Change in maladaptive belief.
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Beliefs have nothing to do with religiosity or non-religiosity, and working with beliefs (prejudices) is part of the usual psychological, psychotherapeutic and pedagogical work, including coaching.
The everyday name for working with beliefs is cleaning the client’s brain.
In transactional analysis, brain cleaning is politically correct called decontamination — a liberating therapy from the littered state of the Adult by the Child’s illusions or the Parent’s prejudices: «Ah, it’s not necessary to prepare for the exam, I’ll pass it somehow!» — Illusions of the Child. “All men are theirs …!” — the prejudices of the Parent.
The main areas for which work with beliefs is usually carried out (there may be others):
- Internal «Good»
- Creation of motivation and development prospects
- Get along with others
- As a result — success in both personal and business spheres.
Working with beliefs usually consists of the following steps.
The first is an inventory of beliefs: finding what can be considered beliefs, compiling a list of them.
For example, behind the habit of resentment, there are usually two kinds of beliefs: beliefs «good — bad» (« — this is bad!») And beliefs about how to react to something «bad» because it’s outrageous!»). If the first belief (“ is bad!”) is rather reasonable and adequate, then the second belief (“ you need to be indignant!”) is quite debatable. The policeman will stop the police because it violates public order, and it is not obvious that something will anger him.
The second is the definition of harmful, hindering beliefs. Beliefs can interfere with development, productive thinking, spoil relationships, spoil mood, give rise to unnecessary experiences. If a person believes: “There is no such thing as a good morning!”, sooner or later he will achieve that every morning he will have a regularly gloomy one. Belief «Life is like a zebra — there will definitely be a black one behind the white stripe!» — will definitely provoke a depressive background after days with high spirits. Belief «Love can’t last forever!» pushes to the fact that a person does not follow his feelings and loses them. In general, the conviction “Emotions cannot be controlled” (option “Emotions are harmful to control”) also lead to destabilization of the emotional tone. See Emotion control, Emotion control, Emotions and beliefs.
The third step is the removal of harmful, interfering beliefs. Belief, which at some stage has become maladaptive, interfering with the solution of life tasks, can be removed. As a rule, it is preferable not to fight the interfering belief, but to act positively, to adopt a new, more useful belief. It is important that the new belief is environmentally friendly, does not contradict the value system of a particular person, and complies with the cultural and ethical standards of society. However, in situations where a quick solution to the issue is required and not up to environmental friendliness (otherwise we will stretch our legs), forceful solutions are also used.
Watch the video: To the statement of Kisa Vorobyaninov “Never! Vorobyaninov never held out his hand! (internal ban on begging) Ostap Bender posed the question harshly: forget about this stupidity, survival is more important than this noble belief.
And the last, fourth step is the engraftment of useful beliefs. This can be done through speech, through an announcement (declaration), through a new action. In order to internalize the new attitude, it is good to say it in the training group several times to several people. For example: “I can feel anything about anyone. Feelings and emotions are only a feeling, not a guide to action! Another option is to implement a new behavior for yourself that implements a new, useful belief. In many training practices, the exercise “Non-Standard Actions” is used for this.
It is on working with irrational beliefs (beliefs and complexes) that the cognitive-behavioral approach specializes, the founders of which are A. Ellis and A. Beck.
An example of a report on working with beliefs
How do beliefs work in Sinton? See the report of D.Sh. on working with beliefs,→