Work in the apiary in August, September

September is the first autumn month. At this period of time, it is still quite warm outside, but the approach of the first cold weather is already felt. Bees in September gradually begin to prepare their hives for wintering. As a rule, in August, beekeepers assess the condition of colonies, carry out preventive treatment for diseases and give top dressing. By the first days of September, the feeding of insects should be completed.

What work is done with bees in August

Work in the apiary after pumping honey in August is of great importance. During this period of time, a large amount of work is done to prepare bee colonies for wintering, as a result of which the insects will not be weakened next year and will be able to fully begin work. In August, beekeepers should assess the condition of colonies, pump out honey, and also start giving sugar syrup to insects as a top dressing. In addition, it is necessary to identify theft and, if it exists, to prevent it in a timely manner. This work must be completed by the end of the month.

Assessment of the state of bee colonies

In August, it is necessary to conduct a planned audit. For revision, it is recommended to choose a sunny and calm day. During the inspection, the beekeeper must:

  • evaluate the strength of the bee colony;
  • check the amount of fodder stocks for the winter.

During the inspection of bee colonies, half of the honeycomb frames are removed. There should be 2-3 full-weight frames left, incomplete and damaged ones must be removed. If you leave excess in the hives, they will eventually begin to become moldy, and rodents may appear. Those combs that are offended by insects should be left.

Advice! It is worth doing work with bees in August as carefully as possible, since during this period of time insects are characterized by increased aggressiveness.

Extraction of honey

Also in August it is necessary to pump out honey. When pumping out the finished product, you will need:

  • choose a bright room for work;
  • bees and wasps should not have access to the room.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Carefully open the honeycombs, removing the wax. For these purposes, a knife or fork is suitable.
  2. Prepared frames are sent to the honey extractor. In order for the honey yield to be maximum, it is necessary to turn the frames over several times.
  3. The next step is to pour the finished product through a sieve into a clean container.

Some beekeepers advise to let the honey settle for 2-3 days, then remove the wax particles and foam, and only then pour the honey into containers for further storage.

Extraction of honey 2016

How and what to feed the bees in August

Insects in the apiary at the end of August must be additionally fed. As a top dressing, sugar syrup is used, which is previously diluted with clean boiled water in equal proportions. The finished syrup is poured into wooden feeders, which are installed in the hives. For each family, it is recommended to give about 0,5-1 l of the finished product.

Milk can be used as a protein supplement. To stimulate growth, tinctures based on needles, wormwood, garlic and yarrow are added. On an industrial scale, special additives can be used.

Attention! Together with top dressing, it is recommended to use additional frames in which insects will put the processed syrup.

Fight against theft

Many beekeepers compare the theft of bees with a fire. Preventing theft is quite simple if you take preventive measures. The most important thing is to eliminate all the gaps in the hive so that the bees are not tempted by the smell of nectar, while the size of the notch is reduced to such an extent that one individual can fly into it.

It is recommended to make sugar syrup and inspect families in the evening. All work should be carried out as quickly as possible, while you can not leave stains of syrup and honey next to the hive.

Treatment of bees in August

Caring for bees in August involves the treatment of insects from possible diseases. The most common disease is the attack of bee colonies by mites. In August, during the preparation of insects for wintering, it is recommended to use preparations that will rid the bees of the tick. Timely preventive measures can protect the family, prevent the number of cases in winter.

Preventive treatment of bees in August

Work at the apiary in August includes not only the inspection of bee colonies and the introduction of top dressing, but also preventive measures to prevent diseases. It is important to understand that the tick loves moisture, which is why it is recommended to raise the hives on special stands 50 cm high.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat insects from the first days of August for 30 days. Thanks to such manipulations, it is possible to clean the bees from ticks by almost 90%.

Reduction of bee nests in August

Before you start feeding the bees in August, it is recommended to pre-cut the nests. To do this, the beekeeper must remove the honeycomb frames from the beehive that are not occupied by insects. First of all, it is recommended to remove the frames that are subject to culling. It is important to understand that the frames left should be half filled with honey or 2/3 of the part. With such supplies for the winter, the family will not die of hunger. Honey should be located at the point where the insects are located.

Is it possible to put foundation in August

As a rule, foundation is placed for bees in the spring, when gardens and dandelions begin to bloom. In this period of time, the honeycombs do not deform from the heat, the swarming state of insects did not occur, as a result of which the probability of converting bee cells into drone cells is minimal.

An important condition is the presence of a bribe, and bringing fresh pollen into the hive. It is important to understand that sugar syrup is not able to solve this problem. Without a bribe, insects will not build foundation.

Work in the apiary in August, September

Works in the apiary in September

The importance of working with bees in September is due to the fact that during this period of time, insects begin to prepare for wintering. The work carried out in the apiary can be divided into several stages:

  1. Harvesting and providing bee families with the necessary amount of top dressing for the winter.
  2. If the insects will winter on the street, it is necessary to warm the hives first.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to carefully examine the bees and track the theft in the apiary.

