Workaholism – symptoms, therapy, how to help a workaholic?

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Workaholism is most often manifested by the fact that a person feels an internal need and the need for continuous work. Everything related to everyday life recedes into the next plan, and the main place in life is played by work. A workaholic cannot rest, his free time becomes his torment. The diagnosed workaholism undergoes treatment.

What exactly is workaholism? In the beginning, the disorder was most often diagnosed in Japan, and the term karoshi, i.e. death from overwork, was also born there. With the passage of time, workaholism became more and more recognized in Western culture. Workaholism is exactly a specific approach to the work performed. Does workaholism manifest itself? How does a workaholic function in his life? How to distinguish workaholism from sympathy and devotion to your work?

Workaholism is a disorder that makes a person become obsessed with their work, which has a significant impact on their private life. The term was first used in 1971 by the American pastor and psychologist of religion Wayne Oates. Workaholic considers excessive commitment to professional duties a reason to be proud, not a disease.

Psychotherapists are still looking for the causes that lead to workaholism. It is difficult to pinpoint one specific cause of the disease. It is a behavioral disorder that can, in fact, affect any person, regardless of their position. However, according to research, workaholism is activated in people with specific predispositions.

Perfectionists are the most exposed to workaholism. These people are at greater risk. This is due to their attitude towards performing various types of tasks. These people are rarely satisfied with the end result of their work. They always find elements that can be improved, but are morbidly ambitious at the same time. This is what leads to workaholism.

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People suffering from workaholism are determined to achieve success. This is not a bad trait, but these people strive to achieve their goals at all costs. Often they even work at the expense of interpersonal relationships. According to specialists, workaholism is a disease that usually appears in emotionally unstable people. It results from the inability to deal well with social relations.

Find out more about the causes of workaholism

The following symptoms may indicate workaholism:

  1. sleep disturbances,
  2. a person performs all tasks at work only independently,
  3. a workaholic never turns off his cell,
  4. another symptom is the lack of other topics than working for example during social gatherings,
  5. the sick person does not take leave, and if he or she is already on it, he or she often interrupts it and returns to work,
  6. the sick person worries about every, even trivial, problem at work
  7. workaholism is work over working hours,
  8. the sick think about work all the time, even when it is free,
  9. workaholism is the lack of time for the family, for their interests,
  10. during his free time, the workaholic’s physical and mental condition deteriorates, he has a sense of losing time.

Workaholism in its early stages begins with perfectionism. At this stage, the sick person wants to brag about their good results at work. Then you can notice that he constantly thinks about work and does not have time for his personal life. Already in the early stages, he has less desire to interact with other people and begins to complain of headaches and anxiety.

In the critical phase, which is the second study of workaholism, the sick person separates even more from the environment. Somatic symptoms also worsen. In the critical phase, there are, among others, sleep problems, peptic ulcer disease, aggression and inability to work in a group. The sick person is reluctant to co-workers and may have problems with concentration.

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An advanced stage of workaholism is manifested by the patient having severe anxiety. He often tries to work less, but has trouble slowing down. His body is on the verge of endurance. It is also a difficult time for the relatives of the patient. Then it often comes to divorce or threats of divorce.

Workaholism — therapy

Treatment of the disorder depends on the symptoms. Various factors can cause the disease. Unfortunately, in many cases a person suffering from workaholism becomes aware of this in a critical phase of the disease and only then seeks help from a psychotherapist. Even then, however, it is not too late to heal, although it will cost the patient a lot more work.

There is no one right way to treat workaholism. There are different methods, but usually most of them have the same goal. The task of the psychotherapist is to help the patient reach emotional maturity. After therapy, the patient should be able to accept their emotions. Thanks to this, the workaholic will be better at overcoming difficulties.

Find out more about psychotherapy

In the first stage of workaholism psychotherapy, the therapist tries to discover where the mechanisms responsible for maintaining work addiction come from. The patient should then also realize what his needs are, how he reacts and what he thinks. As a result, he becomes more familiar with the condition and begins to understand himself better.

In the second stage, the psychotherapist usually focuses on the patient’s emotions. The specialist helps a person suffering from workaholism to recognize, name and understand the emotions that govern the patient. It is important at this stage that the patient learns to express their emotional states.

The third stage of workaholism psychotherapy involves changing the patient’s thinking process. The therapist’s goal is to shape his awareness so that the patient is aware of what is happening to him at the moment. This leads to better contact with their own mind – the patient gains tools thanks to which he can better regulate his work.

In the last stages of workaholism therapy, the therapist strengthens the competences necessary for the patient in normal functioning, such as shaping self-control. It is important that you know how to deal with your emotions and to distinguish them from thoughts.

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Workaholism and other addictions

Contrary to appearances, workaholism is the same addiction as alcoholism or drug addiction, except that it does not develop on a physiological but mental basis. A workaholic, just like any addicted person, feels an overwhelming need to work. Nor does he control the time he spends on it.

Work is the drug of the workaholic. It plays a role such as, for example, vodka in an alcoholic. Thanks to it, the sick person receives emotional benefits. Of course, the mere fact of enjoying work is not a symptom of being a workaholic. The threat appears when professional life becomes a regulator of emotions.

People suffering from the disease in question need longer holidays, e.g. 3 weeks. This is due to the need to switch to a period of abstinence from everyday duties. The body of a workaholic is burdened more than that of a healthy person. If a workaholic cannot afford a 3-week vacation, it is worthwhile to go away more often for a few days instead.

A holiday for a workaholic can be an extremely difficult period. Before leaving, he should prepare himself and plan what he will do each day. It is recommended that the beginning of the leave be spent on adapting to a slower lifestyle. It is also worth returning to everyday activities gradually, so that he does not start with the so-called high C.

Holidays with a work addict should not be monotonous. The workaholic will quickly get bored. It is worth offering him absorbing activities in which he will become involved – it may be, for example, climbing, diving or another sport. A workaholic on vacation should move a lot, as long as his health allows it. Exercise is a great way to avoid thinking about work all the time.

The workaholic is constantly tempted to work. In order not to throw himself into the vortex of everyday activities during the holidays, it is worth not taking your business laptop, telephone and other tools used on a daily basis at work for a holiday trip. This will allow the patient to distance himself from the surrounding reality.

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The best way to do this is to talk honestly. If the workaholic is a wife or husband, it is worth starting with a joint trip or at least spending the evening together. Do not be afraid of direct confessions, remember to control your emotions so as not to regret unnecessarily said words. The sick person should find out that their excessive involvement in work has a devastating effect on the family.

A workaholic, like every sick person, needs help and support. It is worth starting by offering him, for example, a joint trip, during which neither of you will take your business phone with you. On a daily basis, it will be helpful to support your partner in controlling the time needed for both work and rest. What’s more, it is worth suggesting a loved one what they could do in their free time or encourage them to develop talents and passions.

Supporting a workaholic in recovering from illness is a task that requires a lot of empathy. He should be confronted with the effects of workaholism, but at the same time not make him feel guilty. It will also be of little help to give the patient ready-made prescriptions telling him to behave in a given way.

Many workaholics are most motivated by the support of the other party. It is worth talking to the sick person about their emotions. He should be encouraged and motivated to overcome the disease. It is important not to force your own ideas to get out of addiction and to cooperate with the patient on his terms so that he does not feel trapped.

See also:

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  2. How to sleep to get enough sleep?
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