The key issue of any civilized society is the issue of its organization. It is very important to give each person the opportunity to correctly (objectively) identify himself with a particular social role.
There are different types of personality. They differ in character, qualities, abilities and inclinations to certain types of activity.
Each person occupies a particular place in the structure of society. There is a hypothesis that something is connected with his psychotype.
The history of antiquity and the Middle Ages knows variants of social organization that are simple and natural. So, for example, in ancient Iran, in accordance with the qualities and inclinations for a particular activity, all people were divided into three «pishtras»:
- warriors (organizers),
- scholars (priests),
- farmers (merchants).
The same (but with different names of social groups) we find in the ancient history of Egypt, Mesopotamia, America, India and other developed civilizations. And in all these cases, people took their place in the structure of society not by their qualities, but by their birthright.
The tradition of the ancient Slavs also recognized the natural division of society into social groups — «vervi»:
- priests-scientists (magi),
- warriors and rulers (princes),
- producers (farmers, artisans, merchants).
All these systems, as well as later ones, originate from the ancient Vedic concept of «varnashrama».
The concept of psychophysiotypes
The existence of four social groups (psycho-physiotypes) is clearly seen in the cultural tradition of different eras.
The personal experience of each person confirms the difference between people — including their qualities and activities. Someone is famous for his intellect and ability to teach, someone stands out for his strength, the ability to organize and lead people, someone is skilled in making a profit and makes money easily, and someone is rightfully called “the master with golden hands”.
Belonging to a particular type is determined solely by the mental and physical qualities of a person and nothing else. Some hypotheses claim that any personality trait is like a program.
Psychophysiotypes in terms of the level of consciousness are very different from each other. So, in life for each group there are incentives:
- for «workers» — physical punishment;
- for «merchants» — loss of well-being (bankruptcy);
- for «leaders» — public censure;
- for «teachers» — an indication of their internal impurity and imperfection.
In women, men of these four types value:
- «Workers» — only the qualities of the employee (regardless of external data);
- «merchants» — only appearance;
- «leaders» — both the internal qualities of the personality and appearance (50/50);
- “teachers” are only internal qualities.
There is a hypothesis that all people from birth have the beginnings of qualities that develop in the future. In the learning process, children need to be given the amount of knowledge that corresponds to their type. This way they will reach their fullest potential. As a result, society will receive harmonious personalities that make up the following groups:
- intelligentsia engaged in the development and dissemination of knowledge and spirituality;
- leaders — politicians, officials;
- businessmen who are engaged in production and trade;
- workers who live by selling their labor power and therefore dependent on representatives of other psychophysiotypes.
A look at the problems of society from the point of view of supporters of the concept of psychophysiotypes
The problem of modern society lies in the fact that representatives of different types do not know how to properly cooperate with each other. A society goes into decline if it is led, for example, by “traders” or “workers”, and “teachers” and “leaders” fall into a subordinate position. The strongest crises shock the world if representatives of different groups are engaged in activities that are not characteristic of them. And if this is so, then unemployment, inflation, destabilization of the economy, destruction of moral and ethical values, and, as a result, the decomposition of society, are inevitable.
In the past, society was headed by «leaders» — kshatriyas, who obeyed «teachers» — brahmins in everything. Such a socio-political system was called «varnashrama». Then the “teachers” began to play a secondary role, and the “leaders” received absolute power in their hands, the era of monarchies began. After a series of bourgeois revolutions, Western Europe, and then Russia, noted the coming to power of «merchants» — Vaishyas. This was expressed in the establishment of capitalism. And finally, in the XNUMXth century, in a number of states, «workers» took over the leadership of society — this is how socialist societies with the ideology of communism appeared.
With the coming to power of each of the groups, lower and lower standards of behavior were established. Ideals became more and more mundane, and socio-economic systems became more and more sophisticated in operation. It is interesting that it was with the coming to power of the “merchants” that the world turnover was transferred to paper money, and society was faced with the need to live on credit. It is with the state policy of the “merchants” that the “horror story” about the overpopulation of the planet, food shortages and periods of famine in a number of countries is connected. The thirst for superprofits, not restrained by moral and ethical standards, often pushes people of this type to not the most plausible actions. The “workers” who took their place subjected all other groups of “teachers”, “leaders” and the “traders” themselves to physical extermination or expulsion (repressions).
Society is torn apart by contradictions and conflicts. There is a hypothesis that the main reason for this is the lack of knowledge about the four groups of people, by their nature intended for a certain kind of occupation. The results of such ignorance are manifested at all levels. A person who has not realized himself in the activities corresponding to him, ruins society from the inside, like a damaged part breaks the whole mechanism.
Building a society in accordance with the concept of psycho-physiotypes is not just a change in our external activity. Following one’s nature is a stage of spiritual self-consciousness. Engaged in activities that are not characteristic of him, a person will never achieve satisfaction and the best result. Inside, he will experience the strongest discontent.
In striving for a harmonious and happy society, its leaders must ensure the full development of each person. There is an opinion that by putting into practice the knowledge of the four types of personality, it is possible to build a solid and effective social system, the strength of which is in its naturalness. This concept will help resolve many pressing problems: unemployment, economic and financial instability, food shortages, personal and social conflicts.