
The live journal, which is maintained on the Web by psychotherapist Polina Gaverdovskaya, is called «Overheard and peeped at yourself and others.»

Her book, too, is “overheard and overheard,” cursory “notes on the cuffs” along the way. And it is very curious: to see what is being done there, at the reception of a psychotherapist, and what the psychotherapist thinks at the same time. Because her observations about “them”, the clients, are actually always about “us”. About our fears, doubts, relationships. The author listens to «their» stories and throws questions. What does «I love you» mean? What is «proof of love»? Who is the freest in the love triangle? Why is irritation necessary for the one who irritates, and for the one who is irritated? And what seemed simple and clear, becomes not at all obvious. And I want to think about it.

«Publishing Solutions», Ridero, 176 p.

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