Only after these works have been carried out, you can send insects for the winter.

Do bees collect honey in September

In September, honey collection stops, the process of preparation for wintering begins. During this period of time, beekeepers extract most of the honey, leaving a few half-filled frames. As a top dressing, insects receive sugar syrup, which they process throughout September. If the bees did not collect honey before September or it was completely extracted, there is a possibility that the family will die due to lack of food.

How much brood should be in September

Bee colonies that do not yet have brood by the end of August, or young queen bees have just started laying eggs, will remain very weak by winter without joining other stronger colonies. The number of brood in September should be at least one frame of all ages. It is recommended to pre-examine each frame and determine the quality and quantity of honey. White combs, in which there was no brood, are removed.

Can bees swarm in September

As practice shows, swarming is possible in September. There are many reasons for swarming, the most important being the absence or death of the queen bee. In addition, the honey collection site can be treated with chemicals, which repels insects and makes you go in search of a suitable place. Another reason why insects can start swarming is the lack of a reservoir in close proximity to the apiary.

September bee care

As practice shows, caring for insects is quite difficult. In the autumn period, it is recommended to carry out care up to 6 times; you should not disturb the bees quite often.

Insect care includes:

  • provision of fodder reserves;
  • hive insulation;
  • disease prevention;
  • preparation for wintering;
  • maintaining a suitable temperature.

With proper care, you can count on a strong bee family that will bring a large amount of honey.

Work in the apiary in August, September

Inspection of bee colonies in September

It is recommended to inspect all bee families in September, which will determine their strength. If during the inspection weak unproductive families are revealed, then they should be rejected. It is also worth identifying those families that need to be united with stronger ones. If sick insects are found, it is recommended to immediately start treatment, since there is a high probability of losing the whole family.

Feeding the bees in September

Up to 3 kg of honey should remain for each bee street. As practice shows, 8 kg of summer honey is needed for 25 cased frames. All work must be completed before September 5th, otherwise the bees will not have time to process the syrup into honey.

Particular importance must be given not only to the quantity, but also to the quality of the honey used. An excellent option is a light variety of honey. It is not recommended to use fast crystallizing varieties. In addition, insects are given sugar syrup and bee bread.

Withdrawal of honeydew honey

During the assembly of nests for bees in September, it is recommended to remove honeydew honey. As a rule, such honey has a dark brown hue, tastes like spoiled caramel, and has a thick consistency. Insects practically do not absorb such honey and in most cases die. When extracting honeycomb frames, it is recommended to get rid of such honey first.

Processing bees

At the end of September, bees are treated for varroatosis. It is recommended to carry out the treatment early in the morning, before the bees start flying. For these purposes, you can use Vetfor paper strips. Work is carried out as follows:

  1. Close the letok.
  2. Fix the strip on special holders.
  3. Place it in the middle of the hive, in the hole between the frames.

You can see the result literally in 30-40 minutes. Almost 80% of the ticks will fall off, the rest will die within 12 hours.

Hive formation in September

The process of formation of bees at the end of September involves the unification of several families:

  1. All work must be completed by the 18th or by the deadline of September 20th, in the evening.
  2. Families are formed in good weather.
  3. Before combining several families, it is recommended to pre-feed the insects.
  4. The queen of the hive is recommended to be placed under the cap for a while.
  5. Weak families should be united with a strong swarm.

It is important to understand that sick bee colonies cannot be united.

Important! Bees of different breeds are not suitable for association.

Work in the apiary in August, September

Why do bees fly in autumn

Scientists believe that the autumn rally of insects is due to inadequate conditions. If the bees start to leave the hives in September, then these may be the following reasons:

  • the death of the queen bee – the brood did not appear, tired bees begin to fly;
  • herbicides – harmful chemicals used to treat fields, as a result of which bees begin to look for a cleaner place to live;
  • the nest is located incorrectly – for example, it is constantly hot in the hive or, conversely, cold, in addition, the matter may lie in a reservoir that is quite far away;
  • poor quality material was used in the manufacture of the nest;
  • beekeepers feed insects, as a result of which the bees do not have enough space for arranging a common nest;
  • constant transport of a swarm from one place to another.

If the bees begin to swarm and prepare for the rally, then it is necessary to find out the reason for this and eliminate it immediately.

Working with beehives in the apiary in September

In September, insulation work is carried out at the apiary. If the nest does not occupy the entire space, then the sides of the body should be covered with boards. As a result, the impact of cold winds will be smoothed out. Heaters, dry moss are laid in the existing gaps, and finally they are sealed with a special pillow. If you plan to use hay or any other dry grass for insulation, then you should make sure that there are no seeds.


Bees in September begin the process of preparing for wintering, which is why it is so important to give them due attention during this period of time. Beekeepers must inspect families, identify infected and weakened individuals. They must be cured and further united with a strong family. In addition, it will be necessary to process the insects and provide them with the necessary amount of food, which will allow the bees to survive the winter fully and without loss.

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