it’s possible to lose weight by exercising without equipment? The answer is simple: of course it is! There are a few simple exercises (you can easily do them at home) that help you improve your body shape, condition and endurance. Which ones are worth choosing?

  1. Classic pushups: rest your palms on the floor at chest height (slightly wider than shoulder width apart). Remember to straighten your back and legs. Bend your arms as low as possible, then return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 push-ups. The muscles in the chest, biceps and triceps work during this exercise.
  2. Squats: legs slightly apart, hands clasped behind the head or kept straight in front of you. Do the squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions. 
  3. Shears: lie with your back on the floor, legs straight, arms along the body. Raise your legs up to 30 cm above the ground, cross them together and then spread them apart. Do 3 series of 15 repetitions.
  4. Exercise for the back using a chair: stand slightly astride, grab the chair by the backrest with both hands and lift it up. Drop your torso until it is parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat the action. Do 3 series of 15 repetitions.
  5. Bicep Exercise Using A Chair: Place your straight arms on the seat of the chair and rest your legs on the floor. Make arm bends at the elbows and lower the torso as low as you can. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Home training and the correct diet – a way to slim and feel good

There are many ways to stay fit and fit without leaving your home. You can get professional exercise equipment (cross trainer, dumbbells, bench, bar with a weight) or put on training accessories (ball, rubber, mat, step), thanks to which you will notice the first results in a short time. It is important to choose the right exercises and stick to your training plan.

You should also take care of a healthy diet. You need to hydrate the body and consume at least 1,5 liters of fluid a day. You should minimize fried foods (you can replace them with baked or steamed ones), red meat, sausages, fast food and sweetened drinks, and limit the consumption of cheese.

The diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals – they can be found in vegetables and fruits. In the morning and in the afternoon, make yourself nutritious cocktails. Light bread should be replaced with dark bread. You can reach for cottage cheese, lean ham, cottage cheese, buttermilk. Oil should be eliminated and replaced with olive oil.

In your diet, it is important to establish your daily calories and eat meals at certain times (at least 4 a day, the last one until 18 p.m.). If we have any doubts, it is best to seek advice from a dietitian (currently available online) who will help in determining the menu.

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