Work less, live more!

Today, many people prefer freedom, personal well-being and creative self-realization to a career. And at the interview, applicants are increasingly interested in a free schedule, and not the salary. What are the advantages of such an attitude towards a career and who suits the motto “work less”?

England Transport Minister Ruth Kelly left public service to “put family first”. And Tony Fadell, co-founder of the iPad, stepped down from one of Apple’s most prestigious jobs to be around his kids. However, this trend is followed not only by people with world names and fame.

Now, for many, changing jobs to one that involves more free time is a priority. The new life philosophy refutes the outdated model, when work and earnings were the only tools for self-realization and personal success.

The new scale of values ​​during the economic crisis turned out to be more effective, and the family, relationships, inner harmony became the basis on which one can (and should) build a life.

Job seekers today prefer lower pay but more freedom

“I don’t have the most standard job, and I don’t make a career,” says 32-year-old Maria, “but I make a living, and I have enough. I love what I do, my schedule leaves room for my personal life: traveling, friends, reading. And things like a stock market crash are of little interest to me.”

“The freedom to manage your time is truly a valuable asset,” confirms Alessandra Rizzi, HR director of the world leader in recruitment, Randstad, “I see it in every interview. Many candidates today prefer lower pay but more freedom. And they give preference to firms that have a positive attitude towards charity.”

Create an urgent need

“I am an illustrator,” says 29-year-old Anna, “I draw in my free time. I love seeing my work published in magazines. I love this moment: at the table, with a pencil in my hand, just me and my challenge to myself. How much do I earn? Not too much. But every working day gives me a sense of creativity.

This point of view is far from workaholism. “Work is not only a way of self-reliance,” explains Stefano Geno, assistant professor of social psychology at the Catholic University of Milan. “This is one of those activities that most satisfies the need to produce, to be included in reality, to see the result of one’s actions, which is extremely important for any person.”

Take risks: try new professions

“I had to fight for quite some time with my parents to get them to accept that I was not going to work in my father’s accounting office,” says 34-year-old Alexander. – I don’t share my father’s views on life at all: he is pleased that he has a prestigious office, is proud of his big earnings … Why does he need them if he spends his whole life at work, including the New Year holidays, and my mother left him for a teacher, who has more free time? I opened a small online store, I have a small job, and I have time to just live.

Success today is not money and a career, but an opportunity for creative self-expression

“The definition of career and success has changed,” explains Massimo Cardani, an Italian coach, “in the collective imagination, a hero is no longer someone who has gained power or achieved a highly paid position, but someone who, with all his creativity and opportunities, is able to build a professional path that meets his personal needs.”

“For me, a career and success means getting better at what I do, realizing my creativity, not making more money,” says 48-year-old Mark.

Believe in yourself

“Sometimes the idea of ​​a career, imposed by parents or environment, comes into conflict with real desires,” continues Massimo Cardani.

“I work at the Ministry of the Environment: I do what is really useful, I am not overloaded with responsibility, I do not suffer from stress, I have a calm, measured life,” says 38-year-old Mark.

Change at any age

More free time and pleasure from work are wanted not only by young people, but also by those who are trying to start all over again. The period from 45 to 55 inclusive is becoming critical for many: because of the crisis, the staff is reduced, and many professionals, including the elderly, are left without work. For some, this is the end of everything, for others, a new opportunity.

“When the company suggested that I take early retirement, I was horrified,” says 52-year-old Olga. “However, after a short rest, I found the courage to realize my old dream: I started painting and got a job as a volunteer.” Today, Olga lives on her pension and the proceeds from the sale of her paintings, without luxury, but without deprivation, and she has enough time to devote it to the little patients of the local city hospital.

But is the lifestyle of a “free artist” suitable for everyone? “Too much free time for people who are used to an active life and a busy schedule is unusual,” said Antonella delle Fave, assistant professor of general psychology at the University of Milan. “The most important thing is the ability to choose and give yourself the freedom to be who you are.”

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